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  1. T

    games crashing in Windows 7

    After using like 10 different builds of Windows 7 on my laptop (started with m3; ended with 7229) in the past 6 months or so I went back to Vista. I have a laptop with an Intel integrated 4500HD vga. Since the beta version of Windows 7 released my laptop began crashing when running...
  2. T

    Woodcrest @ Alienware?

    It looks like Alienware is selling workstations with woodcrest setups? Here
  3. T

    Something weird happened today

    I was overclocking my Prescott 3.0ghz as high as I could with a zalman 9500. I reached 4.2ghz then my computer restarted. I went into the bios and reset the voltages and clocks to default and restarted. It started up fine but when I reached the desktop my screen went blank and the fan on my...