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  1. D

    FS Various Games (Steam Keys)

    I need to clean out games that I'm just never going to play and generate a little extra scratch while I'm at it. These are all Steam redemption keys for the listed games that I've aquired through things like humble bundle, gifts, etc. I have not redeemed any of these keys in steam so the games...
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    Upgrade Advice

    So I probably know the answer to this, but since I haven't overclocked or anything in a long time or really kept up with the bleeding edge like I used to. I figured it was a good time to verify. Current setup Amd thuban 1055t 6 core AM3+ Mobo Asus something or the other too lazy to look...
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    help finding a MB

    Ok so someone recently took pity on me and gifted me an Intel i5 LGA 1150. All I gotta do is get a MB since everything else I have moves over just fine. That said, I guess I'm more out of touch than I realized and finding a board is proving more challenging than I anticipated. So what I'm...
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    Logitech G402 - Finally listening to gamers?

    Ok so logitech released a new mouse (surprise), but this time it actually looks like they made some positive strides. I wanted to see if anyone here a chance to preview it or has managed to find out more information than the limited review on the uk site. My background with mice Logitech G7...
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    GPU Upgrade

    Ok, so my computer is out of date and so is my knowledge of GPU's. Back when I was upgrading every year I knew everything about them, now I haven't upgraded my PC in years due to work and well..yea. Budget - $150 - Current - HD 4850, the good one not the gimped version they came out with...
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    Case Shopping

    I need a little help here and you guys are always a source of great information. I have decided that it is time to replace my case and I am looking for a particular theme. I used to just pick a case and paint it how I wanted, but these days I just don't have the time or work space to do so...
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    Eve Online 21 Day free Access

    Think you are [H]ard? Think you are capable of surviving in a real cut throat PVP environment that does not cater to the wow carebears? Prove it.. Facts: The only MMO that has been running for 5+ years that has a population that continues to grow instead of...
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    SSD Hybrid Performance vs cost Savings? I stumbled across this and it caught my attention. One of the primary things holding me back from jumping on the SSD bandwagon has been cost for capacity. I am not a huge fan of having a speed...