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  1. M

    BFG 8800GT - Upgrade or New Cooling?

    Hi Folks, Since I received the Starcraft II Beta, I’ve been back on PC gaming. During gaming, my OEM cooling on the 8800GT sounds like a jet engine. I don’t have issues with running the game at the highest settings (CPU overclocked to 3.6ghz). Would it be worthwhile to upgrade to a new...
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    P5Q-xxx Owners - CPU temps inaccurate?

    To all P5Q-xxx owners, how do you find the temperature readings? I had fairly high temps on stock cooling and did not think twice about it but now that I have my TRU-120 Black (with Noctua 120mm fan), it still seems fairly high. Temps listed below are with the TRU-120 on a moderate...
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    Which overclock performs better?

    E8400 Mushkin Redline 2x2GB PC2-8000 5-5-5-12 Asus P5Q-E Overclocked to 500x7.5=3.75Ghz with memory running 1:1 at 500mhz 5-5-5-12 Overclocked to 416x9=3.75Ghz with memory overclocked higher than 500mhz fsb with looser timings 5-5-5-15 Thanks!
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    OCZ Platinum XTC Rev.2 PC2-6400 2x1GB on ASUS M3A7-EMH AM2?

    Anyone have this ram running in the ASUS M3A7-EMH AM2 motherboard? Could not find the compatibility list for this combo... Will be running with Athlon 64 X2 4800+. Thanks!
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    DFI P45 Motherboards?

    Any sightings yet? With the ASUS P45 becoming available this past week, I am itching to finally upgrade... Thanks!
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    AC VGA Silencer making noise!!

    Recently I have noticed that my Arctic Cooling VGA Silencer Rev. 3 has been making a groaning noise. It is attached to my 9700pro video card... Anyways, kicking the case or tapping it about 15-20 times will stop it for a few hours but it always comes back - this started about a week ago...
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    Upgrade help

    Hi guys, Currently I am running the following 3 and a half year old system: AMD Barton 2500+ overclocked at 3200+ 1gb DDR400 Ram (512mb Samsung, 512mb Infineon) ABIT NF7-S v2.0 Motherboard Radeon 9700pro I had one DIMM slot open on the motherboard and was wondering if I should bother...