Search results

  1. G

    gtx 470...what to upgrade to?

    So I've recently rebuilt my computer, excluding GPU and PSU. I'm itching to upgrade the gtx 470 I've had since launch. Would a 750ti be a huge upgrade? I realize gtx 970 was just can say it's out of my budget lol Other Specs: CPU- 4790k MOBO- ASUS Z97-AR PSU- PC Power Cooling...
  2. G

    Need suggestions on cooling!

    Hey all, just picked up an i7-4790k and Asus z97ar. Ordering a NZXT h440 soon and need to get aftermarket cooling I guess. My current thoughts: I'm deciding between Arctic freezer i30(CO/non CO), Hyper 212 EVO and Corsair h80i refurb. All are around the same price range. I haven't seen...
  3. G

    Returning from long hiatus, need feedback on two z97 mobos!

    Hey all, last time I was here was... I don't even know.. So with all the deals coming up...and my current desktop reaching it's lifetime.. evga 680i wooo ;) I did some research and am having trouble deciding between the Asus z97-A(R) and the Asrock z97 Extreme 6. One has questionable...
  4. G

    Need Help, SLI 8800GT?- noobie

    I'm thinking about getting another 8800GT to go with my system, but i don't know if any of my parts will bottleneck performance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :) My Specs: E6600 EVGA 680i-a1 2gb Mushkin DDR2 800 PcPower and Cooling 750w PSU 19" 1280x1024 max res dell monitor...
  5. G

    high definition qualifications for htpc??

    what exactly do you need for a hdtv htpc setup??? for example, i have a simple 19" flat panel monitor which the native resolution is 1280x1024 so can this support hd channels if i buy a HD operable card (tv tuner link below)?? Hauppauge HVR 1250 hybrid...
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    Best Tuner? $100 or lower price range

    Hey, lately i've been so confused, searching for the perfect tv tuner, there are just so many!! Since, im dorming at college i basically need one since im in the middle of nowhere. I've been reading review after review of about as many tv tuners i could find. Could you guys post the ones you...
  7. G

    8800GTS (G92)- $265 (AR) + Shipping Newegg This is lowest price i've seen
  8. G

    Free Oakley Microfiber Bag Fill out a survey and they send you one for free. It ends 1/31/08.