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  1. K

    FS: Socket 939 motherboard, Nokia n97 and many extras

    Thank you for looking. I was cleaning out my closet and found a computer that i don't use anymore. These parts should go great with any Socket 939 system. I have good ebay feedback under kevinf1990. Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro: $15 Coolermaster Mystique $50 OBO + how ever much it takes...
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    windows 7 upgrade question

    hi i don't know if this has been posted but if i buy an upgrade version of windows 7, will upgrading to windows 7 require an existing instal (which requires me to do the double install like in vistal or is all i need a previous version windows disc ( like the xp upgrade method)?
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    want a cheap digital picture frame

    need a cheap digital frame that's under $50. it doesn't have to be the best, but i would like to have the best quality one under 50. is there a good one that someone can recommend here?
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    anybody use soundbooth cs3

    for some reason when i startup soundbooth cs3 in vista, windows don't ave that fading transition anymore and minimizing transitions anymore. why is this?
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    question about rivatuner

    i am about to reformat my computer and i need to know if there is a way to export my fan settings from rivatuner and import it into the new installation
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    thinking about flashing bios on 8800gts

    i have the 8800gts g92 and the fan has the problem where the fan speed is always stuck at 29%. i don't really want to modify the bios but i saw evga bios's from different revisions of the same card at these bios's are still from evga but just from different revisions of the same card...
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    people who are using HVR-950 and vista media center please respond

    i also have the HVR-950 and am wondering if all you guys also have the BDA monitor being blocked during startup problem. if you do how do you get around that. do you guys simply turn off UAC or what? thanks
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    Sapphire Theatrix 650 questions

    i am thinking about buying the card that is in the title. people have been saying that Vista Media center doesn't support QAM but i went to the microsoft website and it says that media center does support QAM. also, just to be clear, QAM means the channels that are higher then 99 right? can...
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    please help me with this weird freezing problem

    these past few nights i have noticed that my computer just locks up in screen saver mode with no error. i just notice my screensaver freezing. this computer has been pretty stable. i can play games and all at high settings with my 8800gts. sorry i can't give you more information though because i...
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    system freezing out of nowhere

    these past few nights i have noticed that my computer just locks up in screen saver mode with no error. it always seems to happen the same time at night too. i just notice my screensaver freezing. this computer has been pretty stable. i can play games and all at high settings with my 8800gts...
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    weird problem with my desktop

    i have a problem and some how i think it may be related to bad nvidia drivers. sometimes out of the blue, the desktop would partially be frozen, meaning i can still click on the start menu but i can't move any icons on my desktop. can anyone confirm that this is a driver problem
  12. K

    need help with temperature readings

    i have a 8800gts g92 and on idle i get about 72 C and 29% fan speed. i know about the auto fan adjustments with rivatuner but don't want to use it anymore because windows keeps blocking it from starting up when i log in. is 72 c a good temperature for idle. and whenever i edit the fan speed in...
  13. K

    have a few questions about the 8800gts g92

    i just recently bought the evga version of this card. did you guys pull the clear plastic off the fan. it had a tab that said pull. also on my card, where there is a downward crease going into the fan, the part of the sticker near the crease doesn't really stay on well. it always peels itself...
  14. K

    have question about calculator software

    i have a ti-89 and for some reason i can only backup the archive to the computer using ti-tools. is this right? also are there any alternatives to TI-tools because the software seems to be a bit buggy in vista. thanks
  15. K

    need captureing software

    sorry, i don't really know hwat this software is called. but are there any free software that will be able to play my playstation 2 on through my capture card. the one that came with it was wintv and i think that it is not very good. the card i am using is the HVR950 with tv tuner
  16. K

    TV tuner software problem

    i recently got a Hauppauge PVR950 usb tv tuner for watching tv on my computer from time to time. i only installed the mce tv encoder so i can watch tv in media center, and the drivers. but now everytime i start up my system, windows defender blocks a program called BDA tv monitor. so since then...
  17. K

    thinking about getting the tuniq t-120

    i am thinking about buying the tuniq heatsink fan for my pc. but is it worth it to get this one just because of the low noise. i don't overclock but i like the design of this cooler. is it worth it to buy it in my case. my specs are in my sig
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    question about black friday and 8800gt

    this might be a stupid question but will prices on video cards go down, if so then how much, in black friday, i am thinking of buying one then.
  19. K

    some questions about vista

    i installed vista for the first time today and am wondering what is the best order to install my programs and drivers. also if the system detected, for example, my video card and installed its drivers should i still download the nvidia program, should i also install nforce
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    question about vista upgrade license

