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    Logitech MX 518 Gaming Mouse $25 on Amazon

    No rebate which is awesome. other mice available after rebates copied from sd. Logitech VX Nano Cordless Laser Mouse for Notebooks $25 after $15 rebate. Logitech G9x...
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    Logitech 35% off select items + free shipping

    From Logitech's site - Using code- gdby2009 Honorable mention for the soon to be released GT5 - G27 Racing Wheel for $195 after coupon is applied.
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    Q6600 cooling question

    I just built my new rig I have a Q6600 G0 , with the Xigmatek HDT S964 , a 92mm Vantec Tornado , and MX2. yes it sounds like a banshee :p my question is my temps from last night or even Saturday, were around 41 idle bios, and 35 - 37 in HMonitor for cores. I had figured that these...
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    how to trace a rogue dhcp server ?

    the network in my dorm wont allow a few users to grab an ip. they mostly get 0.0.0. ip's. im thinking someone is running a dhcp server by accident or on purpose. and im wondering how to trace it. thanks in advance.
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    DVD burner acting wonky

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    DVD burner acting wonky

    I was burning in Nero a few days ago , and im pretty sure i had to shut down the program since it screwed up. anyway , my drive now wont read any original media , it just shows up blank when i explore as if im going to drop files onto it. the drive has no problem reading media that is on a...
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    Wireless Gear question

    any idea which is a better wireless backhaul ? Motorola Canopy or Trango ? thanks in adv
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    Quick Question about a Infix to Postfix program.

    Hey , I'm having problems compiling my code , I keep getting 'string' was not declared in this scope. but i cant figure it out at all whats wrong with the function. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stack> int precedence (char x) { int prec = 0; switch(x)...
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    Share CPU Time Win2003 Server

    Does anyone know if you can install an application that will take the available CPU time on my win 2003 adv server and allow me to use it over the network on my personal win xp pro machine. ie I want to recode a few movies but use the avail cpu time on my server. I have heard of a few apps where...
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    best value DDR2 ram ?

    Im looking at ram for a friend , and well im on 56k right now so i dont have the time to go through editorials , let alone load up benchmark jpg's . but im wondering if the performance difference of a 1gb 533 ddr2 and 1gb 667 ddr2 is worth the price difference ? or would it be better off...
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    Quick question on OCin x800 with 300wat psu.

    Hey guys , real quicky . im not 100% but would ocing the x800 affect the 300watt min req for the card ? i would think not since the voltages arent changed. but i just wanted to be sure. if anything i would think it would jsut lock up.
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    Quick Raid 1 question.

    Is there a way to unRAIDa RAID drive in mirrors without reinstalling everything I have on it currently? I have two 120 gigs in mirrored RAID and I want to free up the one hard drive so I can use it for files but don't want to have to reinstall Windows on the one drive that would be left. Both...
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    Quick question concerning FireFox

    im not too familiar with FireFox , but i think i had it close, except it was still running in my processes , and when i had opened FireFox it asked me to make a second profile , or account mine was set at default user. long story short i made another one. and i dont have any of my Favorites...
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    USB flash drives that play mp3's .?

    Hey i was wondering if there are actual addon's for the usb flash drives to play mp3's rather than having to buy the actual flashdrive with the mp3 functionality
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    Don't forget about MGS3 11/17/04

    i think it came out today , apparently its really good and picked the series back up again , 20 - 25 hours to get through the game .. not sure how long gameplay would be. but no blonde haired characters this time. IGN gave it a 9.6 or so . i want the soundtrack. I just hate to see when good...
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    Problem with a users internet connection.

    I'm a bit stuck , i have a user whom has everything set correctly, to connect to the internet, and has an ip correctly assigned through dhcp. however is unable to reach some of the intranet pages, The user has all the settings setup correctly , and i cant really figure out why they would be...
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    Norton auto scan question.

    I have a question , at school we have to run a compliancy check program to make sure our computers are updated and running anti virus software, so we can get on the internet. heres the problem , my friends computer passes everything but when running the norton virus scan , which it does...
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    Quick Question on renaming files .

    Is there anyway to save or rename about 300+ .doc files to .rtf format , so i can open them up in wordpad ? i mean i could install office i suppose.
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    Major HDD problem

    My friend's computer hasnt been working they've been getting a ntldr missing error , and so far nothing works ... the recovery disk may work , however they really want the information thats on the drive. so "update" - apparently the guy tried the recovery disk , but it im...
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    NTLDR missing , + more problems

    soryr i dont have the exact specs , but ill assume its a p3 500 or less. 128mb ram or less and 20 gig drive . its a compaq... and win98 not sure which version. so this girls computer , gets the NTLDR missing , press ctr alt del to restart .. now i already went through the basic problems...
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    Anybody know a number for Nintendo tech support?

    not like the computer automated thing i want to talk to poeple. My Cube broke im assuming its the motor on the lens cuz it can read discs fine but 10 secs or whatever it varies it will give me the disc is unreadable message. now im not paying for a new one. im also not paying more than...