Search results

  1. D

    Best circumaural headphones < $200?

    I'm interested in buying a pair of nice headphones to listen to music at work. These are going to plug directly into a Macbook Pro (work laptop). Sound quality is important, but not the only factor - long-term comfort is a must since I intend on using them all day every day. Any suggestions?
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    Output to all audio devices in vista?

    I just set up a new computer with Vista. I have headphones hooked up to the computer using an optical SPDIF cable and speakers hooked up using a standard 2-channel plug. If I am playing a game on the speakers and decide to switch to headphones, I need to go to the sound control panel, set my...
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    Corsair 620HX + Antec P180 + 8800GTX: will the cables be long enough?

    Title says it all. I'm a bit concerned about cable length since the power supply goes on the bottom of this case and it will need to go around a rather large card. Anyone tried this particular combo? The review says that the ATX, EPS, and AUX cables are all ~22 inches, which seems long enough...
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    Good SFF choice for file server?

    I'd like to make a small file server and was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for a SFF computer to base it off of. My ideal system would be (in order of importance): * Able to take 3 or more hard drives * Quiet * Low power consumption * Small I don't really care about...
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    Quick recommendation for 20 inch LCD?

    Can anyone recommend a good 20 inch LCD? Cost is an important consideration, and it wouldn't be used for games so response time doesn't matter. A widescreen monitor with high resolution (e.g. 1680x1050), good color reproduction and low cost would be ideal. Thanks in advance! =)
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    Weird glitches recording WoW with FRAPS (video)

    I'm getting strange glitches when I record WoW with FRAPS. You can take a look here: It doesn't seem to happen in other games. I assumed it was a video card problem, but when I swapped out my video card for my friend's My video card is a GeForce...
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    How do I read a text area control in another program?

    Is there a relatively simple way to read the contents of a text area control in another application? Ideally I'd like to hook into the event when the text area gets new text, but I'll settle for just being able to poll it every few seconds and figure out for myself when it's updated. Can anyone...
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    Can't hide cursor when recording WoW with FRAPS

    When I record WoW, the cursor shows up in my movie. I've seen WoW movies with no cursor and would like to turn it off in mine as well. Seems to happen whether Hardware Cursor is on or not. Triple Buffering also doesn't seem to affect it. I can't find a setting in FRAPS. Any ideas? I'm using a...
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    How to clean candle wax off a CRT

    I have a Viewsonic P225F with candle wax on the glass. I'm trying to figure out how to get the wax off without damaging the anti-reflection coating. Anyone have any ideas?
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    why are the nForce drivers so big?

    I have an nForce 3 Ultra board, the Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939. I installed the drivers that came with the board when I set up the system. I was thinking of updating using the latest drivers on the nVidia site, but the sizes are a little disconcerting... NVIDIA GART Driver...
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    Java tank programming game

    Allow me to introduce Robocode, a java programming game. You write a java program which controls a small tank on-screen with commands like turnRadarRight() and fire(). You can download robots that other people have written and compete in a variety of categories, everything from "best robot under...
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    Tom's conveniently omits HardOCP from doom III quote

    In this article ( Tom's provides a very long quote from Robert Duffy's .plan file. However I noticed a slight difference between the two. Tom's quote: Actual .plan file: Pretty scummy. :mad:
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    Wireless headphones for games

    What are good wireless headphones for games and DVDs? No budget cap, but don't go completely nuts, I don't need $5000 studio headphones for Doom. :)
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    Memory problems with Gigabyte Socket 939 board

    I have a GA-K8NSNXP-939 (link) in a system I just built. I have flashed the BIOS to the latest version. I have 2 sticks of DDR 400 ram in slots #1 and #3. It *should* be running dual channel at DDR 400. However CPU-Z shows that I'm only using one channel and says that my ram is running at 157.9...
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    How hot is too hot?

    I just finished building a new computer, using a Lian Li 6070 case. This is their "silent" case, with foam sound insulation on the inner walls and low rpm case fans. Unfortunatly, that same foam insulation is quite good at keeping heat in, and those slow fans aren't moving much air, so it gets...
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    Funny quote from's x800 review

    From's review of the Gigabyte x800 Pro: Bump maps can do ridges, peaks, valleys, even smiley faces if really want. They aren't as good as normal maps, but come on, "limited to bumpiness"? Are they just making that up because the word "bump" is in the name? That's the...
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    Best sound upgrade for $300

    I currently have: Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 integrated audio hooked up to a minisystem like this one That's not the exact minisystem I have but you get the idea. It was a birthday present a few years ago. My question is, what's the best way to spend $300 to improve my sound? I'll be...
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    Will cooler fit on a Gigabyte socket 939 board?

    Looks like a good board but this made me a little nervous. Has anyone had trouble putting their CPU cooler on with this board? I was planning on putting a Zalman CNPS7000A-AlCu cooler on mine, has anyone tried that and did it fit? Thanks!
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    How noisy are the 6800s and X800s?

    I'm trying to build a silent computer. Can the people who have bought these new cards let us know how loud they are? I'm looking for something inaudible or as close to it as I can come. Also, if they're noisy in stock form, what about alternative cooling solutions, like the VGA silencer or...