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  1. E

    I feel like I've been using pc3200 forever...

    That would bee sick, but the timings would have to be at least 5-2-2 (DDR2 to DDR1, that is comparable to 2.5-2-2-2 just so people know) but an AMD64 3GHz X2 with DDR2-1000 with timings of THAT would be SICK //Elimi
  2. E

    7800GTX - NV47 vs. G70 Conspiracy Theory

    your pint, ATi did that with the r3xx to the r4xx they were basicly the same core, just better optimizations and more pipes, I find it funny when it comes to nvidia the fanb-o-ys are like PWNED the older 6800 architexture can beat atis new one!!!!!1!11!!1, but when it comes to an x850xtpe...
  3. E

    R520XT - 8600 in 3dmark05 (overclocked?)

    OK, HKPC or HKEP, I forget the chiness site name, but if you translate everything it seem the card they did the benchmark on was a 16 PIPELINE Card, this doen't mean anything thou as ati might release the 24 PIPELINE verson, what we do know is the the first one (R520) WON'T be 32 pipelines...
  4. E

    why does it take ATI a high clock speed to be on par with Nvidia?

    well, hopefully the 16pipeline r520 should ram into peoples heads that pipelines and mhz DON'T MATTER, in video cards anyways, in cpus, it doen't matter wither but in that case we can safely say amd's method is better ;)
  5. E

    Age of Empires 3 Demo released

    That, and plus the demo was compilled from a beta from back in june, so the retail has alot of bugs fixed, features are diffrent and some things work diffrent, so remember that this is a limited DEMO, hell I hacked the demo to have HUGE map sizes and the ability to zoom out more, its not hard at...
  6. E

    Age of Empires 3 gameplay discussion

    I see it as an old school rts with better graphics, and for that I like it :D mind you I like AoEII better and the concept of not needing lumber camp confused me at first :P btw what level are your guys citys currently? mines level 9 atm
  7. E

    ATi FSAA?

    I FOUND OUT HOW!!!!! took about an hour of googleing but :D make sure you download the rar/zip and the dx update, and then extraxt it all into the root direc of the game, make sure to throw the d3dx9_26.dll file...
  8. E

    ATi FSAA?

    HOW do you enable it I remember seeing a program that can do it :D
  9. E

    my finger is on the trigger...alienware

    make sure its the dual 7800gtxs, becuats at 2300$ at dell you can get dual 7800GTX's and same specs everything else (2GB ram 160GB) and then after you apply 35% off you'll get about the same price :D around 2000$ on the dot :D //Elimi'Xed P.S. if you order dell your get you pc in under a...
  10. E

    Pickup a new setup , give me your opinion ,..

    upgrade to a GTX for thoose extra 4 pipelines, this isn't like 7 months ago how the 6800gt was just a slower but full 6800ultra ;) (if moneys an issue a GT still kicks some serous ass), as for the sound, get the x-FI's try to get a cheap on with x-ram(really shines in BF2) the xFIs are really...
  11. E

    Insidious nVidia over-optimisation

    ^^^ What he said, also that and the fact that the nvidia drivers do not have the choice of turning the optimizations off at all, while in ati drivers its very VERY easy (just un-check the A.I setting)
  12. E

    Please help me get married!

    Bump for a man getting Married!, Good job on finding a good one :P
  13. E

    ATI is bluffing? R520 48 pipes

    I ALSO heard that a r520, on top of having 72 pipelines and doubling as a cpu and ppu, will run on Quantim Pysic Technology, and be able to create Time Portals that take you into the past!! I heat that ATi also has an uber verson that alows them to go to the future so they can counter every...
  14. E

    For Once, Encouraging News On R5xx

    A picae of plastic that most likey cost them 200 million to develop, and then about at LEAST 200$ each to produce (matericals and equiptment) BEFORE employee wages, and after wages, each card costs them around 300-350 AT LEAST and then where is the profit to pay off the 200 million R&D? not...
  15. E

    Wow...Valve has officially stunned me...

    I bought my copy throu steam the day hl2 came out, 50$CND, and it served me well, I only have CS:S and hl2/dm but I'm not complaining, why? well I currently have at least 200$ worth of game play thanks to mods atm (if mods were retail) if not more, valve really REALLY supports the mod comunity...
  16. E

    NT Login Override? Safemode?

    Doen't your friend know the password ;) other than that I don't know sorry //Elimi'Xed
  17. E

    CS:S out of scan rnage

    goto the CS:S directory, then go to the cstrike folder and then from there go into the cfg file, and delete a file named config.cfg, this will delete all your settings but at the same time fix your problem :D, the directory should look something like X:\Program...
  18. E

    How is ATI's Current situation diff then Nvidia's 2 years ago?

    Heres the big Diffrence, back then, nVidia Released a card, and today ATi hasn't released a card :D serously thou, we don't know if the r520 sucks or not, for all we know 1 r520 could be the speed of 2 7800gtx's, or half the speed of a 9200/5200fx, and on to the artx comments, ATi DID buy Artx...
  19. E

    Ninja mod in progress... pics with my new cam!

    ok, heres what I did :D Shadded verson and Outline verson about a 30 min job :D I could do better given time //Elimi'Xed
  20. E

    Ninja mod in progress... pics with my new cam!

