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  1. J

    Routing Help

    I found the solution over at the smoothwall forums. Thanks for the help everyone. From:
  2. J

    Routing Help

    This does seem to be smoothwall specific. I used a dlink appliance in place of the smoothwall with the same static route and things worked as expected. Any smoothwall gurus?
  3. J

    Routing Help

    I need someone to tell me why my setup doesn't work. My laptop is connected as Default GW is (smoothwall firewall, internet is on the other side). I have another firewall at that connects to the network. I add static route in...
  4. J

    Failed RAID 5 Controller Help

    We have a PowerEdge 4400 with and 8 drive backplane with 2 drives RAID 1 and 3 RAID 5. I believe the controller (PERC 3) has failed because it fails to start at boot, so I think the disks might be OK. What I'd like to know is if I can transfer the 3 RAID 5 drives to another identical machine...
  5. J

    VLAN Help

    The Watchguard is an X1000 running WFS 7.4 (the older OS). I don't think it supports any VLAN features.
  6. J

    VLAN Help

  7. J

    VLAN Help

    I'm trying to setup a wireless network here at work (a high school). I've installed 18 Proxim AP-4000 PoE access points connected to a Netgear FSM7326P PoE 24+2Port Layer3 switch. Here is a quick and dirty basic diagram: As you can see the Netgear connects to the rest of my network that...
  8. J

    Possibly stupid question about WiFi routers...

    Yes, this should work. When you connect it to the switch, use one of the LAN ports and leave the "WAN" or "internet" port disconnected.
  9. J

    Network Security Cameras

    The one that I had could not. I'm not sure what features are on the newer models.
  10. J

    Network Security Cameras

    No, it could run entirely independent of any computer. It has a built in web interface that you use to configure it and view the image.
  11. J

    Network Security Cameras

    Check out the D-Link cameras. I had one a while back before we put in a "real" security system at work. It was "ok", but not totally reliable uptime wise. I'm sure those issues have probably been worked out in their newer models. They...
  12. J


    The smoothwall web interface doesn't run on the "normal" port that most web sites run on. This means that in order to connect to the smoothy you need to tell your browser what port to try and connect on. In the smoothy case, Port 81. So, should work in your case.
  13. J

    Advice on Securing Wireless Deployment

    Recently we installed an 18 AP wireless network at the high school I work for. We used the following hardware for the install: Orinoco AP-4000 Access Points Netgear FSM7326P Switch All of the APs connect to the Layer 3 Netgear switch. Which is then uplinked to the rest of the network...
  14. J

    hardware advice

    If you really are set on buying a Mac you could dual boot it Windows/OSX if that isn't a huge inconvenience to you.
  15. J

    Windows on a MacBook

    Thanks for all the tips guys, it's much appreciated.
  16. J

    Windows on a MacBook

    Thanks for the replies. I'm going to try and get a demo from the state if I can to try, other wise I'll just get a MacBook Pro for myself as a "demo"...
  17. J

    Windows on a MacBook

    I work for a K-12 school district and our current hardware situation is a mess. I have HP laptops, Dell laptops, IBM laptops, Compaq laptops and Toshiba laptops. Needless to say, this makes support a nightmare. I really like the Apple hardware, and as a Maine district we have an iBook in every...
  18. J

    Rebuild Dell Perc RAID 5 Array

    Ok I'm back in bussiness. Here is what I was able to do. I pulled the disk in question out and put it in a spare slot on a Dell PowerEdge 4400 that was running Win2000 and had OpenManage installed. I then initialized the disk on that machine and pulled it out. I put it back in the 2450 and it...
  19. J

    Rebuild Dell Perc RAID 5 Array

    bump I read that these controllers may have a bug where if you initialize a drive in an array that you might lose (50% chance) all of the data in the array.
  20. J

    Rebuild Dell Perc RAID 5 Array

    The disk shouldn't be bad. It's not a replacement, it was just pulled out and then stuck back in. The box is running Fedora Core 4, is Open Manage available for that?
  21. J

    Rebuild Dell Perc RAID 5 Array

    We have a Poweredge 2450 here at work that has a PERC 3/Si card in it. One of the guys in the shop pulled out one of the disks in RAID5 and now I need to know how to repair the array. If I pull the drive and stick it back in... it doesn't rebuild. Do I need to initialize the drive in the...
  22. J

    Dell 6000D

    Good Laptop as far as I'm concerned. I have a 6000D w/ specs in my sig. I've had it since ~August and it's been flawless, runs Windows XP and Ubuntu great.
  23. J

    Dell notbook BIOS flash

    Is there a reason you can't just get the BIOS from the Dell website? I just looked and has BIOS A14 for the Inspiron 7500.
  24. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    You gotta connect the wire. I can do 50 iBook in about 2 Hours (including setup and break down). What I do is bring a 24 port switch and set up the iBooks on a table and connect them all to the switch and then connect my portable G4 Tower to the switch. The tower runs all the services I need...
  25. J

    What Firewall are YOU using?

    At home, nothing. I'm on dialup, so I figure I wouldn't be a direct target of a script kiddie, so I just keep my Win2k ICS box patched and the defs on AVG updated. At work we use a Watchguard II (old and dying) and we will be replacing that this February with a Smoothwall with the Dans...
  26. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    Agreed, we've been using Linksys in select locations now for 3 years or so and they work great! Now is the time for a full blown solution though, and it's obvious those are not the way to go in a large scale deployment.
  27. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    Thanks, our iBooks are running 10.4 and are working great with our Samba/LDAP setup over wifi. The LDAP support is much improved over previous generations of OSX. :) I'm actually working on a new image that we will deploy to them over Christmas break using Netrestore and Multicast ASR. I get...
  28. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    That's what I'm trying to avoid by picking the right equipment in the first place.
  29. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    There is no doubt in my mind that I will need AT LEAST 20 APs. This is a 3 story building with three different wings built out of solid, steel reenforced, concrete. Wifi signals travel poorly and forget about cell phone coverage. We have the expertise to do this in house if we just pick the...
  30. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    Thanks for the replys. I'm definately going to check that Orinoco out. I was a big Orinoco fan back in the day, but hadn't thought to give them a look on this project. I've not worked with a lot of high-end network gear in the past. Does anyone know if it's generally possible to get a sample...
  31. J

    Wireless deplyment in a High School

    I work in a 650 student high school and have been tasked with putting together a wireless network. The main issue we have right now is how to properly restrict access while also making the system as user friendly and convenient as possible. Clients will consist of: Personal computers...
  32. J

    Reverse DNS for Classless Subnet

    First of all is a classless subnet, is it not? Next, if it is, can someone please help me configure a reverse lookup zone in BIND9 for that? Thanks!
  33. J

    The Next OS X code name?

    OSX - Maine Coon Cat
  34. J

    FS: Dell 2005FPW

    Monitor is sold. Thanks for stopping by! since monitor is sold, I'm going to close this thread.
  35. J

    FS: Dell 2005FPW

    Mainly I don't wanna get ripped off. I don't do a whole lot of internet trading and I feel like the MO is the safest way to go, me being a relative trading n00b.
  36. J

    FS: Dell 2005FPW

    No thanks, I really need the cash. Price lowered.
  37. J

    FS: Dell 2005FPW

  38. J

    FS: Dell 2005FPW

  39. J

    FS: Dell 2005FPW

    Hey, buy my monitor ppl.