Search results

  1. X

    Laptop for college

    Thank you everyone! More opinions still welcomed though! haha. Yeah 1380 is total minus the 3 year warranty.
  2. X

    Laptop for college

    I (obviously) plan to get a laptop for college next year (computer science) and since I have the money now, I decided I'll start "shopping" to find out what I should get when the time comes. The budget is ~2000, but cheaper is obviously better. ThinkPad T61 15 Widescreen $1,380.00 1...
  3. X

    C++: "Less Than 30 Lines"

    It's just a joke. I found it pretty amusing. :)
  4. X

    connection time out?

    bump again
  5. X

    connection time out?

  6. X

    connection time out?

    Anyone know anything about this?
  7. X

    connection time out?

    Yup, same one. I have the cox "Premier" package already. I used to have a different modem, but had to "upgrade" when we got this new service...
  8. X

    connection time out?

    When I leave my computer on for extended periods of time over night or when I leave the house, the internet connection seems to partially die. Some web pages don't load or take very, very long to do so. Even when no web pages load, my AIM still acts perfectly normal. It's an easy fix (reset...
  9. X

    Zalman VF-900Cu problems

    thanks, im stupid. I can't connect it to the card because i think that one is only two prong, so it wouldn't fit. connecting it directly worked fine, thank you.
  10. X

    Zalman VF-900Cu problems

    the fan worked great at first but now its acting weird. it seems to be a problem with the controller. it doesnt work at anything but the lowest RPM setting. sometimes it doesn't work at all (like right now) anyway i can bypass that? i dont care if its on 100% all the time.
  11. X

    Looking for graphics card cooler

    Thanks for the help.
  12. X

    Looking for graphics card cooler

    I need an after market heat sink/fan for my XFX 7800 GT. I'm getting 69C right now, idle, which is not good at all. This is underclocked too. I think it's just a terrible card, but a cooler may fix this.
  13. X

    X-Mas present

    how about the BenQ FP202W? this looks nice too
  14. X

    X-Mas present

    That was a typo, sorry.
  15. X

    X-Mas present

    I need to pick out which monitor I want to get for Christmas. I play games frequently. $250-300 19"-20" LCD. Wide screen would be nice so would DVI.
  16. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    How would i check if the motherboard is bad? There is a red LED that turns on when the computer does, but then it turns off. And I read about that LED and if it stayed on then there would be a problem, but it goes off. I understand that a problem could still be there, but this is just what it...
  17. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    Bah, I can't boot off the floppy because there is a disk in the floppy drive x_x
  18. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    Yeah, I figured out the model and am now about to update the BIOS. There was a bit of an offtime because I didn't have any working floppy cables, but now I have one.
  19. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    I've already done it via the jumper but I'll try again...
  20. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    I've been trying to time it right so that the Mobo doesn't detect the HD so it won't go to the black screen but to the point where the XP boot CD will recognize it... Not much luck :-/
  21. X

    Help with security cameras (pics)

    Due to the quality of the image, it may be a smarter idea to make the camera visable as a deturnant so it won't happen again, rather than hiding the camera and waiting for them to do it.
  22. X

    xD Card says not formated, Lost wedding Pictures

    Sometimes stuff like that happens, I'd try multiple computers etc. If you have some idea of what you are doing, a CD distro of linux may be nice to copy the pictures from the card to a CD, USB, or the HDD.
  23. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    I did and I have it set for booting off the CD first, but the problem is whenever I have the HD hooked up, it just goes to a black screen. If I unplug the HD then I can boot off the CD, unfortunatley the XP boot CD doesn't recognize the HD unless it's in by the start up.
  24. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    Yeah, I went to the gateway site and remembered 310 series, and hey, it looked the same. The problem is that there are like 50 or so machines with that case.
  25. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    Yeah... Now that you put it that way, that wasn't the best choice. I didn't think Windows did that much customization to the software based on the hardware. I did it because I backed up some files onto my computer from that HD. Okay, now I'll reformat and install the OS again, but how do...
  26. X

    Freeze at load :-/

    My family requested that I format the family computer to speed it up, its a gateway (2.5 years old I believe). Well I hooked up their computer and after a bit of problems (Error Loading Operating System, which I fixed via the bios in my computer) I got it formatted and set up. Then when I put...
  27. X

    Virus using 50percent of cpu, plz help

    You try booting into safe mode and doing a virus scan? /noob answer
  28. X

    Mac or IP Filtering?

    I was interested in it so I googled it and got a forum where someone said they were 32ms away from, so I did a ping and I'm 17ms away from it. I know what a ping is, but what does this mean exactly?
  29. X

    Semi-disconnect over night

    K, thanks guys. :)
  30. X

    Semi-disconnect over night

    Ah yes, It does seem to be when I'm running Bitlord... I set DNS to that, hopefully it fixes it, thanks. Is that going to slow down my internet at all?
  31. X

    Semi-disconnect over night

    I like to leave my computer on 24/7, the only time it's ever off is because some software makes me roboot. When I normally get on in the morning, I can't sign on to Guild Wars because it says the network cannot be detected or something, then my firefox doesn't let me go to any sites. The weird...
  32. X

    7900 GTX Forceware for Windows XP x64?

    Can't seem to find them either...
  33. X


    This one looks nice
  34. X


    Any other comments? (thanks standpoint)
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    b bu bum bump bum bu b
  36. X

    The "Show off your VIA System" thread!

    You should make the slot a spot for a sata HDD. Hot swappable and stuff :)
  37. X


    Ok, so my birthday is tomorrow and I'm thinking of getting a new screen, because I am currently running on a E773c (17 inch CRT) and I want a 19 inch. Here is the money break down 150 from my party on friday 100 from mom 100 from dad ____________ 350 So I want a monitor for like 300 or...
  38. X

    Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core CPU - Photoshop Test

    No one else seems to care about it being Dual core (or even amd in some cases) 71 seconds.
  39. X

    I hate you guys...

    In the southern hemisphere it is summer...