    I'm working on a vector verson of your ninja image :P Its comingalong VERY nicely :P Why?, cause I'm bored and I want to practise my digitizing of scaned scetchs //Elimi'Xed
  21. E

    Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

    Well I'm in the club with my 3500+ S939 :D
  22. E

    ATI is bluffing? R520 48 pipes

    True, Very True, but hopefully ATi is able to come on the rebound with that 4GHz 96 pipeline r620 B)
  23. E

    LAN's in Ontario, Canada??

  24. E

    Shimmering fixed on 7800GTX!

    No NO, not that shimering, in GTA:SA Shimering is a HUGE problem, but I think its mainly a game issue not a driver issue,as I use an Radeon x850 and the shimering itr bad, it gets worse if you put it on 16 bit, and now its not the heat haze were talking about. :) //Elimi'Xed
  25. E

    ATI is bluffing? R520 48 pipes

    You know what I HEARD!, I heard that the r530 is gonna be 64 Pipelines, 2.4GHz, and can double as a CPUand PPU!!!!!!!!! but even with all that I have a feeking the 2GHz 72 Pipeline 7800 Ultra will beat it :( //Elimi'Xed
  26. E

    The sky isn't quite blue for ATI right now.

    EAXCTLY WHAT I'M SAYING, sorry I'm just getting pissed at all the doom sayers, My point is regardless of how much money ati is making/losing, there STILL ALIVE, and will continue to be, oh and I am sorry about my gross miscalcualtions, I'm not eactly a bussiness man lol, but my point remains...
  27. E

    The sky isn't quite blue for ATI right now.

    I realize this, and this is why stocks go up and down, but the reason I responded like that was because of the fact everyones like "OMFG ATIS GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!", so my point is ati still has 200million profit to reinvest, and didn't the r3xx arcitexture that we all know and love (9xxx, X8xx)...
  28. E

    Should I wait for "true" 64bit gaming system?

    LOL at some of the Comments, AMD's solution is a TRUE 64 proccesser WITH 32bit SUPPORT, while being based on the x86 solution, while intels ORGIANL (donno aboit released emt, only what intel was planing at first to go against amd) plans were to add a few registers, market it as 64bit and more...
  29. E

    The sky isn't quite blue for ATI right now.

    Regardless ATi is doing MUCH MUCH MUCH better than 3dfx was when they died, ATi will pull thru this, plus read the numbers, there raking in 400million, and it costs them aprox 200mil to run? correct? last time I checked that was still a fucking 200million profit, Serously how can you die when...
  30. E

    is DDR2 backwards compatible?

    yep, DDR 2 is nothing more than a socket change and a diffrent way of working
  31. E

    Beware: Buying While Retarded

    Yea what was he doing wrong with it, setting it to 220volts, or what, because the amount of power (watts) on a psu means nothing, I could put a 590000303203 watt psu in my computer today but as long as everything has good volt rail lines and etc the only thing I'm gonna blow are the fuses for my...
  32. E

    LAN's in Ontario, Canada??

    Any Lan Party's in Canada Ontario anythime soon, I have never gone to a *REAL* lan party and would love to go to one, so I am wondering if there are any in Canada Ontario Soon? Thanks in Advance. //Elimi'Xed
  33. E

    R520 to be 16 pipe, 700mHz core???

    Theres a huge lanch event in austrilla today, even if they don't HARD lanch it like nvdia did, they are 100% lanching something today, weither it be the r520 or crossfire, but ther event seems too big for JUST crossfire //Elimujp;Zed
  34. E

    R520 to be 16 pipe, 700mHz core???

    Who cares STOP SPECULATING, ati is lanching something today, and it might. probbly is the r520, and if not its crossfire, but hold your breaths because the r520 is FINALLY being released soon (hopefully today, Aug 26 Friday) and its either gonna blow our socks off, be around nvidia speed, or...
  35. E

    Is this legal?

    IMO, EVERYTHING Except murder and theft(from good people, theft from bad people is ok), is LEGAL unless your caught, and even then your inocent unless a court can prove it! :P //Elimi'Xed
  36. E

    How good is the next Radeon hyped up to be?

    Nope, ATi and AMD are a match made in silicon valley, hell, there names start with the same letter! and both there logo designs are uber simple :D! //Elimi'Xed
  37. E

    Joining the Army, no need for my Gaming Rig :(

    A Free Bump so I can say this, f*** the US military and join the Canadian Army, same pay, better training, and well.. our equiptment might not be the best but we need people :P //Elimi'Xed
  38. E

    [FS: US] AMD64 Starter Kit

    free bump for a fellow neowin member! //Elimi'Xed
  39. E

    why 4800 still very expensive?

    beacuse amds the only player atm when it comes to dual core, hell even the 3800+ AMD Dual core beats out intels best uber 1000$ dual core chip. So no competion, low supply, high demand, high prices //Elimi'Xed