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  1. L

    is HTT like FSB when it comes to other devices?

    Ok, I was sitting here thinking about HTT after doing a little overclocking and bios settings and what popped in to mind was "do HTT effect other devices like FSB". I have a pass in computer hardware starting at the K5 stage. In the K5 era if you overclock to much (FSB) other bevices blow out...
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    X1800XT gaming problems!

    Hi, I'm having serious problems with the games F.E.A.R. and COD2. my system specs are Windows XP 64 (fully updated) Directx 9.0c AMD Athlon 64 3200 @ 2.2 ghz Single channel Corsair XMS twin 512 = 1 gig or ram :D Sapphire X1800XT 256 meg (catalyse 6.3 drivers) A8n-vm (on-board video...
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    Random reboots Windows XP 64 (total system shutdown)

    Hi, my system set up is Asus A8N-VM AMD Athlon 64 3200 @ 2.27 WD raptor Sata1 36.7 gigs 500 watt PSU (can't remember name but name brand) I'm experinceing random reboots (total system shutdown). This don't happen more than once or twice a day -> week. Now, when I think aobut my old...
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    windows XP -> windows xp 64

    I want to upgrade to windows XP 64 but I have a problem. I got the OEM version of Windows xp 64 professional and I want to keep my current filesystem. Do windows XP 64 allow you to upgrade from disk without killing current filesystem? or do i need to do a fresh installation of Windows XP 64...
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    AMD 64 on chip memory controller question

    Ok, I heard from someone that because the memory controller on the chip that you can get a good over clock with normal type ram and with high end ram you can get very high overclocking result. I don't know if this is true but if it is I want to understand why you can archive a nice overclock in...
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    rate my new system

    I have a small budget and want others opionion ASPIRE X-Navigator ATXA9N-SS/500 Silver Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case ATX 500W dual fan w/ automatic fan speed control Power Supply - Retail Model #: ATXA9N-SS/500 $84.99 1 Athena Power 4pin (HD Male) + 4pin (HD Female) to 6pin...
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    extra storage or memory dilema

    I'm building my next system and having a problem decising on extra ram (1+ gig) or another 36.7 gig raptor. the ram would come handy for morrowind oblivion but the extra HDD would be helpful for the fact of seek time for playing my games or accessing media on but then again I want a spare fast...
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    Dual channel chips with a single channel chip

    I have a system right now with two chips of single channel corsair XMS PC3200 ram (2x512). The next system I'm building is a AMD 64 system with corsair XMS dual channel PC3200 (2x512) ram. If I got dual channel (which I am) and put them is slot 0 and 1 would a single channel chip work in slot 2...
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    Windows 2k uses that couldn't move files (might be fix)

    Ok, ok, I just setting here messing with my computer and I thought to my self why in the world couldn't I move files that is under win 2k? So what i did was I went through alot of stuff and came upon the compression option under tools>folder options in explorer. This option highlight all files...
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    monitoring a netwrok?

    Hello I have a private network that I wish to monitor. I know about packet sniffing but I want to record the websites that has been visited from other computers on my network. Do I have to set-up a http server to record and monitor websites that has been visited? my system is...
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    About Infinium?

    Now it just came across my mind. Isn't all the staff in some kind of marketing. Can one vefy this for me?
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    Help: Final fantasy 11 or 35w Athlon?

    I wanted to know if final fantasy 11 would be better buy at this time over 35w athlon xp? Let me know what you think.
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    PCI-E mid range to low, AGP highend?

    I was just sitting here and a thought came to mind. What if PCI-E is going to have the faith of being the midrange to lowend card bus for awhile? Well what put this together was the fact that ATI is bringing X600 and X400 to PCI-E and Nvidia is bring something to PCI-E but there highend is...
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    Do [H] have a PCI-E card we don't know about?

    If you look at the post on the main page about the new power supply with a 6 pin connector for PCI-E cards and look the picture of the 6 pin connector being connected to a card. Is that a PCI-E card? If it is did [H] do a review on it?
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    Help picking parts. A dillma

    I want to remake or completely build a system. What troubles me is I have to build a system in the middle of old gen and next gen componets. this is a my system right now epox 8k3ae (via kt333) amd athlon xp 2400+ thermaltake volcano 7+ geforce 4 TI 4200 64 meg version soundblaster mp3+...
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    9800 pro, 9800xt, and X800 review

    Is there a review out there that put these three cards against each other? it would be nice to see how these cards stack up against each other.
  17. L

    can you all help on computer parts?

    Ok, I want to remake my current computer. What I have right now is Epox-8k3ae (via kt333) amd athlon 2400+ (able to hit 2600) geforce 4 ti 4200 64 meg version what i want to get is. Abit nf7-s and HIS iceQ Radeon 9800 pro but what i was thinking about was taking the 89 dollar...
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    question on sata controller cards

    I want to do a new system config with sata hard drive. I been looking around for reviews on the bandwidth between sata controller card and pci bus. What i understand is if you have a UATA board supporting 133 then your pci bus is 133 so the sata card would have to share the bus speed with all...