Search results

  1. E

    32" 1440p Monitor or TV for programming and some gaming

    I was happy with my 3x Dell U2412h (16:10 at 1200p) setup for quite a while, but one of the displays is slowly dying(brightness issues). Looking to replace this setup with a bunch of 32" monitors at 1440p. I want this panel size/resolution because the ppi matches my current setup, and I don't...
  2. E

    Pipe help

    Greetings everyone, I need a bit of help in solving the following problem: I'm given an array of numbers and I have to compute the sum of the array elements using n processes, and the inter process communication has to be done with pipes(one pipe, to be exact). I managed to solve the problem...
  3. E

    Linux Processes

    Greetings everyone, I've run into a bit of problem with creating and killing processes in linux(debian to be more precise, compiled with gcc). I'm trying to do the following: I need to ask a user his/her name, and then offer him a timed test, if the user answers correctly to all the questions...