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    SATA boot with IDE drives

    Hi all... I got an Compaq Presario SR5223WM from a friend, whose power supply went on it. Gave it to me so that I can fix, clean and resell it. Installed spare power supply and it works fine. Used Compaq's restore application to get it back to default, as if from factory. This computer...
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    SATA boot with IDE drives

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    How to set cpu voltage?

    I have an Asus P8P67 Deluxe motherboard... I'm having some severe heat issues when playing BC2. I haven't really touched anything other than changing the memory to use XMP. In another thread, someone said that maybe my voltage is high, which might be the under the auto/default setting...
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    High 2500K temp playing BC2

    Just getting my rig together... running only on stock cooler are pretty much default BIOS setting. Regular computer use I low temps... yet when I run BC2, I get very high (85 to 90 c) temps. I installed Fallout 3 and played it for a bit, low temps. What could be causing this? Any...
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    Where/how do set XMP Profile?

    How/where do you set XMP Profile on a Asus P8P67 Deluxe mobo?
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    Bad memory?

    Just upgraded to Sandy Bridge 2500K on a Asus P8P67 Deluxe motherboard. System itself seems to be running stable... but when I play Bad Company2, I lock up and crash to desktop. I'm up on the latest drivers (as it is a new system). CPU temps are ok. I'm only playing a few minutes and it...
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    2nd SATA 6.0 drive problem

    Just getting my Sandy Bridge up and running. mobo: Asus P8P67 Deluxe I successfully got Win7 installed, of which I never used before (coming from XP), and I see my main C: drive which has the OS installed. In Windows Explorer, I only see my C: and blu ray drive... I don't see my 1TB 6.0...
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    Sound card suggestions

    Building new rig, Sandy Bridge 2500K on a Asus P8P67 Deluxe motherboard. From a sound point of view, I will mainly be gaming and mainly be using headphones with a mic. I do have a 7.1 speaker system, but usually only use it as a 5.1, which I rarely use (use headphones). Will the onboard...
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    2500K OCing instructions

    Collecting my upgrading parts to 2500K Sandy Bridge and will soon start to put together. Are some links to instructions on OCing the 2500K out there? Thanks in advance!!!
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    New Sandy Bridge Win7 rig Hard Drive suggestions

    Hi all, I'm in the process of gathering pieces to my new rig, which will be a Sandy Bridge build on Win 7. I'm planning of using a SSD for OS and programs... I'm looking for a nudge in the direction for a internal mass storage Hard drive... one close to or more than 1TB. Just storage...
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    Guide to HDTV/LCDs for noobs

    Well, I've been preparing a file server and HTPC... Our TV is on the way out, so I'll be needing to buy a new one soon... darn it all. Anyway, I'm rather a noob when it comes to HDTV/LCDs. Can anyone provide some info/links on the subject? Thanks!
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    Good mp3 tag software?

    Looking for decent program that organizes and changes mp3 related tags. Either freeware or cheap... any suggestions?
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    Media Portal vs MyMovies

    What is the difference between the 2 programs in relation to playing movies and music? At the moment, not interested in watching TV through my PC... but I know that MyMovies requires Media Center. I want to store movies on my PC and watch on my TV. I have all of the hardware necessary, but...
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    How to upgrade Win XP Pro to MCE 2005

    As the Title states, looking to upgrade my current rig on Win XP Pro to MCE 2005 (or latest). Not looking to do a fresh install... at the moment. Found forums showing how to use the BartPE method... Is there any new/easier method out there? Does the BartPE method even work? Looking to...
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    How to upgrade Win XP Pro to MCE 2005

    As the Title states, looking to upgrade my current rig on Win XP Pro to MCE 2005 (or latest). Not looking to do a fresh install... at the moment. Found forums showing how to use the BartPE method... Is there any new/easier method out there? Does the BartPE method even work? Looking to...
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    Software for playing movies and management?

    I've determined that my current rig has enough horsepower to play movies. I've ordered cables and such to be able to do the hooks. Next question is software: How do you play a movie so that it plays onto the TV? I will use my S-Video output on my vid card and hook into my AV reciever and...
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    Need help with current rig for HTPC possibilities

    My current gamming rig runs the following: AMD dual core Opteron 165: Asus A8N-SLI Premium mobo: eVGA Nvidia 7800 GT...
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    SP/DIF on a reciever

    I'm thinking of going the route of using a mobo with onboard sound and routing through SP/DIF to a AV reciever. How do you know if a reciever will accept SP/DIF? What type of connector is used? Thinking of getting a Onkyo TX-SR304...
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    Older surround system on it's way out: noob questions

    Few things happening with my current HT system, which is a Pioneer AV 5.1 reciever, seperate DVD player and Sony 27/29" tube TV. Just recently, the reciever started acting funny where the center speaker would stop playing and eventually come back. I put a working speaker, different wire on...
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    5.1 system > noob question

    5.1 speaker system contains: 1) pair of front left/right speakers 2) pair of back left/right speakers 3) center speaker 4) Sub woofer Correct? :confused:
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    Volume level on ripped mp3s

    I used EAC with LAME to encode a cd to the mp3 format, at 320 VBR. I've got an mp3 player and downloaded these mp3s to it. With the volume at max, it just doesn't seem to get loud enough. I have other mp3s that I got thru *ahem*, other means, and they are 320 VBR and seem much louder...
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    Good MP3mass tag changer?

