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  1. P

    Does such a thing exist?

  2. P

    Help... Please?

  3. P

    How does water-cooling Work?

  4. P

    Raid? Sata?

  5. P

    Anyway to unlock my motherboard?

  6. P

    Spring Cleaning

  7. P

    Will Intel Ever ..

  8. P

    Anyone else annoyed by this?

  9. P

    Gaming Sweatshops..?! I just read this, and I guess it all makes sense now. You see, I used to be curious about WoW gold and all that(not that I'd ever buy anything like that, I mean come on..) and I'd go on ebay, and I'd wonder.. how the hell can all these...
  10. P

    Does such a thing exist?

    Okay, so i have two internet connections. satellite, and dial up. what i want to do is be able to have certain programs use certain connections for upstream and downstream. IE, i want Warcraft to use AOL for upstream because its much lower latency than satellite, but i want it to use the...
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    Questions about the p4.

    Well, right now I'm at a modest clock (2.4b Northwood to 2.701) and its been at full load for the past two days its completely stable, but my IC7 is giving me readings of 57C. I don't really know how this could be seeing as how I have a very nice HS/F ( a ZALMAN CNPS7000B ) running at 3000rpm...
  12. P

    I have been with you for awhile.

    Sorry guys I haven't posted in ages! Well I'd like to say that regardless, I've kept folding for [h]. I now have 2.7 + 2.6 + 1.4 ghz folding for us (my three machines). It's good to be back. My third machine should be submitting its first work packet in a long long time in a few minutes...
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    Need Some Help Please

    Well I have about 150$ to spend , and I'd like a new case and a nice hsf for a p4. Right now I have the aspire xdreamer, and I must say it's a p.o.s. I'm looking for a good case thats roomy like a SOHO server but without 120$+ cost. I really like the chieftec style of cases. Also, I really...
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    Bandwidth Capping?

    I'm looking for a program that will allow me to cap my own connection.. IE, I want it to limit my download speed to a certain KBPS. Anything like this?
  15. P

    Fedora Core 2

    Is it possible to install this with just the first two discs, instead of all four? Will it be sufficient for programming enviornment / chat / word processing / surfing / music? Will this include gAIM or will I need to download it? (Can someone find me a link with what is included on each disc)
  16. P

    HD Not showing up?

    My brother wanted me to put all my old spare parts into his dell and upgrade it a bit ( gave him some more ram, nice gforce, a soundblaster live, and I put in his HD from his old comp so he could have all his stuff back on it ). Everything is fine except the HD. I have the jumper settings...
  17. P

    Some questions..

    Now that I have satellite and a static IP, I'm going to be running an apache webserver (once fedora finishes downloading). A few questions: 1) Will Fedora recognize my wireless Linksys USB reciever? So I can get instant online? 2) How would I go about setting up CPanel/etc? Thanks...
  18. P

    What happened?!

    Well, I just shut off my computer to add some thermal compound to my CPU. Upon rebooting, I get that nasty error msg like "CPU problem etc etc", and now it won't clock back to 3.06. I know about the whole, it deteriorates over time thing, but I was running it at 3.06 for ... 27 hours? I...
  19. P

    Is this normal?

    Well I'm OCING my 2.4b to 3.06 ABIT IC7 512 pc2700 mushkin ( I will retime it pretty tight tomorrow ). Its running fine, but defragging a harddrive and running fold at home is causing some weird.. "occurences". First of all, speedfan tells me my processor is at 141*F. Second, my...
  20. P


    Well, seeing as how I have a fast computer now, and satellite internet (with a static IP), I was wondering if I could set up a webserver on my own computer. I mean, I know I can, but how do I go about doing this? Thanks.
  21. P

    whats your longest chain?

    Molex connector-chain, that is? Struck me as I was re-installing a few fans just now that.. wow, I have five molex chained together. Whats your longest? Also, might as well ask.. does this hinder performance?
  22. P

    A few questions

    Well upon the arrival of my IC7, I've been slowly bringing up my processor.. Right now, its a 2.4b ---> 3.0 Well it seems very stable, and I open up speedfan.. but it says IDLING ITS ABOUT 111F?! Is this just the "unfair" sensor on the IC7? Also, can anyone recommend some good...
  23. P

    <3 [h]!

    Well, just put my cold cathode and LED fans that came today into my case. Four LED fans + a cold cathode... Also got my new abit ic7. As I was installing it, I thought to myself.. holy shit, if I hadn't become a member of [h]ardforums, this would've never happened. I am no longer a...
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    Mom needs laptop.

