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    EIZO Foris FS2332 LCD LED - your thoughts?

    Hi [H]ards, What's your opinion on Eizo Foris FS2332 LED 1920x1080? Does anyone have experience with this shiny piece of hardware?
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    Hawken: multiplayer fpp mecha combat!

    First teaser of Hawken is out! What do you think guys? I find art direction beautiful. This game could be something to watch for.
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    Assassin's Creed II Hardcore Dancing

    Well... This just made my day so I thought I will spread the fun. Can't stop laughing.
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    First time Fallout 3 / Oblition GOTY madness - which mods?

    Well because of my business laptop I slept over few years and just recently got back into casual gaming. I'm riding on 5870M now with some other decent hardware inside and I'm in a need of getting my homework done. I just bought GOTY's of Fallout 3 and Oblivion, these games will make my summer...
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    How's Shattered Horizon doing?

    Would love to try this game ,but I don't want to get straight into the next ghost town. How's SH doing, especially after recent updates? (Moonrise and Firepower). Simply put, is this game any fun?
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    Could you help me with weird Steam issue?

    Hello [H]'s, I'm at fresh G73JH with 8.74 radeon drivers and Windows7 64 pro. I've just installed steam to have fun with recent games I got there, and it's working flawlessy till the moment I try to install a game. When I click 'install game' on whatever app, steam just freezes and shuts...
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    Sound in Bad Company 2

    Next week I am finally getting my asus g73jh notebook and it appears that I do have a lot of catch up in gaming to go (like 2 years). But honestly - I can't wait till I finally download my very own copy of BF: BC2 from steam and start playing. I find this game exceptional and I'll give the...
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    Dell 2408wfp and PS3 - clear or not?

    Hello there, today I recieved brand new dell monitor. It's 2408wfp model, A02 revision, and it does have S-IPS panel. Production date: 7th august 2009. Next thing I would like to buy is ps3. But I have no clue how things will work together, I mean, will the image be all right? Without...
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    stuck in Trine

    Well, could not see that coming. Yesterday I was blazing through the game on hard diff setting (to be honest Trine even on hard is rather easy) and I got to the point which I have no clue about. It's located in Shadowthorn Thicket level, can anyone help me with this? I've tried almost...
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    GA-X38-DQ6 - bios update problem (F9D)

    Hello, While ago I tried to update old F3 bios to new F9D one. I own GA-X38-DQ6 motherboard and I was using QFlash utility. After my attempt, PC don't want to POST at all; it appears that he's trying to recover but it's like an infinite loop. He's getting up for a very short while, he...
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    Gigabyte 8800GT Turbo Edition - is it really worth it?

    Dear HD Enthusiasts, I'm looking forward to get Gigabyte 8800GT Turbo Edition UD2, overclocked by factory settings (700 / 1840 ). Could you please take a look on this card: What revision it might be? Newer or older? While...
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    3870x2 PCB length?

    Hello fellow enthusiasts, Is there any detailed info about 3870x2 length? 8800GTX barely fits my coolermaster centurion 534 case (it's like 0.5mm free space left), I wonder if 3870x2 would jump in. If not, I need to seriously consider 8800gts 512. In the other hand; dx 10.1 support is...