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  1. S


    I guess this is slightly off topic, but maybe someone has been in this position before :) Does anyone have any tips for finding good internships? I'm finishing my BS degree in computer science and will be starting my MS next fall so I'm looking for an internship over the summer doing software...
  2. S

    php sessions

    I've made a small website for a teacher at my school. I'm having one small problem though. There are protected pages and you have to register and login to view them. Once the user is verified, they get a session variable called 'logged_in' which is set to '1'. The protected pages check to see if...
  3. S


    I don't know if this is a bug, or some kind of feature, but it isn't presnt in PHP5. I have three variables on a page: $q1, $q2, $q3. here is the script. it's the first page of a survey (this happens on all pages but this will give you an idea of whats happening). if the survey is submitted...
  4. S

    bulletin boards

    Hey guys, I'm working on a website, and this site has certain pages that require registration and login to view. So I just finished writing my own scripts to do this, but now I need to add a bulletin board to the site. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for bulletin board software...