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    will WHS 2011 connecter install on 2k3?

    I have whs1 installed on my win2k3 server install just fine. I want purchased a bigger drive and im thinking of a fresh install...will whs2011 install on win2k3?
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    question for nod32 muti PC user's

    if you purchase a nod32 muti pc package, do all licenses get activated at the same time? it seems like it would be cheaper to buy a 3 user deal and then just activate a user every year?
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    New MB CPU fan running max speed...

    I just replaced a dead AMD AM3 MB for a friend. Everything is working good but the CPU fan is running full speed 4400rpm. Is the problem because the new board has 4pin connecters and the cpu fan is a 3pin? Or is the new MB shot? I have the newest bios.
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    I want to get my A+, what are good books or courses?

    Ive been doing helpdesk/feild support for 4 years and laid off recently. I want to quickly get my a+. I would need to study since I understand the new a+ is alot of windows 7 which we didnt even touch. What books or courses do you recommend me getting? and also what is the next course after...
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    LG L246wp has problems turning on.....

    Ive had this monitor for 4-5 years. Recently the past 2 weeks when I go to turn it on it can take 40pushes of the power for it to finally turn on. It does not happen if its been on for a while and I turn it off, then turn it back on. Its getting worst too, when it first started to happen 2-3...
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    Running whs as a vm using an ext

    I just built a 2008 server and converted my 2003 server into a vm. Now ive been thinking of getting rid of my whs and making a vm for it. I would have to get an ext raid for the space. You know one of those like 5 port systems for newegg always on sale. I am some what nervous..........What...
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    question about resources in hyper v

    i just moved a 2003 phsyical as a vm to a 2008 with a quad core cpu. I am a home user and am new to this but I host some forums and a few websites on my server. I dont understand how the resouces work in hyper v. I watched a video last night and that caused some questions. Right now I have...
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    What else can I use to convert a physical to hyper v?

    Ive tried dsk2vhd, but it seems like it makes the main partition unreadable. I havent figured out a fix for this. I have done some googling and it seems like its a bug and im not the only user with this issue. Alot of fixes ive read, theyve given up and just moved to esx to use their own...
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    is it ok to unplug 1 drive from a mirror raid?

    i have a board with a built in intel raid chip. there are two drives being mirror. What happens if I unplug one of the drives and plug it into my hyper v server and try to create a vm for it. natually I wouldnt care about the data on this drive as this is just a test. When I go to plug...
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    Physical raid dual booting XP/2003.....bsod in hyper v. cant see main partition?

    Im having issues creating a working VM in hyperv from a physcial box that is dual booting xp and 2003. There are two partitions, one for 2003 and one for xp. I used dsk2vhd to create the vhd and trasnfered it over to hyper v. 2003 is the default os, and it bsod's saying unbootable device...
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    2008 r2 taking up 8gigs of ram to copy a file?

    just built a 2008 server to play around with and run some vms. im copying a image of my 2003 server to run as a vm. its 500gigs so its going to take a while but.......I have 0 free ram??? I have 8 gigs, and its using all ram to copy a file from a usb drive across a 100m network? ????
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    disk2vhd question......

    so i just built a new 2008 server for home use and learning. im going to run a few vms. one vm is my old 2003 server. right now im running disk2vhd on the 2003 server. It looks like its going to take all night because its transfering the .vhd to a old celeron 2.8 whs server with usb storage...
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    efficient imaging software thats fast and bootable

    I'm just a help desk kind of guy for my company, and still learning. But I think the way we go about imaging PCs isn't the best for us. I'm looking for advice from pros. Right now we use clonezilla. its a pain in the butt though, throwing the CD in, taking 5mins to boot from cd and going...
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    Recover wireless key......

    Does anyone know a good tool that recovers a wireless key? Here is the issue, the laptop(s) are using dell wireless software. Ive tried 2 programs I found on the internet, but it seems like they only work if you use windows to manage wireless settings. Suggestions?
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    getting a printer to work on wireless.....

    I have a brother printer in my basement that has a built in nic. I want to move this upstairs, not near a pc and I dont want to run another cat5 cable. I have wireless setup. What if I buy a cheap wireless router, set that up and connect the printer to it. Would that work?
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    Career advice......

    I was going to post this under the resume thread but didn't want to post something off topic so ill just make a new thread, since it will end up dieing shortly after. I was talking to one of my co-workers today, who is looking for a better job(Unix admin right now) and is also doing some...
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    maybe a stupid question for a lab, dchp related...

    so i finally got all the parts in for a lab i am building. its going to run hyper v with some vms so i can play around. I was going to have a vm for dhcp, but i was thinking, i dont have a router, so this is pointless. am i thinking on the right path? I would have to use routing and remote...
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    moving a pc out of a case, to rebuild.

