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    Ps3 official headset

    Hey u1337 Does the noise cancel thing work?? Any other candidates like the ps3 headset?? I dont want earphoines
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    Ps3 official headset Someone has used it in their pc?? DOes the noise cancellation thing work well?? DOes it work with teamspeak??
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    Reviews or feedbacks on HP w19 LCD widescreen

    Hi, I was looking for any feedback or reviews on this LCd monitor: I dont seem to find any on the web. It has a 1440x900 at 60 hz with a dot pitch of 0.285 mm ( less than viewsonic va1912wb or samsung wm...
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    19" Widescreen TFTS

    Can you list them please?? Suggestions?? Compatible with hdtv?? Little response time >8 ms perhaps?? Cheers all.
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    Can Anyone find me pics of the Dell 2005 running in 1280x800...?

    Try searching thorugh this 80 page thread exclusive about the monitor: Its an spaniard forum but...
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    2405FPW has no support for HD

    Soi the dell 2005 doesnt support hdtv neither??
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    How well does the 2005 Scale to 1280x800....

    I´d like to know that too. Is there a mayor decrease in quality in Wide screen resolution equivalento to 1024x860 ?? i´ve got a 6800@Gt and 1280 is too much.