Search results

  1. T

    No output from speakers?

    I just built up a spare computer out of old parts incase my laptop decides to die on me. I got everything working so far, but I cannot get audio to work. Runs of VIA AC97 from what I found. Even tried the Realtek AC97 with no luck. The volume icon in the system tray shows up and everything...
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    Must have ubuntu programs?

    I've recently switched my laptop as my main system, which is running ubuntu 9.04. What are some must have app's for a newbie ubuntu user.
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    LG Dare?

    My bell phone is dead, only had it 3 months. So I'm just going to renew my Telus contract in september and get the LG dare, or I'll get the LG for the no contract price and activate it. What's the screen on the Dare like? Is it like the touch screens where you have to push on a top plastic...
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    Powershot G10?

    Whats the powershot G10 like? I heard its like an SLR, just in P&S form. Would it be worth the $579 CAN? I don't really want an actual DSLR because I need something that'll fit in my pocket and bag without needing extra lenses.
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    Running 3 LCD's?

    My sister gave me her old emachines along with the 17" LCD that she had. I was going to use the desktop as a server type machine, but after setting up the third monitor on my desk, I now want 3 displays running on one system. My PCI-E slot is already being used by a 9800gt. Would just a standard...
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    Wireless desktop card?

    I'm in search for a wireless desktop card, preferably PCI. I'm in my basement and my USB D-link adapter only gets 2 or 3 bars though my laptop gets 5 full bars. Both are wireless g. Budget would be between $50-$100 CAD
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    Ribbons screensaver.

    I just got a new desktop(in sig). This is one of the first systems I've had 64bit windows on. I had 64bit installed on my laptop when I took it in for service. Whenever I set the ribbons screensaver my desktop, it crashes. But if I set it on my desktop, it works fine. Is there anyway to fix this?
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    Best exhaust fan?

    My new gateway fx didn't come with a exhaust fan. The temps are fine at the moment, but I'm going to order an exhaust fan asap. There is a fairly big perforated vent on the sidepanel where the GPU intakes. So if I put in a exhaust fan, will there be more air pulling in from the side panel...
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    Best data backup software?

    I'm looking for a better piece of software for backups for my laptop. I currently use the built in backup software in windows vista but its a huge pain to find anything. Is there any piece of software that backs up the file without putting it into an archive.
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    Remote access to a small file server?

    If I were to build a server, would there be a way to remotely access my files on the server from my laptop if I were to go to a library to do some of my school work? I'm thinking of building a server so all my files can be stored on the server, then backed up on an external hard drive. I...
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    dual monitors in ubuntu 8.04

    I just converted to ubuntu last night because vista decided to reformat itself and I wasn't going to wait 2-3 days for the place I got my laptp to reinstall windows vista under warranty. Everytime I tried to get my second monitor setup as a second display, but everytime I do, the graphics eff...
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    2 wireless keyboards in one house?

    This is probably a stupid question but currently I am using a Logitech MX3200 Keyboard and mouse set in my bedroom. My mom purchased the Logitech Cordless Wave keyboard and mouse set to use in her office. Should they work fine without any hiccups? We have had problems with wireless keyboards...
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    How many things open on a 24"

    How many things can you have open on a 24" display? More specifically can you have a word document and internet browser side by side without having to scroll left and right.
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    Installing xp home in a virtual machine

    What VM should I use to install xp on my 9700t? I tried MS Virtual pc but I had to always shut down to get back to my vista desktop. I don't want to have to dual boot because I want to run it a top my vista desktop. Any ideas?
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    2 external displays on notebook?

    I want to setup dual external monitors, For the second monitor which would more likely be a 17" or 22" inch would this work? Would I notice any lag? My laptop isn't used for gaming. Would it cause the laptop to heat up more?
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    Using a notebook as a desktop

    Is it safe to use an HP Pavilion dv9700t as a desktop computer? Like getting a 24" display and an external keyboard and mouse? Is there anyway I can run dual external monitors off of it?
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    New cinema display

    Looked at apples website. The cinema display appears to be compatible with their notebooks. What if I wanted to hook them up to a mac pro. Though, I have a feeling theres an adapter for this.
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    Windows explorer keeps crashing on hp dv9700t

    My HP Pavilion dv9700t keeps being gay. This doesn't happen 24/7 but it gets annoying. Whenever the laptop is on mute and I go to unmute it via the hp mute button, windows explorer crashes. Anyone else with this problem?
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    DIY Notebook cooler

    I want to build a notebook cooler instead of buying one, mainly for practice with modding. How would I run 2 120mm fans off a power adapter or usb cable? I also want to integrate a usb hub in it too. Its more likely not going to travel with so weight won't be an issue.
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    Good AMD CPU?

