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  1. S

    Antec NEO HE Issues

    Both the Abit K8N and K8N-SLI work great with my 430 watt NeoHE.
  2. S

    Antec NEO HE Issues

    Yeah, I'd like to know where that might be listed too.
  3. S

    Best PSU for ATI X1900XTX and 3 HD's?

    If you want the most reliable drive, go with Seagate. If you wan't the least expensive drive go with Maxtor. Where does that leave Western Digital? Somewhere in the middle. Where does that leave Hitachi? Eh... don't ask. If you want the best performing drive, definately a Western Digital...
  4. S

    Antec NEO HE Issues

    I did some hardware knackering, the reason the ASUS board has so much trouble with the HE's is something to do with the way it measures the voltage levels; it makes the HE think there's a short and all Antec PSU's have short protection which causes a shut-off. Seems to be why the HE's also...
  5. S

    Ultra X-Connect 2 - Fry's Only ATM

    I think they sent us all of the remaining original Ultra X-Connect's too. Damn there's a lot of them. We havn't sold enough of the new model at Fry's to really get any kind of meaningful customer feedback though.
  6. S

    Project : AriaTech

    I think she wants me to buy the pump for her. I don't think she likes it when I tell her that she has to pay for it herself.
  7. S

    Project: Vash (Trigun)

    Jess' current pump, the hydor L35 gave out. She's planning on replacing it with a more powerful pump, the Eheim 1260 At the moment she's unable to go online because of the bad pump. Not that she's online all that frequently anymore anyway. Hydor L35 Eheim 1260
  8. S

    Project : AriaTech

    Jess' current pump, the hydor L35 gave out. She's planning on replacing it with a more powerful pump, the Eheim 1260 At the moment she's unable to go online because of the bad pump. Not that she's online all that frequently anymore anyway.