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    cable management

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    which way to go 939 fx-60 or AM2 5200+

    i already have an abit mobo for 939 with dual x1800's running in crossfire with 2 gigs of ram and a a64 3500 venice should i buy the FX-60 for my 939 and continue using my crossfire or should i buy an am2 mobo with a windsor X2 5200 with 2 gigs of ram and run one x1800 until i save enough...
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    upgrading pumps, help me out real quick before i order

    i have the D5 running in my system now but i need something smaller an im re configuring my loop i have a swiftech storm and a couple maze 4 blocks on my crossfire x1800's my question is did they fix the MCP355 pumps i read about alot of failures, but are they good now?? im gonna order from...
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    quick crossfire question

    ok so i bought a x1800xt crossfire ready card and im thinking of buying a mobo and crossfire edition card to run them together, i have a watercooled machine now and i intend to keep the water cooling when i upgrade but im curious if the crossfire edition cards work with all crossfire ready...
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    first powerbook G3 strange?

    ok well the thing runs because im on it right now i got this laptop in a trade its dual booting os9.2 an os10 but heres my troubles first the battery in this thing is toast so if anyone knows a cheap place to get one? 2nd when it defualt boots into os9.2 and i go to startup disks it freezes...
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    watercooled 6800 pcie overclock

    alright as the topic says i have a watercooled gigabyte 6800 pcie and im using the vtuner software to overclock it but how high is a good overclock? the core speeds are 350/700 right now i have the card on 425/775 and my temps are 32c on the core and 27c ambient how far is safe to go, i just...
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    guide to custom made reservoirs

    can somneone post like some tutorials or what not about making there own res? i know deviance has some sweet ones ited be nice if i could get some info? thanks guys
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    TDX vs. Storm what are your thoughts?

    well currently i have a maze 4 cpu block on my a64 3500 venice with a csp mag 12 pump from DD i know this block sucks for the setup i have because the processor dosent put out as much heat as the maze 4 was designed for so it lacks some cooling efficency so i have been told so now im looking...
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    safe overclocks

    well i have a gigabyte 6800 pcie card thats watercooled and i have a 92mm fan blowing on the ramsinks keeping them cool my card came with vtuner software to overclock the card im just wondering what is a general safe overclock for the card right now the core clock is 350mhz and 700mhz memory i...
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    coolants, your thoughts?

    well i skipped my morning class today and was sitting around the house today thinking about coolants right now i use a combination of some thermaltake coolant and water because there wasnt enough to fill my whole system. however i was thinking of other coolants and im curious what you guys use...
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    jab tech?

    so i need to order a new reservoir for my water cooling along with some tubing and a few msc parts but the only place that has the res in stock is i think ive heard of them before, anyone know anything about them?
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    if your pump dies?

    alright so when i first built this system i had it watercooled after about the first week i was sitting in my room watching a movie i had just downloaded when i heard my pump whine which eventually led to the pump dieing, part of the inside shatterd. i immediatly went back to air for the past...
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    OC just for the heck of it, input??

    so thats what ive got so far ive went to 2.4 before im runnig on air right now how far you guys think i can go?
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    danger den fails again!!!! (getting peeved now)

    well what else is new danger den fails me once more, if it was getting my parts mixed up and my order late 1 week after installing my water cooling the pump dies so i said fu*k this yanked it all out an put my fans back in, im sick of that garbage gonna call them tomorrow to see if they will at...
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    watercooled 6800, not cool enough? strange

    alright in my loop i have pump-rad-res-cpu-gpu now my processor is around 32-34 idle a64 3500+ venice my video card is around 34c idle but thats not cool enough, when i go to play bf2 it heats up to around 37-40c but my game gets so laggy (singleplayer) that its hard to play now i know...
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    so i jus rescently built my new system watercooled a64 3500 venice and gforce 6800 danger den blocks on both, reserviour 5 1/4 bay, and a 120x2 radiator now the water cooling is fine my cpu and video card run around 30c first day i hooked it up but i cannot game my mobo is an8 ultra so i go...
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    quick question before putting my setup together

    my first question is on my pump now i think danger den jipped me because all i got was the pump no adapters or anything came with it like they said it would on there web site, now i dont wanna take any chances i want my...
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    my danger den experience (RANT!!!)

    well last monday i orderd a water cooling kit from danger den built by me on there site well today 10 min before i go to work fedex comes so im all excited untill i get inside and open the box..... well i got all the parts except the resviour (sp) and my thermal paste and its the weekend...
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    leak testing?

    alright i got my new stuff in today TT armor case abit an8 ultra 6800 pci 550psu a64 3500+ venice orderd my cooling kit from dangerden but i have a question about leak testing should i design my loop then take it out of the computer and fill it up and leave it running for 24 hours or...
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    difference between clawhammer and venice 3500+

    whats the difference between these 2 cpu's and this one im building a new system and im goin with the 3500+ but whats the difference between these 2 im...
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    so heres what ive got so far? help me out

    im gonna watercool the following system a64 3500+ 1 gig of corsair geforce 6800 pcie abit an8-ultra mobo couple hard drives im using a pretty spacious case now for the watercooling parts heres what i have in mind i...
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    problems in keeping my pc running, help!

    alright i built this system for xmas athlon 64 3000 fx5900 chaintech vnf3-250 gig of corsair pc3200 alright when i first built the system i had trouble keeping it running, then after about a week it ran stable for the longest time and didnt kick off i would game and everything an be fine...
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    Tri monitor setups?

    alright i was thinkin about goin with a dual monitor setup because my new video card has 2 monitor plugs on the back of it, but i was wondering how you have a tri monitor setup i would rather have that but im not sure how it works, post pics of ur tri monitor setups as well as how it works...
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    cable management

    im lookin for some help on my cable management i cant seem to find the mesh type stuff i have seen some people use, not the hard plastic tubing that u can buy at an auto parts store im looking for the mesh stuff like you push it together and it gets big then you put the cables through it and...