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    problem with modem

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    WTB: Laptop HDD

    I'm currently looking for any and all laptop harddrives you all are looking to get rid of, but it needs to be less than 40 gigs, as i dont need it any bigger than that. thanks.
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    problem with modem

    sup guys... i had a question for y'all... i put in a new harddrive on a friend's computer, formatted it, and put an os on it. when i connected to the internet (dialup), after about 30 seconds after connecting, the whole computer freezes. i've tried several different modems, and the same thing...
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    WTT PSP Package for Video Card/RAM

    Hi everyone, I have an almost brand new PSP Value Pack with several games including Hotshots Golf and Coded Arms. I have an old system with an old 9700 non pro and 512 ram. I was wondering if anyone was willing to trade my PSP for a more powerful card and/or perhaps another 512 stick of ram...
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    Generic Rate My Build Thread, but with a TWIST! =]

    First of all, thank you for checking out my thread. I am pretty psyched about building me this new gaming rig. The main thing i want out of this setup is longetivity (meh, ugly word). I want this rig to last me forever without having to upgrade at all. I definately want the best bang for the...
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    WTB: HDD, RAM, Vid Card.

    sup guys, right now im looking to upgrade an old system of mine but i dont really wanna spend much, so thats why im here, lol. basically im looking a hard drive 160+ gigs, ram around pc2700 (one 512 mb stick), and a decent video card (card on the system now is a 9700np) upgrade. lets see...
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    Softmodding and OC'ing a 9700np

    hey guys, i finally decided to overclock an ATI Radeon 9700np that came with my Dell computer a couple of years ago. the card seems to have the infineon 3.3ns memory. when i run ati tool it tells me the default speeds are 263/263. i already know the process of softmodding a card and...
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    Transferring parts from a Dell to new case.

    yeah, so like the topic says, i was wondering if there would be no trouble in transferring all the parts from a Dell Dimension 4550 Desktop i have to a third party case. specs are as follows: Pentium 4 2.53 ghz Seagate 60 gig HDD 7200rpm (Dell seems to use Seagate) 512mb RAM (no idea...
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    High End (I hope...) Gaming Rig. Need Opinions.

    Here's a gaming rig I'm planning on buying. I'm looking for suggestions on these parts. Is there anything better/missing? I already have the monitor, speakers, mouse/kb, OS, etc. This will just be the box. I want this gaming system to be upgradeable in the future, so it lasts more than 2 years...
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    ~$800 gaming machine.

    so a friend wants to build himself a computer. he want to play games like counter strike source, half life 2, doom 3, the works. anyone have any suggestions on parts we could get offa if the price goes up a little, its fine.. same if its less. thanks in advance. (ps: he...
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    Help with win2K problem!

    i have a friend that told me his comp is acting weird... almost all of the icons on the desktop changed to the "windows" icon (the white one), and when he tries to click on the icons, nothing happens.. i followed the target to the icons, and i click on EXCELEXE or something, and it doesnt run...
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    Skinning Windows XP.

    I have a few questions... first of all, i've read horror stories all over the net saying how skinning programs for windows xp really mess up the OS, and that they contain alot of spyware.. this is the reason why i've never even thought of downloading any of the programs, so my question is, have...
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    Knoppix Linux Distro

    I've always been curious about Linux, how it looks, how it works, everything, and so I heard that Knoppix doesn't install anything and just runs off a CD... perfect. I'm downloading it as I type this, it'll be done in about 40 mins... What I was wondering is if I could actually go on the...
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    Building budget PC for a friend...

    Ok guys, my friend wants to get himself a computer thats mainly going to be used for word processing, internet, e-mail, chat, etc... i told him it was best to build one, but i don't really know what parts would perform good for a low price (mainly motherboard and processor[intel or amd?])...
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    Case question...

    Hi guys, im a first time poster but ive been checking out your forums for a some time now, and i wanted to ask a question... not sure if this is where it belongs tho... I wanted to build my own rig from scratch but there wasnt enuff space on the CC to order the parts offa NewEgg so i had to...