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  1. R

    are 360's still not generally available?

    They are pretty easy to get hold of in the UK now
  2. R

    Ridge Racer 6 only sells 9,000?

    My brother bought me RR6 - at first i thought "oh crap, would have prefered PGR3 or NFS, or maybe wait for Burnout" - but i have to say - it is a great game, very addictive, dont think ill bother with burnout. I blame bad advertising
  3. R

    What games do you want to play this year? (PC and Consoles)

    I just got a Xbox 360 after being a PC Gamer for ages. I havent touched my PC since. I love the convenience and simplicity of the console - no need for any dirver crap etc. It just works - and I know the graphics are all optimized, no nned for me to change res, test the fps etc
  4. R

    Looking for new Party Games.

    I remember playing some Shrek game on the xbox at a guys party - was really addictive/competive. great fun!
  5. R

    Good Boss Battles

    Yeah corallis. Although I figured out how to beat him quite easily yesterday. I kept dying due to the electric shock through the water on the floor - then i realised - kameo can fly! so I just flew about, and the electricity had no effect (unless hit straight on), then swapped to major ruin...
  6. R

    Does anyone else invest in "gaming" PC's that doesn't play that many games?

    I'm in the same boat as the above poster. I spent quite a bit upgrading my PC, which is barely used, just to play CS:S at a nice FPS. I just got a 360, and havent booted the PC since. I think consoles have got to the stage now where the graphics are good enough for me to leave the PC...
  7. R

    Good Boss Battles

    I'm stuck on the octopus boss in kameo - finally gave up yesterday and took a break. I keep dying as i kill him
  8. R

    Annoyed by the latest graphics?

    I like good graphics, but they dont make a game. My fav games are ones such as Mario Kart, Kameo, Donkey Kong Country etc Graphics dont make a game - gameplay does.
  9. R

    new gta??

    No need for GTA on the 360 - we have Saint's Row on the way!
  10. R

    i got z x360

    I seriously recommend you return the 360, and use the money on English lessons.
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    Low framerate on CS:S

    Theres a bug with the latest CS:S (check the steam forums) - even on good machines it makes the fps totally suck! Peoplehave been going from 100fps fdown to 20 or 30
  12. R

    CS_Militia Released

    Map looks great - but totally unplayable. I'm not lowering y resolution/settings every time i want to play just this map. oh well. ill stick to the office :)
  13. R

    What to do with Cheaters at LanParties?

    Yeah staged... even if it did happen - theres video evidence and you can get them to pay for a nice new rig :D
  14. R

    Intel Duo 64bit?

    PowerBook --> MacBook Pro iBook --> MacBook PowerMac --> Mac Pro just a guess
  15. R

    Who should do the scaling, the 360 or the 2405?

    When i finally get my Xbox 360 to use with my Dell 2405 - which one should scale up the image? What would look/perform best? Have the xbox at 720p and have the dell screen scale the picture up? or have the xbopx at 1080i and leave the dell at aspect? Would having the Dell screen do the...
  16. R

    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

    I hope it plays better on the 360 than Quake 4 is reported to play.
  17. R

    Which has more physical area? 20" widescreen or 20" standard monitor?

    tut tut you didnt read the post - he wanted physical mesurements - not pixels :) ;)
  18. R

    Do you have a PERFECT 2005fpw/2405?

    My 2405: Perfection! Nothing wrong at all. My Friends (multiple) 2005fpw's: Utter crap. My friend has had 4 send to him, none seemed to be new! and they all had terrible backlights. Pixels were always perfect. He's given in and got a 2405 now :) As its just a whole different leauge
  19. R

    2405FPW has no support for HD

    Cool. If VGA was better I would have to have a VGA switcher as ive git VGA going into my 2405 already. Now ill have DVI, VGA, and component, and can use the built in switcher.
  20. R

    2405FPW has no support for HD

    What looks better - a 2405/360 connected via VGA or Component? The verdict seems to be Component - even though we are unsure it does HD over Component?
  21. R

    Display Gaming Poll

    16:10 (Dell 2405)
  22. R

    What's your FPS keyboard setup?

