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  1. M

    XP Install Blues

    Hey, i recently had to re-format my hard-drive (i was switching to linux and now i wanted to go back). so i removed all the partitions and put in my XP pro CD, upon installing it says that a lot of files are missing on the CD, i then tried another CD with the same problem. do you think this is a...
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    Noise Question

    Hey, i want to do water cooling because me comp sounds like a bulldozer, now i think its my CPU fan and case fans making all the noise, but i was wondering if it might be the PSU fan. does anyone know how to tell? i don't want to do water cooling and still have my machine loud. my PSU is...
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    Diagnostic Software?

    i'm going to be building a computer and i was wondering if there were any programs that could tell me if everything is working properly and the parts are all fully functional. i know sometimes parts look like they are working at first then die in 2 months. Thanks!
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    Crossfire Question!

    do i need any special cables for crossfire, and if so are they included in the packaging of most crossfire cards?
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    Looking for a MoBo...

    hey, i am looking for an AMD socket AM2 motherboard than can support an ATI X1600 or higher card, and can hold a SATA 3 g/b's HDD, and can hold 2GB of some good RAM, PC 667 or higher. if any of you know a good board please post it and i thank you!!!
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    virus problem

    i have a problem with my comp. i think i have a virus. when i start up an internet browser it takes me to a site where it tells me to buy some software. it takes me to i have tried removing it from the system startup, i tried doing a system restore, and i don't...
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    Need Mobo

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    deleting posts?

    i want to know how to delete my posts, when i click "edit/delete" i can only edit
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    DX10 Price range?

    does any1 know what the range on the cards will be?
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    24 or 20+4?

    im thinking about getting a new MoBo and i don't know if i need a 24 pin WSU or a 20+4 pin? can any1 help?
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    7200 or 10k?

    is the difference that big a deal in games?
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    from 15 to 19 help!

    i upgraded to a 19" moniter from a 15" and now my display is all blocky, im at 1024 by 768 the moniter is a NEC multisync LCD 1810. can some1 help me fix it.
  13. M

    Card, PSU, or MoBo?

    hey, i have an Nvidia FX 5200, and i just got a ATI X1600 Pro, after installing the card and working the drivers everything seemed to be going well, then i booted up world of warcraft, there was massive screen tearing and corruption. then my comp kept locking up and shutting down. so now im back...
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    Stupid question

    can i use a SLI board for a single ATI card, i only ask because there arn't a lot of good ATI crossfire boards for skt AM2.
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    GPU = Framerate?

    im getting a new GPU simply cuz mine ( Nvidia FX 5500 ) is horrible, so im getting a X1600 Pro, and im wondering will this improve my framerate or is framerate a mixture of RAM, CPU, and GPU? Thanks!
  16. M

    nvidia to ati?

    i have a dell comp, there is an Nvidia FX 5500 AGP card in and i want to replace it with a ATI X1600 Pro, will it accept the card and use it?
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    Need a 19" LCD

    i need a 19" LCD moniter with DVI, i don't want to spend any more than 200-250$. and i want it to have decent quality, i was thinking about this but post what u think. Thanks!
  18. M

    need nic?

    im gonna put together a PC for my first time and i need to know if i need a NIC, im gonna get an ASUS M2R32-MVP, if i need one, how much should i spend to get a good internet connection, thanks!
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    Socket for the Future

    hey! im building a new comp, whats the best socket that will still work with the next generation of AMD processors?
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    scythe or zalaman?

    i've heard recomendations with both but which would help me oc a E6600 more?
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    need a good card

    i need a GPU that will handle most games (call of duty, CSS, BF2) all at max settings at 1280x1024, i was thinking an ATI X1900 all-in-wonder, what do u guys think?
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    X1950 XTX at 550$? is that the final price?
  23. M

    OC moniter?

    im looking to overclock an E6600 and i need something that will moniter my temps. any suggestions?
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    Need Mobo

    whats a good MoBo for a conroe E6600, id like to be able to OC it to a good speed.
  25. M

    conroe system

    i've heard conroe is the way to go so can anyone post a good core duo CPU and MoBo that will perform really well for no more than 400 total? thanks
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    Data trasfer issue

    hello im looking to get a new, bigger HDD, any1 know a good way to transfer all my old data to it? besides CD's of course
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    DDR2 w/ asus A8R32-MVP

    im looking at my A8R32-MVP mobo and it says it uses DDR 400 and im wondering can i get DDR2 800 for it or do i have to get a new MoBo.
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    im looking to do a RAID 0 setup, im thinking of this card, but if you guys have any other suggestions please post or PM me.
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    i've heard this is a great tool for OC'in Nvidia cards but when i go to download its a registry file not a program?
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    32 or 64

    is the only differance between 32 and 64 bit is that the looks or is it faster, better, etc.?
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    OC program

    any1 know a program where i can oc from my destop?
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    i have heard this is a program used for checking GPU stability, can some1 give a link ( google gave me nothing but people mentioning it). Thanks!
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    Gaming Server 0.o

    i was wondering, since u can stick like 8 processors on a server could you build one for gaming and editing etc.? it sounds great but im not sure.
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    FSB vs Cache

    now it seems to me that FSB would be more important than cache but what do u guys think?
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    why is it that the sticky's used for first time OC'ers (like me) are 2+ years old? :confused:
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    Fan issue

    in this case the 2 side fans are marked "exhaust" soo would it be hard to flip them so they intake?
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    DDR2 1000?

    im thinking of upgrading to DDR2 1000 memory but all the MoBo's i've seen are only DDR2 800 compatable. any1 seen a AMD mobo that supports 1k? and why are sticky's over 2 years old?
  38. M

    Submersion cooling

    we have all seen the post Here but has anyone found a site to buy the fluid (before any1 says i have been to because i want to try it.
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    Opteron or Athlon

    im not exactly sure, they look the same but opteron is more so is opteron better?
  40. M

    Out but not?

    i was lookin at MoBo's at and found its perfect for what i need but i can't find it on any websites for purchase? :(