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  1. H

    Best Upgrade Path: Physx card, or two new GPUs

    Now this is not a simple choice! :) I'm running a modestly oc'ed system. The key specs are: ASUS Crosshair Mobo AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 @ 3.3 GHz 4GB of Corsair TwinX DDR 6400 4 Seagate 320Gb HDs in a RAID 0 Sound Blaster Fatality 3 DVD drive (2 ROM, 1 RW) Thermaltake 850w PSU and two...
  2. H

    ASUS K8V Deluxe - AGP Problems?

    Gentlebeings: I have an ASUS K8V Deluxe, with an A64 3400 and 1GB of Corsair TwinX XMS LLPT 3200. I have an Enermax 550w PS. My problem is that I am now awaiting the arrival of my 4th BFG 590 128 MB graphics card. Card 1 was basically DOA with bizarre graphic artifacts. later...
  3. H

    Problems with BFG 5900 128MB?

    Hi! Well, BFG is sending me another 5900. This will be number 3. Number 1 was evidently DOA - Bizarre graphics artifacts from day 1. :( So I RMA'd it, and got number 2. Sweet. Really good graphics. :) Then I shut my machine down. When I went to reboot the next day. Nothing...
  4. H

    Visontek Radeon 9600xt 256MB - any comments?

    I am considering this beastie as the VC for my system upgrade. I am not familiar with Visontek. Any comments? Are they any good? Thanks! Herald