    I have a home server, that I host all my files on and I also host my email and a few websites. Its time to upgrade. I have the new hardware, but I am undecided on buying a new case. how can I remove everything and keep it running so I can start to build the new pc? Its in the basement...
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    Setting up a IP printer on a home network.

    my friend just got an asus wireless router. I am going over to set it up tomorrow. She has an ethernet printer and would like this setup too. Whats the best course of action to do this? I am going to set the router to hand out dchp. How would i make sure the printer keeps its ip address? Or...
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    getting my A+ cert

    I have a book from about 3 years ago from an A+ class I took. I never went for my test because I landed a helpdesk job. Now, I dont feel confiedent in being around for a while. I would like to get my A+ so I can start looking for another job. Im guessing the book I have now is out of date? is...
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    Can I have more then one raid array on an intel motherboard? asus p5k deluxe board. can I have 2 arrays with this? i want 2 drives for the os, and another 2 drives in a different array for files.
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    question about hyper-v

    i have an old dual core D system i want to play around with. if i get hyper-v running, can I have more then 2 vm's? its not like for every vm, i need a core right? 4gigs of ram should be ok right? its for home use. basic file server and i host a few websites on 2003 right now. i want to get...
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    question about lmhosts

    i am running whs at home. for some reason my one pc can not connect to whs. This is my pc where internet is shared from. i think its a dns issue. because when i ping whs1, it goes outside. when ever i ping whs1 from any other computer it goes to a local box. ive tried to setup a lmhosts file...
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    RDP with winxp, and a serial port

    I am trying to setup a rdp session. On the client computer is a serial device and you rdp into a 2k3 server. For some reason I having issues with the serial device working with rdp. I had it working once, rebooted and cant get it working. The setting in rdp to allow serial ports enabled is...
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    i want to upgrade my 2k3 box.........

    i have a 2k3 box at home i play around with and it hosts some websites for me. I want to upgrade the pc. how do i do this without breaking anything lol? it has 2 drives mirroring. I want to upgrade those drives to 2tb drives also
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    WHS: restore cd cant find server

    ive tried everything :( downloading drivers, getting the drivers from whs, creating a new restore cd for pp3. nic has no leds at this point so i guess its not installing the drivers for it. in windows it works fine. what if I go buy another nic for this? whs is connectable because in windows...
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    how to image a few dell 360's

    i have 4 dell 360's I bought really cheap to resell. Im going to reinstall vista on them. Is there anyway to set everything up, then use my WHS server to take a backup, then put that same image on the rest? I think i would have to use newsid. and thats all right? The pcs come with a vista...
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    question about openfiller

    i want to get a file server with openfiller. i was thinking two 2tb drives right now to mirror. if later down the road i need more space, can i basicly get two more drives, set them to mirror and then have then join the first array so its basicly one big drive?
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    transfer my win2k3 500gig raid to a 2tb raid

    i have a win2k3 server running a raid1 setup. im thinking i would want to upgrade to a 2tb raid1. i know there are a few programs out there that allows you to extend partitions. but can it be done in a raid setup? so i setup the new drive, then plug it in and go to setup the new array, dont...
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    exchange and 2k3. why am i still getting mail??

    i have a 2003 server and run exchange 2003 for smtp email. I was getting alot of spam on one address so i deleted that email address under users and computers for my account. so [email protected] does not exist anymore. But yet i am still getting email to this address. How do I remove this...
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    privacy filter or monitor with built in filter

    im looking for a good quailty privacy filter or a monitor that has one built in. anyone have any ideas? money is no object, i was instructed to find one for my boss.
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    anyway to display bandwidth useage on website??

    any script or anything for iis6 so i can display the server's bandwidth usage on a public page?
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    cisco switch 2900, one of the fans is going......

    unit has 3 fans, and one of the fans is starting to go. just making noises, thats all. should this be a concern?????
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    question about sysprep and creating an image for new pcs

    hi, i work for a small company as a tech. and i waste alot of time installing windows/setting up new pcs etc. i was thinking of somehow creating a sysprep image and putting it on a dvd and using that. but my question is will sysprep prompt you to enter a xp key the first time it boots?? i can...
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    xp install freezes at examining hds/wont boot

    so my parents 3 month old pc i built them stoped booting. it would get to the xp screen, then freeze. same time everytime. i tried seeing if i could enter safe mode, freezes same time everytime(froze on file mup.sys or something like that) im trying to do a re-install, and xp install freezes...
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    raid:"verify disks", xp wont load up, but i hdd is steady and i hear them working som

    xp pro freezes at the windows loading screen......on start up the raid disks says verify. i dont know how to verify them without windows. my question is, when it is trying to load windows, the hdd lights stay lit, and if i put my ear close i can hear them working. is it trying to do anything? or...
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    win2k3, once 3rd nic is enabled, 3rd nic cant share internt access???

    how would i go about trying to resolve this. i have 3 nics. 1=internet 2=to a pc 3=to a pc it is win2k3 using rras, and once i enable the 3rd nic, the pc on the 3rd nic is not given internet access. the pc is given a ip via rras, but u can not browse the internet. u can ping the server...
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    do u need to install intel raid storage managment drivers in win??

    even on a fresh install when doing the f6 thingy? i think these drivers or program is causing my computer not to boot. this is the 3rd time i did a fresh install on my new build and once i install the windows program for the intel raid storeage managemt thing after the next reboot or 2 reboots...
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    if i have office 2007, can i downgrade to 2003?

    does the 2007 license allow me to downgrade to 2003??