Search results

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    Super Compact Mini Projector

    After doing some math... Using the new LUXEON Rebel, it should be possible to get the same light output as a typical 180W UHP lamp in the same space (reflector size that is). It would pull a little more power and would have to be focused (it wouldn't be a point source like a standard lamp is)...
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    Super Compact Mini Projector

    Take a gander at these... It's a projector that uses one each red blue and green LASER. Price is supposed to be around $500 each (and it's small enough to fit INTO a cell phone). Yes it's kinda low powered (10 Lumens) and...
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    Team 2405 appreciation thread! Pics, a poll, and comments about our baby!

    I'm looking to buy one when I get back to the real world (back from this deployment) Being that my paycheck is like $1200/month. I was just wondering if there were any problems with gaming on them? (Also I'll me moding the hell out of it, building speakers onto it. It's going to be going on...
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    SN25P User's Guide

    First, Thanks for all the info. To find all of this stuff with out the links would take forever. Now, I was wondering... You mentioned that the IDE drivers were rather flakey... I'm having trouble using an IDE hard drive (just untill Hitachi sends me mine back...eta of 2 months :( I...
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    Need advice on removing a Heat spreader

    I'm wanting to remove the heat spreader on my proc. (939 pin 3000+) If I screw it up it's no big deal, just wanting to see what their is to it. Also wanting to see what the temp diference is to removing it (also playing with a silver (yes pure silver) heat spreader I happened across (much...
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    How can you tell your SN25P SATA cables are bad?

    The Problem is that Once I have the time to test them It will be too late to replace them. And I don't want to replace them if they are good. P.s How do you know if you have a newer one? Got mine form NewEgg on 7/18/2005.
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    How can you tell your SN25P SATA cables are bad?

    I've got an SN25P, and was wondering (I'm using an IDE HDD for now) how you cand tell your SATA cables are bad/need replaced? I'm mostly looking for physical apperance (I don't have a SATA drive to test it with)
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    IDE Hard drive in a Shuttle Sn25P

    I figured out what the problem was.... After reseting the Cmos (after turning off the hard switch in the back :D ) you need to wait AT LEAST 3 min. before turning it back on (this also needs to be done if it incounters the error described above. I don't know why this is (if you have any...
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    IDE Hard drive in a Shuttle Sn25P

    I'm trying to use an IDE HDD (just temporarly, untill I get my 2 Hittachi 250gig SATA drives back) in the shuttle SN25p The cables are all good, And jumpers are set for HDD master, DVD drive slave. Both run (turn on, I should say). But the unit dosent want to find the HDD (when this happens id...
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    Help with BFG 7800 GTX

    Thanks for the help... Got it in, now all I need to do is get the thing working. : )
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    Help with BFG 7800 GTX

    I'm trying to cram a BFG 7800 GTX in a Shuttle Sn25P Does anyone have any expeence that they can share?
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    AMD 64 4000+ Diego in a shuttle Sn25P

    Does anyone have some experence with OC a 4000+ (or any higher speed) proc with the ICE systems that Shuttle installs?
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    AMD 64 4000+ Diego in a shuttle Sn25P

    Does anyone have some experence with OC a 4000+ (or any higher speed) proc with the ICE systems that Shuttle installs?
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    New fans for a SN25p

    I'm looking to replace the two 60mm fans in my case. I would like them to retain the PWM goodness of the stock fans. Does anybody know some places to find 60mm x 15mm PWM fans? Also, Does anybody know the Max current for the on-board headers in Shuttle SFFs?
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    BFG 7800 GTX in a Shuttle

    I know I should have asked this (before I ordered). I have a shuttle Sn25p And was wondering if anyone thinks that there will be a problem with mounting a BFG 7800 GTX ? the rest of the system is as folows Shuttle SN25p AMD Athlon 64 4000+ (San Diego Hittichi 250gb SATA x2 1 GB Kingston...
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    AMD 64 on a budget

    I wasn't even sure that the SN25p could handle the X2 chips. (I'm still trying to figure out if the motherboard will handle a SATA DVD burner). If anyone has any experence with the X2 chip, Could you tell me if you think that it would be a problem?
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    AMD 64 on a budget

    Yeah, the tv tuner is the wrench in the gears. I'm going to have to wait to get the tuner card. But I'll be tearing up battlefield 2 untill one is released. (I was going to post the tuner card on a diferent string) So, I guess I should get the 3500+ Venice I'll have to wait untill my next...
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    AMD 64 on a budget

    :( That SUCKS I was with the understanding that the BFG version of the 7800 card was a single slot card. I didn't think that it would restrict the use of the PCI-E 1x slot (I've been trying, with no luck, to find a picture of the layout of the FN25... the motherboard that the SN25P uses).
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    AMD 64 on a budget

    First I’d like to thank everyone here. It’s great to find a place where everyone is so willing to help each other. So with that said. Here is my problem. I’m looking at building a computer to take everywhere with me. This is what I have 2x Hitachi 7K250 250GB 2x 512 Kingston HyperX ULL...