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  1. F

    Getting a Westinghouse TX-42F430S to Canada

    I'm nearly determined to get this tv within the next couple of weeks, the only problem is the well known issue of getting these buggers in Canada. I know of one person who ordered from B&H Photo in the states and had it shipped to Canada for about $1300 after all was said and done. I could buy...
  2. F

    Build Opinions

    I'm looking to replace my "aging" coolermaster wavemaster with something a little more fancy looking, something like an HDPC I've done some research and looked at some reviews, and I've all but settled on ordering the silver Zalman HD135 case. I love the way it looks, it's second only to the...
  3. F

    Help suggesting HTCP Case!

    I'm moving into a new house in the coming months, and with this new house is my chance to finally have a room I've been dreaming about for some time now. I'm having a hard time deciding on a case to replace my black wavemaster, here's the details for what im after. I can't seem to decide which...