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    Good AMD CPU?

    I want to get a new cpu for my desktop which also acts as my file server. I don't want to get a new mobo, but mainly just a new cpu and more ram, And 2 80mm case fans. I want to go quad core. I will be overclocking so I will also need a good heatsink. I will more than likely lap it also.
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    overclocking amd 3500+

    I want to overclock my amd 3500+ just to get me by until I can get my new cpu. Should I lap it, and get new thermal paste? What program would I use, I don't want to overclock hard. Just want to get a feel for overclocking because when I upgrade I plan on going intel with a e7200 which I heard...
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    Faster transfer rate between server and notebook

    How would I be able to connect JUST my notebook and server which are both in the same room, together to get greater transfer rates while doing file transfers?
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    using desktop as server.

    How hard is it to use my desktop as a server. I need something to back up my laptop files onto. Would it be okay to run it over a wireless network? I plan on getting a new case for it so I can have more hard drives. It currently has two hard drives. A 160gb and a 500gb seagate. The maximum...
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    hdmi port?

    Would my laptop be able to run a 30 inch display from the hdmi port if I used a dvi to hdmi adapter? It has an 8400m GS
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    Intake fan?

    What's a good high flow 120mm fan that would be good for an intake on my CM 541. I need something to keep it cooler until I can upgrade the whole system and its cooling. Under $20 shipped?
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    If you had 4 gigs of ram in your computer running ultimate, would using an 8 gig flash drive for ready boost free up most of it?
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    Dell XPS computers?

    Are they decent? Or are they shitty like other dell desktops? I really don't have the time to build a computer or patience. So I considered this or a mac.
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    Logitech g15

    How does the logitech G15 type? Is it okay for typing essays and documents? And if there is a better keyboard for this on the market, what is it?
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    Replacing a dell motherboard?

    My friend wants to replace the case and motherboard in his dell e520. His dad won't pay for a new computer so He's going to just get the mobo case w/psu
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    Doing a clean install of xp, what to install?

    What applications should I install on a fresh install of xp? Already going to install: Thunderbird Firefox Steam Office 2007 drivers VLC media player Itunes avast spybot What else should I install?
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    Does this sound good?

    First off, I plan on upgrading my machine. Mainly for web browsing and light gaming and video chat and basic stuff. So here is the list for you to critic: 5000+ X2 Asus M2N-SLI Antec 300 Corsair HX620W PSU Windows Vista Home premium 64-bit I plan on reusing my two hard drives...
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    Biggest display I should get?

    I want to get a bigger display and hook it up to my notebook and use it as my main screen and use the laptop display as a secondary. It has an 8400GMS for the GPU. What's the largest I can go? I was hoping to get a 24 or 30 inch but the 30 inch seems like overkill for basic stuff such as word...
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    modding current case?

    Would it be safe to take the components out of my CM 541 to mod it for some better cable management? I like this case because its small and quiet. I want to drill some holes to run cables better. so would it be safe?
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    Antec P182

    How good is the cable management in an Antec P182? I'm thinking of saving for one of these as it is really sleek and elegant and isn't decked out with a shitload of leds a CC's that would make it look like a honda civic ricer.
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    Is this a good mod?

    if I buy this case would putting a piece of plexi where it is on the diagram to hide the from the power supply, would it work right?
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    Everyone under 18 post your setup

    saw this on macrumors. Wonder what kids under 18 have on here. I'll post mine as soon as possible. EDIT: Everyone 18 and UNDER post your setup.
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    Laptop as main rig?

    Who uses their notebook computers as there desktop. With an external display, Mouse and keyboard? I was thinking of setting mine up as my desktop sometime when I have the money for a good size monitor.
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    Not sure where to post this?

    How much could I get for my desktop? I was planning on selling it locally for money towards an imac. CM 541 case Gigagbyte motherboard amd athlon 64 3500+ at 2.21ghz a gig of ram 160gb hard drive+500gb harddrive 8500gt maybe 200-300 dollars? Sorry if this is posted in...