Search results

  1. K

    Recommend motherboard for 2600k

    I just bought one. Hopefully it is a nice board
  2. K

    Recommend motherboard for 2600k

    What do you guys think of this board? Went on sale for $159 from 209
  3. K

    Recommend motherboard for 2600k

    any other recommendations?
  4. K

    H100, 60 and 80

    Found the H60 on fry's website for 59.99
  5. K

    Reviews on the G.Skill Ripjaw 1600 memory

    Newegg is now offering the X series on sale today.
  6. K

    Reviews on the G.Skill Ripjaw 1600 memory

    Newegg is offering a promotion on one of their memory deals, and I was just wondering how would this memory do with a Intel 2600K cpu. I haven't decided on the mobo yet, but I am just trying to gather up my components for my new build...
  7. K

    Recommend motherboard for 2600k

    I will most likely overclock. I am just running 1 video card for now. The nvidia GTX 295. I don't think I will be any needing any other slots.
  8. K

    Recommend motherboard for 2600k

    Hey Guys, I have been out of the loop for the latest technology for computers parts for a while now, and I just recently purchased the 2600k from the Intel Summer promotion deal. What kind of motherboard do you guys recommend that will be the perfect match for the 2600k cpu. Willing to...
  9. K

    Upgrading Cpu 970 vs 2600k??

    yep. Primarily for gaming
  10. K

    Upgrading Cpu 970 vs 2600k??

    Intel is offering their summer deal for the i7 970 and the 2600k cpu. I was wondering which cpu would be better to purchase in the long run? My computer is running a q9550 cpu right now.
  11. K

    Cutting holes in mobo tray

    When i was modding my case. I used a step bit and a dremel. Both of these tools had worked perfectly for me!
  12. K

    Type of lag/glitch while overclocked. HELP!

    Since i overclocked my q9550 on my Gigabyte EP45-UD30 motherboard, I have been getting this type of glitch in windows. Does anybody know what this glitch is? The glitch feels kinda like a lag or some sort in windows.
  13. K

    Extending cpu plug

    I was doing my wire tuck for my computer, but my 2 cpu plugs were too short. Are there any sites that offer a type of extension for this plug?
  14. K

    Painting Case Interior Cheaply

    So you need to prime it first, then use the rusteloeum paint or w/e
  15. K

    Painting Case Interior Cheaply

    Do you even need to sand the insides of the case? People who have painted the insides of their case. Did you sand your comp case before painting it?
  16. K

    dust filters for my antec900

    Yeah i was also looking on the antec website, but didn't see the 1200 cages.
  17. K

    Painting Case Interior Cheaply

    What grit sandpaper do you guys recommend on using?
  18. K

    Painting Case Interior Cheaply

    What kind of sandpaper do you guys recommend on using? What grit?
  19. K

    Cheap place for U-Channel

    Does anybody have a website where i can buy the U-channel for cheap? Looking to do some surgery on my Antec 900, but want to cover up the new cuttings with some U-channel.
  20. K

    Asus P5q Pro vs GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P

    On the gigabyte. Will the size of my GTX 280 affect anything?
  21. K

    Asus P5q Pro vs GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P

    How's the customer service between both groups? People who have RMA their products thru each brand. Please chime in!
  22. K

    Asus P5q Pro vs GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P

    I was wondering which mobo should i get for my new setup? Intel Q9550 EVGA GTX 280 OCZ Reaper DDR2 800
  23. K

    antec 900 psu fan cutout

    So like the above posters said. Should i just flip it and call it a day?
  24. K

    antec 900 psu fan cutout

    Is there any advantage of cutting out the hole at the bottom and flipping the psu?
  25. K

    antec 900 psu fan cutout

    yeah that is what i am talking about. How did you guys measure where to cut the hole at to match the fan on the psu?
  26. K

    antec 900 psu fan cutout

    I was just wondering how did you guys cut the hole at the bottom on the antec 900 case? How did you guys measure where the psu fan would be at, and to be able to figure out where to cut the hole at?
  27. K

    Abit ip35 pro

    can't even get their site to work, or reach their phone number. This blows. My IP35 pro needs to be rma. CPU fan doesn't turn on. Does anyone have a converter type of thing that turns the cpu fan connection into a molex connection?
  28. K

    Free E7300

    count me in also!
  29. K

    Fry's Ad: Intel System Builder Special Event?

    is frys gonna have some more deals tomrrmow? I hope new ones.
  30. K

    BFG GTX 280 OC for $350 after $50 MIR w/FC2

    damn would had bought it, but tax kills the deal for me. TX FTL!
  31. K

    Good video card for a HTPC

    nah not really for gaming. Just to watch movies and such.
  32. K

    Good video card for a HTPC

    I was just wondering what kind of video cards do you guys recommend for a HTPC setup? I wanted to connect my computer to my sony 1080p tv.
  33. K

    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    good luck everyone. maybe i will win one!
  34. K

    Q9550 E0 Stepping - Where can I get one?

    Just wondering if this processor was good for gaming? I was eventually going to get a E8500, but then there's a good deal at fry's electronics for this processor. I know the quad cores aren't really made for gaming, but when i think about it. Isn't this processor better in the long run...
  35. K

    Four 1GB Sticks: Mem Controller/Performance Issues?

    Do you know if this asus mobo has the PAE support? Also which windows update are you talking about?
  36. K

    Four 1GB Sticks: Mem Controller/Performance Issues?

    Is there any way to get 4 gb of ram even if you have windows xp 32 bit?
  37. K

    Best gaming video card for non-sli mobo

    what's the comparison with the ati 4870 vs the 260?
  38. K

    AMD Phenom & Spider & Intel QX9770 Comparo @ [H]

    how much are these going to run?
  39. K

    HELP! Compaq Presario SR1750NX

    i tried that last one u gave me, but it didn't work. Kept saying that i need the microsoft bus driver or w/e
  40. K

    HELP! Compaq Presario SR1750NX

    I reformatted my pc to windows xp, and can't seem to find the drivers on the compaq site. I tried calling compaq, but i can't understand them for crap! Would not help me since my pc is out of warranty. Can anyone help me find the drivers. Thanks!