    I use a Nostromo Speedpad n52. although i only have a few keys mapped. cant remmeber any more than about 20 - let alone the 114 combinations or whatever is possible!
  23. R

    6 dead logic boards on my iBook and they finally wont fix it. :(

    I agree with the above. Its broken 6 times. If it has broken, and is nothing to do with you, and if you be proffessional about it then i'm very sure you could get a new iBook. If you bitch and moan in an unprofessional way then maybe not, but if you write a serious letter to apple/steve...
  24. R

    Xbox360 placement

    Yep, mines going horizontal - even though it will fit much nicer vertically, and look better! Once it arrives im going to have to figure out where it will fit horizontal - maybe i can find a cheap shelf type thing to put a monitor on, and have the 360 underneath
  25. R

    peripheral pricing....

    Things are so expensive because people are willing to spend the money. If noone bougt any games and accessories then the prices would lower - but thats not going to happen. Also - they need to get money back for what they loose on consoles nowadays, and also need to pay for the R&D costs...
  26. R

    C++ Compiler

    Install the Developer Tools (on the OS X CDs - or download from Theres also all the usual unix stuff installed. e.g. gcc
  27. R

    2405FPW and XBOX 360-My experience

    having it on 1080 will make the 360 do a bit of extra work to convert the signal. I think ill have mine on 720 and leave the 2405 do the scaling! Just ordered my 2405! cant wait!! (not that I have a xbox 360 yet.. damn amazon!)
  28. R

    Xbox 360 with Computer Speakers Question

    Just had a quick look at US stores - seems to be out of stock everywhere...
  29. R

    Xbox 360 with Computer Speakers Question

    I paid £85. So there must be one in the US for $150 or less
  30. R

    Joining the 24" Club

    I'll hopefully be joingint the 24" club on saturday - if my current apple 20" screen sells for my reserve on ebay... it should do, but im getting paranoid.
  31. R

    Z5500 for game console

    THe creative DDTS-100 lets you connect 3 optical, a coaxial, and 3 analog and swap between them. Im sure it would work with the logitech speakers too - assumign its got the same 3 connectors? front left/right back left/right and centre/sub
  32. R

    Dell SoundBar - how bad? adwquate for centre speaker?

    Ok, pretty much decided now. THink i'll get some nice creative speakers. The I-trigue 5600's or something. They will be a million times better than what I have now. I still have a "proper" hi fi and floorstanding speakers for music :)
  33. R

    Dell SoundBar - how bad? adwquate for centre speaker?

    Ok, so maybe ill just buy some new 5.1 Speakers. This whole centre speaker thing will cost me £40 ish. for a iffy implementation. Whereas i can get new 5.1s for about £100.
  34. R

    Dell SoundBar - how bad? adwquate for centre speaker?

    In that case, does anyone know if the Creative DDTS-100 can create the 'phantom' centre speaker over the front left and right? Cheers! My current system isnt amazing Its a Creative Cambridge Soundworks FPS1600. I just read that althought the DDTS-100 works with 2.1 and 4.1 it is...
  35. R

    Dell SoundBar - how bad? adwquate for centre speaker?

    think ill go with the Creative I-trigue 2200. I'll hooke them up so the left (centre sound) is sent to both the left and right speaker, and ill discard the sub signal thats on the right - as i assume that wont sound good! also my current speakers have a sub - so that will do.
  36. R

    Dell SoundBar - how bad? adwquate for centre speaker?

    ok - seems it reeally is that bad. How about some recomendations on a centre speaker? It has to be powered / with an amplifier And not too expensive (£30 - £50) I may just get some stereo computer speakers and use some adapters to remove the subwoofer signal and have them work as a...
  37. R

    Xbox 360 with Computer Speakers Question

    Im getting a Creative DDTS-100. That has optical in and 5.1 (up to 7.1) out. Ill be using it with my Xbox 360, Powermac G5 and PC - it has 3 Optical in! I found it for £85GBP.
  38. R

    Dell SoundBar - how bad? adwquate for centre speaker?

    I've got a 4.1 speaker setup at the moment, and will soon be getting the Creative DDTS-100. Im feeling cheap, so don't want to spend a few hundred pounds on a 5.1 setup, so I what i am going to do is add a separate amplified centre speaker (the flaws to this are that i have to remove the...
  39. R

    Battlefield 2 Crashes Suddenly Plz Help

    I got these crashes with BF2. I changed all the settings and now it runs perfectly. Change all the settings to low. see if it runs without crashing, then slowly move them up.