Search results

  1. M

    Radeon 5870 or 6970?

    Hey Guys/Gals I'm after a new AMD/ATI Radeon video card. I've been looking at the 2GB AMD Radeon 6970 that costs around $359 AUD ($376 USD). The 6950 is only $20 less expensive, so I've ruled that out as an option. However, the previous generation 1GB Radeon 5870 is on clearance for $259 AUD...
  2. M

    AntiAliasing Troubles

    So I've been running GTX 260 SLI for a while now, the performance is very impressive. But the AA is causing me some problems. Prior to this setup I had a Radeon 4870, and with that card I just enabled AA and it automatically took care of the jaggies on power lines, chain link fences, that sort...
  3. M

    Is a WD Raptor drive worth the cost?

    I'm upgrading to 4GB ram, and am thinking about upgrading my hard disk at the same time. I've read plenty of reviews, but I still can't find a straight answer. I currently have 2x 250GB and 1x 500GB for storage. My OS is on a 160GB Seagate SATA drive with 8MB cache. Will going to a 150GB Raptor...
  4. M

    FT: ASUS P5B Motherboard

    I've got an ASUS P5B motherboard here, in perfect condition in the original box, with manual and I/O shield included. (sorry for the awful picture quality, it was taken on my phone) I don't need this board anymore, as I upgraded to a Gigabyte P35 board. Looking to trade for either a...
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    Turbo Cache/Hyper-Memory Stealing System Memory

    Simple question that I couldn't really find an answer to online. If I buy a cheapo video card for a system that won't be used for games at all, I'm not going to need more than the 128MB on the card itself. Can I limit how much memory TurboCache/HyperMemory takes from the system ram?
  6. M

    8800 GTS Advice - Go for the 320 or 640? Will my current PSU be enough?

    Hi :) I'm after a new video card, after seeing the flop that is the HD 2900, I've decided that the 8800 GTS is the way to go, and will offer a lot more performance than my current 7600 GT. I've got two things on my mind:- Firstly, is it worth spending the extra cash on the 640mb version...