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  1. P

    Can any Korean 27" monitors do 1440p over HDMI?

    I'd like to run dual Korean 27" 1440p monitors off of an Intel NUC with HD 5000 IGP. Can any Korean monitors with "Multi" connection do 1440p via the HDMI input? Or is the HDMI input usually capped at 1080p on the Ad boards?
  2. P

    Which 27" Korean monitors have easy-to-remove stands for VESA wall mounting?

    Are there any 27" Korean monitors which have VESA wall mount and you don't have to disassemble the monitor to remove the stand completely? The Samsung PLS 27" monitors are the price leaders right now, but require disassembling the monitor to get the stalk of the stand off.
  3. P

    Is there a 22-24" IPS monitor with built-in speakers?

    Do any 22" to 24" IPS monitors have built-in speakers? I need built-in speakers for a particular application in which sound quality doesn't matter - there just needs to be sound. Getting a Dell IPS with a soundbar attachment is my backup plan, but am hoping for built-in speakers for the...
  4. P

    Ultra-thin LED LCD recommendation?

    I need a recommendation for an ultra-thin LED LCD in the 20" range (the smaller the better, but can go bigger if necessary). Unlike LED TVs, a lot of the LED LCD monitors are surprisingly thick. The thinnest I've seen so far is the Acer S1 series (the S201H in particular), and I'm wondering if...
  5. P

    Gigabyte rebate scam through status-now

    Has ANYONE received a Gigabyte rebate this year that was sent to Tempe, AZ ( I waited 6 months for a Gigabyte motherboard rebate only to have it closed out by the rebate company last month for non-payment by vendor. I've received rebates from other brands through this rebate...
  6. P

    Quiet/silent video card for light gaming

    What's the fastest video card that comes with stock cooling that's fanless or very quiet? (and which NewEgg sells for less than $80) I haven't followed video cards in a while, but I'm hoping the latest generation of video chips allow for a much higher level of performance with fanless or...
  7. P

    i1 Display 2 / EyeOne Match users - need advice

    I have an X-Rite i1 Display 2 with EyeOne Match software. I've tried color calibrating TN, MVA, and IPS monitors, and I've had the same issue on all of them. The user-based calibration order presented by the EyeOne Match software is contrast -> color -> brightness. I can set the contrast...
  8. P

    OC'd CPU/Mem stress-testing from boot CD (downloadable ISO)?

    Does anyone know of a downloadable ISO that can be used to stress-test an overclocked CPU/Memory from a boot CD? I normally run Prime95 or OCCT in Windows, but want to test some combos without having to hook up a hard drive and load Windows.
  9. P

    Video hardware acceleration on HD 3400/4600/4800 series?

    These video cards support hardware acceleration of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and DivX, H.264/AVC and VC-1 video formats. But how do I enable the hardware acceleration? I thought there would be some "AVIVO" codecs bundled with the driver package, but after installing the latest Catalyst 8.9 driver...
  10. P

    How to configure gigabit server/clients for best network performance?

    I hear that I need to make changes to the MTU, RWIN, and possibly other settings to maximize the performance of a gigabit network. And since my Win2K Server is on slower hardware (P4 2.4Ghz with 512MB RAM), enabling Jumbo Frames will help. Can you give me advice on what changes to make to the...