    Words from her: "Retrieving mail, using powerpoint, and word processing". Is this good for those "tasks".
  25. P

    Anyone else annoyed by this?

    ASPIRE's new case teh X-Infinity .. it looks cool, except for that sticker on the front. Makes me nuts. I would've liked one of those, but now that I see that.. ahem, no thanks.
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    Will Intel Ever ..

    Well.. I'm becoming extremely depressed over the fact that I went intel over AMD and cannot RMA my processor. Does anyone think that in the near future, Intel will make a socket 478 processor that is high-efficiency like the Athlon? It would put faith back in me :).
  27. P

    RMAing.. need a sugguestion.

    Well I'm sick of this INTEL Motherboard that has no capabilities for overclocking or the likes, so I am RMAing it. Anyone got any suggestions for socket 478 intel motherboard? I want good features. Thanks. EDIT: mods plz move this.. sorry. Late at night.
  28. P

    Building another system for a friend. Opinion?

    He's not a hardcore gamer or anything at all. Mostly it will be for porn/viewing porn/listening to music. I'll be OCing his processor for him. Cables = COOLER MASTER ROUND, 18-Inch, ATA133/100/66 IDE Cable, 2-Connector ( CLEAR ) Case = CHIEFTEC Silver Server Chasis Workstation Tower with...
  29. P

    I want to OC :(

    I'm sick of using CPUFSB to Overclock. Is there any way in gods name to re-flash a motherboard with a different bios? I'm using D865PERL by INTEL.. and I want to OC through bios. Ofcourse, I am limited by INTEL's BIOS.... Any help?
  30. P

    Spring Cleaning

    Well I just completely dissasembled an old dell (2000) and some mATX gateway computer (about 2000 aswell). I found some HDs/CD-Burners etc, and some p.o.s. mobos. Here is my question. I found a 1.4 ghz p4 (Probably a generation 1 or something, very early p4.. 2000, huge chip. Like...
  31. P


    IT seems that my 2.4b Northwood folds faster and easier when it is just stock clocked.. It takes it a lot less to do the same WU, when clocked at 2.394, rather than 2.752. I suppose it could be a heat thing, anyone else experienced this?
  32. P

    Quick Question

    I have my 2.4 at 2.7 (hush :)) And this one protein p1108_kiefhaber_20 is taking 20 minutes per frame.. is this normal? Can someone point me to a site with average times for different WU? Thanks Also, I joined the horde :-P. Already done 9 WU. :)
  33. P

    Point out my ignorance, Please :).

    Ok well, My new stick of 512 pc2700 (meant to get 3200.. sigh, oh well) just got here. I put it in with my 256 pc2100 thats in there already, and immeadiatley I get an error upon booting (And I had to completely repair the HD.. sigh), so after that I just put the 512 pc2700 in and it works...
  34. P

    Building system for friend, comments?

    Well first, I was wondering... Go with a 1.9 barton (OC to hell), or a 2.17 thoroughbred (OC also). Which can overclock higher? Here is his setup.. just goto and type these numbers in the search : N82E16812104223 (2) N82E16811144073 N82E16827106197 N82E16827131603...
  35. P

    Artifacts.. what are they?

    Well, I took my 275/275 to 295/295 with ATI tool which is pretty stable considering its a 9200 SE 64 MB saphire :). I was just curious, what does the "scan for artifacts" do? What are artifacts?
  36. P

    Average temperatures?

    My CPU usually idles at about 84-86, but I let F@H run over night, and it was close to 120. Is this common? Is this hurtful? Should I get some more fans? Thanks.
  37. P

    Someone insight on Video card?

    Can someone give me some + / - of OCing a video card? And whats the best way of doing it.. increasing memory? or core? I just took my 270 core / memory to 300/300 and it's running pretty awesome..
  38. P

    Wow.. Help, heh.

    Ok, so I'm overclocking my 2.4b with northwood on an intell motherboard... using the PLL etc, with CPUFSB. I have a quick question. I OCed it to about 2.75 ghz (or 150 bus), and it starts to drag, and bump from 8% of proc being used to 70% etc, and temps keep rising 5 and dropping 5. Is this...
  39. P

    Anyone have a windows key?

    I need to activate my windows (just formatted) .. and Its telling me my key has been used to activate it too many times! Anyone have one I can use?
  40. P

    Anyway to unlock my motherboard?

    INTEL D865PERL... want to overclock my proc.. meh.. softfsb doesn't work. Anyone know of a way to unlock it?