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    left 4 dead shadows

    my rig is in my sig, do you think if i go up to 4gb that would be enough to run it smoothly at max? if not, what if i do that and upgrade the proc, but keep the mobo. tips?
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    recording/new card help

    i just got an audiophile 192 and a 12ch mixer. i have my guitars/mics/bass etc running into the mixer and into one of the cards through the stereo group output[i.e. the output from the mixer is in stereo] the card has an input for L/R channels, but my question is, is there a way i can use...
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    20pin+7800+whoops=:[ help asap please

    so i bought a new system. the two important parts right now are the mobo[EPoX EP-9NPAJ], videocard [7800gtx] and the power supply i'm a dumbass and picked the wrong one. the power supply is 20 pin and the mobo is 24. will this cut it with...
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    majoring in photography?

    i've already had a few jobs involving photography...but i want to know if this is a solid choice as a major or should i go into something else(probobly english). has anyone here majored in photography and can help me decide what to do? i'm not really sure what to do after college...panic!
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    canon rebel/eos GII

    i'm still in the dying breed of film users, and i'm upgrading from my old minolta sr-7. due to my shortness on cash, i've decided for this camera. it seems good to me, but i just want a second opinion. :D
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    tring to find a new SLR

    i'm looking to get a new 35mm SLR camera since my SR-7 is starting to show it's age -it's 43 years old- and i don't really know what to get, or even what to look for. i'm looking to spend ~300 for the body and lens. no telephoto lenses, i already have some. 50mm or wide-angle is what i'm looking...
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    save a bunch of money on ipods(from students only

    if you're a student(almost anywhere) you get a pretty nice discount from just follow this link and select your school. also works for faculty.
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    35$ x800 and 200$ 5mp camera!! X800^^ sorry...had to do it. and here's the real deal, this is an awesome camera at an awesome price...
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    Halo PC $25 at BB

    no rebates, half price. i think that's a good deal for a good game.
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    P4P800 deluxe not recognizing SATA?

    i'm sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but here it goes. i can get my system(listed below) to inital post, but it wont recognize my 80gb Maxtor SATA drive. it's all plugged in, any ideas? thanks in advance. system: 2.8c p4 512 geil ram 3200 80gb maxtor SATA p4p800 deluxe...