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    setting preferences after OS reinstall

    here's a little something I was tinkering with today to reset my prefs after a clean install: ########### ## Xp/2k3 ########### #reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v ServerAdminUI /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f #reg add...
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    Hitachi 200GB 8MB for 69.99 @ Just got 2 - 400 GB for under $150! :D
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    fs: XIII - Misc Items.

    Ok so here it is. XIII - Pre-owned... Bought it, installed it, plyed it for days on end until I beat it. Great game, and awesome graphics. Has multiplayer capability as well... A review here:,4364,1487835,00.asp Recently featured on X-play here...
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    anybody know what stepping 3.0C's are shiping right now?

    Newwegg has em for pretty cheap. Just wondering what my chances are of getting the M0 stepping...
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    RRAS / NAT win2k issues

    Ok so here's where Im having trouble: My network (at home) is setup like so gateway= xp box 192.168.1.x [|] multihomed RRAS server=192.168.1.x (public interface) RRAS Private interface=172.16.x.x [|] Server2 = 172.16.x.x everything on 192.168.1.x is connected to my...