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  1. L

    a bug if DFS

    Hey guys, I am building a graph ADT which implements DFS to find the strongly connected components of a digraph and I have run into an bug that I can't seem to squash. The program creates a stack, so for example 8 4 6 7 3 5 2 1 is my output (this works) where 8, 4 6, 73, 5 2 1 are strongly...
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    Official BenQ FP241VW (not FP241W) Thread. Reviews and Pics

    I got mine today, I'm loving it so far. I got my 20" cheapo TN viewsonic next to it, and after looking at the BenQ it looks washed out and dull. So far I'm loving the monitor. My wii hooks up to it very nicely as well, havn't tried the ps3 yet.
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    Official BenQ FP241VW (not FP241W) Thread. Reviews and Pics

    i got the call as well. They said they received their shipment and will ship it out today (friday) or monday at the latest. +1 for benQ for actually taking the time to call.
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    PS2 and GC on my lcd monitor?

    i wouldn't call it a cheaper solution, but a monitor with component inputs would be your best choice. Or, does your video card support VIVO? Although i once did VIVO through a x1900xtx and tried playing wii, the image quality was horrendous.
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    Official BenQ FP241VW (not FP241W) Thread. Reviews and Pics

    Hey guys, so I am thinking of buying this monitor but it seems sold out everywhere. I think I'm going to pre-order it from the BenQ website and wait till 8/15 for it to ship. I'm guessing its been a while since the overscan fixing firmware has been released so I'm pretty much guaranteed a new...
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    JAVA question

    i knew it was something stupid like that :-( but i do have to say THANK YOU. cause i was about to rip my hair out.
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    JAVA question

    ok, so in the main class i have been running some tests and it seems that some links are lost during the insert function. So far i have only test FIRST and LAST. Thing is I have run a trace of those two on paper numerous times, and tried finding a problem and it all seems fine. Basically it...
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    JAVA question

    Hey guys, I'm writing a program, it is a very basic text editor. For the datastructure I am using a double linked list with three pointers, first, last and current. The current pointed has a method that makes the used be able to move it to either first, last, or up or down one position on...
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    psp linux

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    wii: About Wii Sports and COD3

    I hated COD3, for some reason, not sure y. Traded it in, got wind waker for 10 buks :-D.
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    HardForum Wii Number Directory

    mine is 6036 9143 7417 4293
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    animating/modeling career

    never been to that site before but now that I have looked at it I must thank you ALOT. lol some very helpful info and people there.
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    [H]ardOCP license

    just widen the H, maybe make it red, play around with it. the rest is good
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    [H]ardOCP license

    not a very hard [H] imo
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    animating/modeling career

    I have a few questions and i think this is the best area of the forums to ask since I see some of you do some 3d modeling/animating. I am going to graduate high school this year and was hoping to get into either 3d special effects for movies or commercials, or maybe even for the game industry...
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    PSP Firmware 2.82 Released

    also in firmware news, Dark Alex's 2.71 SE-B came out yesterday (custom firmware). It is 2.71 bootstrapping on the back of 1.5 Basically you can natively play all the games than need 2.71 while running homebrew that was made for 1.5 (and even 1.0, no KExploit needed). It also has a recovery...
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    The Screen Shot Thread!

    while we are on the subject of eve.... I love taking down enemy POSs :-D, cool moment, we had 2 dreads with us.
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    EVE Online, Amazingly Deep

    yea, im part of the corp that is current head of Brotherhood of Steel, welcome :-). Join the [H] corp guys, they are good. (this is Vladimir Kozyrev ingame btw)
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    EVE Online [ H ] Corporation Is there one?

    you guys should join our corps allience, its called Brotherhood of Steel, and my corp is Perpetua Umbra (well.. its not mine but im high up in there). We have a secure one gate .1 system, with a real station and a NAP with Curse Coalition who let us into the Curse 0.0 region.
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    Sony PSP @ [H] Console

    Great review, only thing is you guys didn't touch homebrew which is amazing on this console. Theres a program to take in game screens too :-)
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    Broken heatpipes?

