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  1. P

    Why We DC

    Sooo crazy. After a long hiatus I just installed F@H on my system this morning. Craziest coincidence ever???
  2. P

    PayPal Ban on Game Cheats Website Leads to a Spike in Sales

    I hope cheaters literally die in a fire. I hope the people who make the cheats literally almost die in a fire, but live.
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    “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” Production Put on Hold

    OMG I cannot count the number of stupid and racist and socially tone-deaf things I said as a young man. I used to practically have the Truly Tasteless Jokes books memorized. I am not a racist - but if you cherry picked things I said in my past you could probably make a case for having me hung...
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    7 Years Ago Today Intel Launched the Core i7-2600K

    My overclocked 2400K paired with a GTX 1070 gives me plenty of frames in the games I play, namely Rainbow Six and PUBG. I can't lie though, I'm looking forward to a build with many more cores - just waiting for the next golden overclocker to appear.
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    Symantec No Longer Allows Governments to Review Source Code

    Hi, I'm Pied and I use Norton Anti-Virus (and will likely continue in the future.) *takes a seat*
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    Stars Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer with Details

    After the disappointment that was Battlefield 1 I will be saving my money...
  7. P

    Microsoft Finally Says Goodbye to Windows Vista

    Add me to the few that liked Vista. Yeah it was resource hungry, but it was rock solid for me.
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    Quake Champions Closed Beta Dates, New Character Announced

    It looks fast like the original Quake, which is great. Too bad I can't blame my poor reaction times on a slow modem anymore!
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    Comcast Is Investigating a Customer Service Call From Hell

    The guy asking to have his service disconnected sounded like a ninny. He LET that Comcast guy keep on and on. I'd have had a very different conversation...
  10. P

    Must See Video of the Day

    I want that system so I can play Loderunner! And somewhere around here I have my Ultima Underworld II disk...
  11. P

    Ratpadz XT $25 w/Free Shipping

    Free shipping is taking too long!!!! That little gripe aside let me say I have ordered many of these and they are awesome. I'm very heavy handed so I tend to wear the surface smooth after a few years - my poor mouse feet suffer the same fate as well. I still have my original [H] surface one...
  12. P

    Win 7 won't boot up unless I use Boot Manager

    I followed your instructions and if you were here I'd give you a high-five. I did fiddle with the boot settings after the problem appeared but I would still be flailing without your help. Thanks man! I'd like to know how my system got out of whack in the first place, but I'm soooo pleased to...
  13. P

    Win 7 won't boot up unless I use Boot Manager

    Hi guys, My system has been working just fine for many months and when I went to reboot yesterday I was greeted with a message that Windows could not boot and I should boot with my Win 7 and use "repair". I tried that to no avail - it would not run the repair. If I get to the boot manager I...
  14. P

    [H]ardOCP & ASUS GeForce GTX 660Ti DirectCU II Giveaway

    The cooler temperatures are great for long gaming sessions. And good looks and bragging rights are always a plus too ; )
  15. P

    One Shot, One Kill, No Skill: Diary of a Cheater

    I guarantee I have a more stressful job than the idiot in the article. Cheaters suck. I'd wish them cancer, but I don't wish that on anyone. I guess I'll wish for them to get I.B.S. Bastards.
  16. P

    New Avengers Trailer

    This will be awesome! I hope they keep up doing Marvel movies - I'd love to see Dr. Strange on the big screen.
  17. P

    Need for Speed: The Run - Performance and IQ @ [H]

    I keep looking forward to a decent NFS title. Once again EA fails.
  18. P

    If Quake Was Made Today

    LOL - just did a little research on Wikipedia and they mention Qspy which I now remember. I'm trying hard to remember the address of a server I used to go to all the time, something like Anyone here ever attend a Lannibus?
  19. P

    If Quake Was Made Today

    Quake was the best FPS ever. Period. I'd also like to see it updated well with nice wide-screen options available. If someone has a mod to recommend I'll check it out. Remember looking for servers on Gamespy? Those were the days! Except the 38.8 modem I was using....
  20. P

    An Apology From Netflix and a Name Change

    Qwikster? Yuck.
  21. P

    New Netflix Restriction: One Stream Per Customer

    I just spoke with a customer service representative at Netflix who cleared something up for me. I have the 3 DVD plan, and that allows me to use 3 "streams" - whereas a 1 DVD plan would allow 1 "stream" My apologies if this is redundant information, but it seemed like good info to put out there.
  22. P

    New Netflix Restriction: One Stream Per Customer

    I have been a fan of Netflix since they started, and my only gripe was the occasional damaged DVD. Then I bought a Roku to take advantage of the movie streaming option, which is great. Then they changed the billing plan so I had to pony up more money for streaming, and now I have to pay more...
  23. P

    How To Kill Hewlett-Packard in One Year

    I read this as "how do you kill a Hewlett-Packard in 1 year." To which the answer is use it normally. When I was looking for a laptop HP was rated worst in reliability, which is why I bought an ASUS.
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    EA Says Steam "Too Restrictive" For Battlefield 3

    I have really learned to despise EA.
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    Subaru: Official Escape Vehicle of the Zombie Apocalypse?

    The car in the ad is identical to mine, with the exception of the roof bars. With AWD, a great horsepower to weight ratio, and extremely nimble handling it would be perfect for ANY apocalypse! Subaru FTW!
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    This Video Is Playing On Seized Websites

    The girl who didn't take the free movie is soooooooo sexy - FIND HER!!!
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    FBI Agents Seize Students Computers over WoW Fraud?

    Looks like the authorities wanted to do some raiding of their own. I wonder what will drop?
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    Why You Should Buy Refurbished Computers

    I always think of "refurbished" as meaning "it broke ALREADY!!!"
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    Top 10 Stupid Hollywood Hackers

    TRON was awesome! End of line.
  30. P

    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    Has anyone checked how well these counterfeit processors overclock on air? It looks like the fan they come with has pretty low CFM - also do they support hyperthreading? I understand that the accompanying manual doesn't mention that one way or the other.
  31. P

    School Uses Students' PCs To Spy on Them at Home

    Unless it was specifically stated that there would be peeping by the school staff, someone needs to have their @55 kicked. Being the proud American that I am, I will volunteer to do the kicking.
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    Microsoft Admits Vista Was a "Less Good Product"

    I have 3 XP systems and 1 Vista system and i'll go on record as saying Vista is a great OS. I turned off the User Account controls because they were a PITA, but otherwise I love it. Sure there were some early problems getting drivers, but I think much of the Vista hate is unwarranted.
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    Disney to Acquire Marvel Entertainment

    Disney sucks. Now Marvel sucks by proxy.
  34. P

    Microsoft Office Viral Ad is Awesome

    Look - THIS IS OBVIOUSLY REAL!!! Next you are going to try and tell me that Santa and the Tooth Fairy are fake too. Gotta go and finish my letter to the Great Pumpkin, October is just around the corner.
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    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    I can has video card plz?
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    Jetpack Dude Lifts Off, Barely

    That device wants to decapitate someone, I can feel it.