Search results

  1. T

    $1500 (CAD) Build

    So heres the deal: I havn't been keeping up on computer hardware recently. My current hardware setup is approaching 3 years old, and I need to upgrade. I am starting a new job in the fall, and I want to blow some money on a new gaming rig. My current system is a Core 2 Quad 6600, 4 gigs of...
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    Cable Routing

  3. T

    Christmas Hardware Upgrade question

    So i got a bunch of money for christmas, not quite enough for a huge upgrade, but enough to make the transition into PCI-E, 64 bit and DDR2. My big concern is what processor to go with... i currently have a P4 2.8 dual core with 1 GB of ram and a radeon 9600 pro. The upgrade i am looking at is a...
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    FS: Samsung X426

    I have a samsung x426 for sale, currently its locked to rogers canada, but i can unlock it and update the firmware if the buyer wants it. Asking only 50$ canadian (+shipping).
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    Wireless network stalling

    Alright, i just got a new laptop about 2 weeks ago, and i have my desktop machine set up as a wireless ap for the laptop. Worked fine for about a week, but now every 15 or so minutes the wireless connection stalls. The laptop keeps sending packets but nothing is ever returned. The signal...
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    P4P800 Deluxe & Raid

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to use the two raid connectors on the Asus P4P800 Deluxe as regular IDE connectors. I dont want to run raid, since I only have 3 IDE hard drives, but i do need another IDE connector, as i am also running two optical drive. I tried hooking...
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    Tool Box

    I was just staring at my tool box, and realized that it would make one kick ass lan case, i test fitted a motherboard, PSU, and other components into a medium sized tool box. Seems like it could be a good idea to persue. Theres even room in the top shelf to put a keyboard and mouse and probably...
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    Cheap lighting accessories found at walmart

    Last night i went to the automotive section of walmart, and in the ricer section i happened upon packs of 2 LED pods. Each pod contains 2 colored leds, i bought blue. The best part about them is they have everything built in to run off a 12V power supply, so they are easy enough to use in a PC...
  9. T

    Give Valve a break people!

    Im getting sick and tired of having people bash Valve because they keep moving the release date of Half Life 2. I mean come on people, they want to deliver a QUALITY piece of software, not some half assed piece of crap. If they released it now, and it was buggy or not up to par everyone would...
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    Cable Routing

    Now that I *think* my PC is running stable, Id like to route the cables to make the inside of the case look nicer. I was wondering if anyone could post pics/descriptions of how/where they routed different cables to make their case nice and clean inside. I have an Antec PlusView AMG1000 case
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    Random Power off/up

    I need some help, Since a few months after I bought my new computer, I have been experiencing random reboots. The thing is, it doesnt seem like a normal reboot, it will basically power off then start powering back up,and sometimes it will reset a few times before the system even posts. It does...
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    HDL Programming?

    Anyone here interested/doing and HDL programming?
  13. T

    Asus P4P800 Deluxe Random Reboots

    Hey, Ive been searching for a solution to my problem, My machine is randomly restarting. No errors or anything, just clicks off and restarts. Happens in windows and linux, so it isnt something to do with the windows error handling. The temperatures are around 30C at idle and up to 50 at full...