    Put stock heatsink on, 75 with fan at 100% so its normal. My conclusion is that theres something wrong with vf900. >_< RMA time
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    Review of an VF900 on an X1900XTX in case you missed

    I used thin layer of AS5 and I have reaplied it earlier to make sure thats not the problem. I have a P180 case so I have a 120mm fan blowing air directly on the card and the side of the case is open. Can heatpipes break? EDIT: 75 with stock heatsink. I blame broken heatpipes
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    Broken heatpipes?

    I have vf900 on a x1900xtx and I hit 105C with ATItoll, no OC everything stock. Is it possible to have a broken heatpipe? The heatsink does not appear to get hot so something apparently is messing with the heat transfer. And before any one asks no, I dont have the temps from the stock heatsink...
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    Review of an VF900 on an X1900XTX in case you missed

    yeap, maximum. Its stable but doesn't OC much, I have it running at stock speeds right now and it hits 94 max. Ticks me off when I hear of people getting around 65 on their xtx EDIT: any chance of the heatpipes being broken? The temps rise slowly from 70 till they linger around 94, so any...
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    Review of an VF900 on an X1900XTX in case you missed

    ok... is something wrong with me card or their methods? I get 94C at maximum load, thats with a vf900 and a 1900xtx. What am I doing wrong? Or is this normal temp? Not sure what stock cooler temps were, cant put it back on to check due to the ramsinks and me not having extra thermal tape.
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    Help with Oblivion HDR + AA bug

    cataclyst AI enabled, should I do standard or advanced? what the difference? I'm just trying to do 2x. >_< I might have to install 32 bit if that is the problem.
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    Help with Oblivion HDR + AA bug

    I get the edges when it starts, but they usually go away. I know FarCry HDR had the edge problem too. But its annoying me cause I cant play with AA. The only change to my ini is more grids load and water reflects all. Oh and speaking of water, it also messes with the water, like it gets...
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    Help with Oblivion HDR + AA bug

    the Chuck patch has been applied
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    Help with Oblivion HDR + AA bug

    So it works, but the thing that makes the HDr go from bright to dark depending on what you look at seems to be broken. What happens is if you look at something bright and then turn away everything stays super bright. And it just stays like that instead of darkening. And when it does try to turn...
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    Hdr + Aa

    After I used this patch I would never be able to go back, even just 2x AA makes the game look alot cleaner and still runs perfectly smooth. For me it is much more than a nice to have option. But it is true that is is useless for anything less than a 1900xt will not be able to run this.
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    best/most comfortable gaming mouse?

    I know this is late but I got a G7 and im in love with it. Craigslist FTW ( 55 bucks brand new in box)
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    How many x1900s and 7900s are out there?

    I got a x1900xtx from craigslist for $400 buks. Couldd't be happier
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    All these threads bore me

    So I drew a picture... I dont own the game yet and I feel left out. And since every one is talking about it I want it, but I dont have it. I dont even need to say the name of the game. hire res version here, also ad free
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    Help Me Decide

    yea, its a xtx, used on a classified ad.. you think it will be able to do oblivion at 1900x1080? My grief is that im spending so much cash when DX10 is on the way soon... then again DX10 games arnt so I guess I wont nned DX10 hard ware right away. The XTX is almost twice as fast as a 7800gt...
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    Help Me Decide

    Ok.... I have a problem... new cards came out and im an upgrade whore. I have a 7800gt and I found a buyer for it who is willing to pay $240. Now I can either get a 7900gt for $300 and a PSP hard drive with extra money, or a x1900xtx for $425. I am currently on a 1280x1024 res monitor but I am...
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    Refurbrished card from new egg?

    I might get a x1800xt from new egg for 340 dollars, but would it be safe since it is refurbrished?
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    Plasma Pong, my addicted

    wow..... I had to take a shower and now this.... bye bye hygine. Also, this would make a good PhysX demo for Aegia I think, just make it more complex and it would be cool. He should sell it on the xbox marketplace... I think it would make a hefty penny.
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    Would you be interested in a [H]ard Corp on Eve Online

    waz, set your destination to a system called Jita.... you will see what a really populated system is like... oh and u can buy like anything u want there too
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    nvidia's "Community Outreach" targets Forums

    ok, let the communist style mole hunt begin. Accuse some one or its off to the Gulag for you!
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    HDR Games?

    Duke Nukem Forever will.