    i have a vista upgrade retail and i am thinking about reinstalling, will i have to install xp first or can i first do the vista install without the key and then install it again with a key. will they let me activate if i do the second way. and also i can transfer the vista retail license from a...
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    ti-89 titianium question

    i have been using this calculator for a few months but i still can;t figure out what is the symbol that comes out if you press diamond + store key. anybody here know?
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    ti-89 titanium question

    not sure if this is the best place to put this but here goes my questions. i found that there is no way to do statistics distribution, tests and intervals unless i install ti's statistic program on there. is there any way to integrate that program to the calculator so that when memory is reseted...
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    weird laptop battery problem

    i have an old toshiba a75-s206 and havn't been using the battery for a long time; i have been using the ac adapter. now when i try the battery and let it charge until 100% and i unplug it the battery stay at around 100-95% and a few minutes later it drops to 6%. anybody know whats wrong with it...
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    question about ds wifi

    i just got pokemon and when i try to connect to my router it says that it can't find a compatible access point. i know htat its only compatible with wep encryption so i turned off encryption completely but it still gives me the problem. am i suppose to have it on wep or it won't let me connect?
  25. K

    weird ds problem

    i just bought a ds and everything is cool but except one thing. i don't think this is really a problem but for some reason the bottom screen is tilted down a little to the left. do you guys think this is worth it to exchange? thanks
  26. K

    thinking about getting a ds

    i am thinking about getting a ds lite soon. do people still get the cracked hinge on their ds that i have heard about. and what is a good first game to buy thanks
  27. K

    need suggestions on what video card to buy

    as you can see from my sig, my video card is pretty old. can anyone suggest any video card that is not more then $300. i want a video card that will last as long as the 6600gt has lasted for me. games i play right are cs:s, GRAW, nfs:c, nfs:mw. any suggestions
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    not sure what to upgrade first

    i am thinking about upgrading my computer, but i am not sure what to upgrade first. i am mainly doing this so my computer can play GRAW better. it can only be one upgrade though. thanks
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    problem with GRAW

    i just bought the game. for some reason when i play, it randomly crashes to desktop saying "GRAW.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". the specs are in my sig. please help me out. more information will be posted if requested
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    need a good audio conversion software

    what is a good audio conversion software that you guys use. i need one that can convert wma to mp3. i would appreciate it if it can do more. it needs to be free. i know that i can find a lot on google, but i just want your opinions. it can not be trial software
  31. K

    have questions on hauppauge tuner

    is the hauppauge pvr150mce, a good card to get. will this card work under winxp pro and vista ultimate. also how is the software that comes with the card. also are there any other cards that you would recommend int the $50 - 60 price range that will work in vista's media center
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    having trouble accessing a vista computer

    i have an xp computer and am trying to access my other vista computer. but for some reason it won't let me go into the documents. i shared the documents and enabled sharing. what am i missing
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    problem with dual boot

    i have a computer with xp already on one partition, i have a empty second partition and tried to install vista on that partiition (the same drive by the way). but after installing vista, the computer just loads vista and doesn;t give me a menu to go to xp. how do i fix this
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    quick question about vista upgrade

    i now know about the upgrade work around where you install vista without key and then install vista over it. my question is if i use this method when reinstalling vista, will microsoft let me reactivate.
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    vista family pack discount question

    my brother bought a copy of ultimate retail upgrade version. can i sign up for the two home premiums anytime i want or is there a limit day when this ends. i have heard from many people that the key they give out isn't valid, has anyone gotten this to work
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    vista upgrade question

    sorry if this has been asked but please help. i am planning on upgrading my xp to vista using an upgrade version. will the upgrade version let me do a clean install if i have xp arleady activated on my computer. after the vista installation can i just make an image of the hard drive and restore...
  37. K

    vista on newegg already?

    i thought that vista was supposed to come out at the end of january like the 30th, but here i am seeing oem versions of vista on newegg already. how come they are releasing earlier then the original date
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    torrent question

    i have a question about torrents. i am using bitcomet as a torrent client. is it normal for the internet to be slower when downloading a torrent
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    reading the stepping without looking at the processor

    i have a small question. is there any way to loook at whether i got a CCBEE stepping without looking at the processor. i forgot to look at it before i put it in the system
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    amd stock fan question

    is it possible to get a stock amd athlon 64 3000+ heatsink fan for socket 939 for free. i really don't want to spend the money to get 3rd party