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  1. J

    RAID1 noob questions

    Hey All, I am going to setup my system in RAID1 for the first time in the next week or so and was looking for a little help/advice. I have two 1TB SATA HDDs for RAID, an SATA DVD drive and a third SATA HDD (can't remember the size but it's either 160 or 200 GB) that I'm thinking about running...
  2. J

    8800GT and S1 cooler ?

    Could someone who owns an 8800GT and replaced their stock HSF with an Accelero S1 do me a favor please? I'm thinking about replacing my stock HSF with the S1 but I am worried my case may be too narrow. Could someone take a ruler and measure the distance from the MB to the top of the cooler and...