Search results

  1. R

    NCASE M1: a crowdfunded Mini-ITX case (updates in first post)

    Donated, can't wait to get my hands on this case. Good job guys!
  2. R

    Torchlight II Pre-Order $20, 4-pack $60. Comes with TL1.

    Do you still have a copy left? PM sent
  3. R

    WTB: Bitspower compression fittings

    Hi, I'm looking to purchase some Bitspower Dual Rotary 45 Degree Compression - 7/16 x 5/8in. (10 pieces) and (4 pieces) of non Rotary
  4. R

    The right compression fitting

    Is this the correct size to use with the McMaster 7/16 tubing? Thanks.
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    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    add me to the list
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    i7 920 Retail $199 no rebates Microcenter

    Has anyone tried pricematching this with Fry's? Any luck?
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    Fry's Airlink wireless N usb adaptor - $16.99 + ship

    Anyone know if this would work with xbox 360?
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    Anodize Kit For Home Use?

    Thanks for the link. I'll give them a call.
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    Anodize Kit For Home Use?

    Has anyone every purchase and used an anodize kit? Is it dificult to use and is it even worth it?
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    Huge High Quality Part Blowout

    Do you have pics of the TJ07?
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Just found another one.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    I suggest checking your local Yellowpages. I just google and found this. Don't know how much they charge.
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    How to get Sponsors?

    Hi, I'm want to start a new build but would like to know from other users how they request for hardware sponsor. I'm trying to get sponsorship from the following computer: Lian Li -case Cooler Master -case and PSU Intel -CPU Asus - motherboard Gigabyte -motherboard OCZ -ram and PSU...
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Unfortunately, that was my first mod. Does anyone know the proper procedure to request for sponsor? Meaning, what do they look for in the portfolio. Ya, I know it's an old mod, that why I'm working on a new one. I was looking into either an Lian Li or a Cooler Master 840 case.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Anyone knows if Lian Li offier sponsorship. Looking at the PCX-2000.
  16. R

    Where is everyone getting their Plexiglass?

    Ya, I saw that but their stuff cost more than Delvie's.
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    CORE i7 = CPUs + Motherboards For/Sale Thread

    It's okay, I'm still using my Asus Nforce 4 and Opteron rig. Patiently waiting....
  18. R

    When is the Lian Li PCX2000 available in US?

    Does anyone know when and how much is this case?
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    Where is everyone getting their Plexiglass?

    I'm about to start a new build and was wondering where is everyone getting their plexi these. So far this is the best place I've found
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Go slow and take your time. Use the blades with the most teeth, they are usually for metal cutting.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Thanks will try to update once a week. Been busy lately.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Here is are some cutting of the case for the case handles and AC reservior. This is for the AC grill where the radiatior will be placed.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    I think was around $40 bucks, don't quite remember.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Here is my first fan grill. I got the idea from one of the project log at Got this cool kit from Costco. Took me awhile to design this. Got this huge 4 1/2 hole saw off Ebay for $10, much cheaper than Home Depot. Here it is nice and polished.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    I didn't like the silver face that came with the Aquaero so I modifed a bay cover instead. Sorry for the image quality and I was too lazy to stop and take step by step picture.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    They took a while, like a month but the quality is great. The plexiglass is almost twice as thick as the original windows. The cut was good and it was a direct replacement.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    here is picture of the plexi I ordered from voyeurmods as well. I deceided to stack the blue plexi on top of the original one.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    sorry about the image. Problem fixed with new host.
  29. R

    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    I used Krylon paint.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    here are some picture of the parts painted and polished.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    The windows cost $70. I'll try it with heat pipe on and see if it will cause any problem. I've good memory, so I don't think there will be a problem putting the case back together.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    ya that's a reflection from the flash. Not too good with digitial camera still need to work on it. I decided to disasemble all the rivets and replace it with hex nuts and bolts.
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    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    Okay folks, here is my first project log so go easy on me. I've been reading countless mods from [H] and Bit-tech. I have combine some ideas from people such as Top Nurse, AlumaxX, PilouX, and whoeever I may have missed. Here are the parts list. Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe AMD Opteron 170...
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    need help, have air pocket in system

    I get the sound once in a while when first turned on but it goes away eventually.
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    need help, have air pocket in system

    nevermind, after about an hour of turning the pump and on off, the air pocket is gone.
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    need help, have air pocket in system

    I've just started up my system the first time and there is a huge air pocket/gap. Is it the restriction of the flow meter? I've bored it already.
  37. R

    Aquaero Question and Answer Thread

    I see, thanks. I thought I got a defective item. I would hate to ship it back to IT-trade.
  38. R

    Aquaero Question and Answer Thread

    I just received my VFD from It-trade but there is something wrong with the screen. There is a black burn mark. Is this normal? I've contacted IT-trade and is awaiting a response.
  39. R

    MGE Aluminum case - $9.99 + s/h

    I picked one up today. It is definitely not aluminum. It is half steel and half plastic. The front is plastic. Oh, we not bad since I only paid $15 for it.