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  1. S

    Does the NEC P242W include a surge protector?

    Here's a strange one. I put a P242W to use about ten days ago and it has worked well except for one oddity. A few days in, I noticed that it just went dead, or at least I was unable to determine what if anything I had done that caused it to go dead. The power button would not restart it...
  2. S

    LaCie Blue Eye Pro question

    I an trying out a LaCie 526 display on a desktop computer running Win7 (64-bit). A CD containing the LaCie Blue Eye Pro software came with it. The CD says it is for several versions of Windows including Win7. The Blue Eye Pro version on the CD is version 4.5.5. I have downloaded 4.5.6...
  3. S

    LTM240M2 panel displays

    I have decided to admit that I'm a collector and might as well be honest about it. I have the NEC LCD2490WUXi-SV, which I reserve for photo editing. I mention that because it provides a benchmark. I've debated whether I want to use it for other stuff but after spending $1300, no. I...
  4. S

    1600 x 1200

    I am thinking about buying an NEC LCD2190UXi (1600x1200 native resolution) to use at a desktop location where I mainly work on Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and digital photos. I currently use a Samsung 215tw (1680x1050 resolution) at this spot. I am not using this computer to go on the...
  5. S

    A question about LCD brightness, and some HP LP2465 observations

    Many LCDs advertise brightness of 300 cd/m2 or so. Yet NEC's Spectraview software targets 140 cd/m2 for photo editing and the Eye-One software targets recommends 120 cd/m2 as the standard for LCD's. Using Eye-One, I tried calibrating a new HP LP2465 but could not get it under 163 cd/m2 even at...