    What is a good/great MP3 tag info changer that will change the info over multiple files? Also, is there an app that will resample MP3? Meaning, if you have a 320 and want it to be 192, thus making the file smaller. Is there such a thing? Thanks!!!
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    How to get rid of Nvidia system tray icon?

    Hello all, I've just installed the latest Nvidia drivers and as usual is installed an icon hte system tray. I've removed it before using msconfig I believe, but I can't seem to get rid of now. Anybody can help me with this?
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    Where to find Memtest?

    I've done a Google on Memtest... but I wasn't sure which was the correct one to d/l. I also see a Memtest86... Is this the same one? Can someone post link to the actual utility? Thanks!
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    Looking for a DOS image backup app

    I would like to basically backup my main hard drive, which contains the OS and all apps, to a image file that will be stored on another drive and/or multiple DVDs. If in the event that main drive goes, I guess I will need a backup app that will allow me to boot into DOS and do a restore from...
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    Does adding a GPU cooler void warranty?

    I have an eVGA 7800GT CO SE and wanted to get either a AC Silencer NV5 rev3 or a Zalman VF700 GPU cooler. Does adding this void the warranty?
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    How do you monitor GPU temp?

    I've seen people posting GPU temps... how do they monitor the temp? I have (of which I am putting together with my new rig) 7800GT... does the card and software offer some sort of monitoring? Or do you have to install a 3rd party temp gauge? Thanks!
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    Good mouse pad for Logitech G5?

    What is a good mouse pad to be used with Logitech G5? :confused:
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    Anybody have/try the Logisys Digital Fan Controller?

    Seems most fan controllers are a POS as I've read on this forum. I've considered the Sunbeam rheobus, but I need something more stream lined... the knobs on the Sunbeam stick out too much. So I was wondering if anybody tried the Logisys Digital Fan Controller?
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    Proper CPU temp monitoring?

    I have an Asus A8N-SLI Premium with an Opty 165 on the way... Have never OC'd before and was wondering what the proper way to monitor CPU temps with? Is the mobo able check CPU temps? Do watch thru the BIOS or can you use software for that. I've seen screen shots of (CPU_Z??) that show...
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    Anybody use a AC Freezer 64 Pro on an Opty 165?

    Looking thru Newegg reviews and one person said that the AC Freezer 64 Pro did not fit properly on his Opteron. I have a Opty 165 and am looking at the Freezer 64 Pro and am concerned. Anybody have this combo? If so, is it cover the CPU? Review from NewEgg: Pros: Looks like it would...
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    Where can I find Wolf Claw II online to buy?

    Any ideas where to find the Wolf Claw II online to buY :confused:
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    What memory should I get... asks the noobie.

    Putting together a rig for the first time in my life and need some help from the forum. My system: Opteron 165 dual Asus A8N-SLI Premium I believe that is all you need know... Looking for info on what type and brand I should get. I was hoping for: 1) If I was going to do some...
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    Would you buy an EOM CPU?

    I am really hesitant on spending $250 to $300 on a limited (60 day) warranty item (EOM)... Why jump at this offer on an EOM? Is it because if the CPU is bad, it's bad right out of the box... after burn or after 60 days, most likely the CPU will last? Is this the thought here?
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    Ultra Aluminus case: any owners out there?

    Looking into get a case for my new rig. Considering the Silverstone TJ05 or possibly the TJ06. Both are a little over price range I was wanted. Saw a handful of reviews of the Ultra Aluminus case and looks promising. Any owners out there that give their thoughts on the case?
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    SilverStone TJ05 - thoughts from owners

    I've been racking my brain a new case... considering the Silverstone TJ05 and was looking for thoughts on the case from actual owners. How is room? How is cooling? etc etc... Thanks!
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    Gaming on Opteron 165/170

    Someone posted that a Opteron 165/170 were not as good at gaming as the X2s because Optys don't have 3DNow. On Newegg, I clearly see the Optys have 3dNow... So, I assume the poster was incorrect, yes? From a gaming point of view, which would better, the Optys or X2s?
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    Which Asus A8N-SLI that is not SLI?

    Which Asus board would you recommend that is like the A8N-SLI, but not SLI. Meaning, I would like the same features as the A8N-SLI, just non-SLI.
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    Asus A8N32-SLI / A8N-SLI Premium

    Noob here... I've seen references to the Asus A8N32-SLI and A8N-SLI Premium. Are they 2 different boards or one and the same?
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    Advice on decent cases

    Hello all, I was looking for advice on case in $50 to $100 range. I was more looking for advice on those cases with good quality and solidness. Don't care about windowed cases. Need a case with room to spare and to grow into. I am considering the Antec Performance line, Roswill...