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    Is Sandy Bridge worth the wait ?

    I'm running stock voltage and speed with C1E and EIST on in the bios. I'm also running Gigabyte DES program.
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    Is Sandy Bridge worth the wait ?

    Indeed ! I may keep my E8400 and just swap-in an HD 5450 GPU in my current rig as an option.
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    Is Sandy Bridge worth the wait ?

    I want to sell my current rig (see signature) and want to build a low energy system, since I don't play games anymore. I'm looking for a i3 530 and a H55 mobo but Sandy Bridge is coming at the end of the year. I'm wondering if I should spend a couple houndred bucks now or wait for Sandy...
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    Corrupted and vanished files

    I don`t know where exactly I should post this but since I`m new to Vista (32 bit) i figured I should post this here. Anyway here`s my problem : two of my installed games folder completely disapeared ! I noticed that when I saw that the desktop shortcuts lost their icons. I double-clicked...
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    WD7500AAKS alternative

    Thanks I'll take a look at this drive ! It's hard to find a comparison on the web for hard drives.
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    WD7500AAKS alternative

    I found my WD7500AAKS a bit loud. Is there any other hdd out there that is more silent and have the same performance ? Thanks for your help !
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    4870 system won't boot anymore

    The video card has proper ventilation, it has a 120mm fan just in front of it. Didn't have any problem with the psu with my old 2900XT and the card is ok in games, smooth fps and no freezing at all wich is strange.
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    4870 system won't boot anymore

    Ok thanks for your help !
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    4870 system won't boot anymore

    I've bought an HIS 4870 a few weeks ago and I have since the beginning graphical glitches in 2D, but everything is fine in games, performance is top notch and very smooth. I had system lock-up a few times just after the booting process, graphical glitches appears on the desktop and then the...
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    4870 and new build problem

    Yes I've checked CPUZ and GPU-Z, it runs at 16x.
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    4870 and new build problem

    That's what I thought at first but I've checked alost every settings in the bios and everything is I was just asking the question in case lol. Cause I can't figure out what the problem is. :(
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    4870 and new build problem

    I just bought a 4870 and put it in my old computer equiped with a E6400, Asus P5E X38 mobo, 2Gb of memory and a Zalman 600W power supply. I saw a big boost in framerate in every game that I have. Last week I've build a mini pc so I bought a Gigabyte EG31M-S2 mATX mobo (G31 chipset) and...
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    Speakers advice for DDS/DTS

    Ok thanks I'll take a look at the link you gave me. I'm in no hurry to buy so I'll do some research before doing anything. :)
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    Speakers advice for DDS/DTS

    Well Logitech's Z-5500 would cost me about 310$ Canadian and I don't think I would spend much more than that, unless I would be certain of my choice. What alternative would you recommend even if the price is higher ?
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    Speakers advice for DDS/DTS

    I currently have a Logitech X-540 speakers set and I'm planning to get an Asus Xonar sound card. Is it worth getting digital speakers like Logitech's Z-5500 for DDS and DTS to go with a Xonar ? I'm seeking sound quality not power. I mostly use my rig for listening music and play games...
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    squeaking HD3850!

    I have that squealing sound too on my 3850. :mad: I can hear it go on and off while I'm in the Crysis main menu...horrible sound to hear and it's getting on my nerve !
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    Radeon HD 3870 X2 Pics

    What I don't like about this 3870 X2 is that the second gpu receive all the heat from the first one and, ATI use the same fan as the 2900XT. I hope that fan doesn't have to spin as much on this 3870 X2 as it does on the 2900XT because it is not quiet at all even at low speed.
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    ASUS Maximus Formula @ [H]

    Yes I know it's not that expensive but wished I could have used my brand new Corsair XMS2. Oh well I think I'll buy those funky Crucial with leds all over them lol :p
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    ASUS Maximus Formula @ [H]

    I have the feeling that I'll end up buying 800Mhz memory if I want to use the CPU Level Up feature. :(
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    ASUS Maximus Formula @ [H]

    Does someone here have used the CPU Level Up feature in the bios ? I want to buy a Q6600 and put it at the QX6850 setting in the cpu level up menu. But I wonder if my XMS2 667Mhz ddr2 memory is enough to do that ? Or will I have to buy greater speed memory ? Thanks for your help !
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    Tech rerport : An update on AMD 790FX motherboards

    I have posted a thread about this issue on The Tech Report forum, I wanted to know if I could see any real world performance. Well know you have answered my question ! Guess I'll wait for the upcoming SB700 southbridge or I'll just keep my current Intel rig until Nehalem.
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    The "I've tried AMD Overdrive" Thread

    Does AMD Overdrive works with non Phenom cpu ? Like the 5000+ BE and 6400+ BE ?
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    Crossfire performance 975X vs X38

    Oh thank you very much! The last thread will be very interesting to follow !
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    Crossfire performance 975X vs X38

    Yes I saw the article and it's better then nothing but,it would have been more useful to me if there was a 975X chipset included. I have no idea if there's any bottleneck in using PCIE 2.0 video cards in a PCIE 1.0 at 8x mode.
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    Crossfire performance 975X vs X38

    I've searched with Google for any kind of benchmark but with no success. :( I supposed it's not worth the expense of getting a X38 mobo for the performance increase.
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    Crossfire performance 975X vs X38

    Does someone here have any idea if there is any performance difference, running two ATI cards in crossfire between a 975X chipset and the new X38 ? Knowing that the 975X chipset runs both PCI-E at 8x while the X38 runs at 16x and being PCI-E 2.0. I wish to run two HD3850 512Mb in crossfire...
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    SB600 bad performance ???

    Yeah that's why I want to know if it's worth waiting for the SB700 ?? I don't have any raid setup only one drive and I only do web surfing and gaming. I don't have any external hard drive either...the only big peripheral I own is a Logitech G25 USB wheel.
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    SB600 bad performance ???

    What is wrong with ATI SB600 southbridge ? I have red that it does'nt have good USB performance but I have not seen any benchmark against other competing chipset. I'm considering buying the Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe Wi-Fi but I am concerned about it's USB performance. Will I see any...
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    ASUS M3A32-MVP DeLuxe/WiFi-AP

    Did you have any problems with your crucial memory with this mobo ? I'm seriously considering this mobo since I want a crossfire mobo early next year.
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    It's supposed to be but I can't find which website I saw the news. It's getting out before the end of december anyway, we will see. :)
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    You bet ! :( Still don't know if I will keep my E6400 to put it in a X38 mobo or buy a Phenom BE to go along with the Asus M3A32 mobo. I want to go crossfire with two 3870 but there's not a all lot of games that support quad core for now.
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    Oh Manny by the way, Have you tried to run AMD Overdrive software with your mobo ? I have read somewhere else that this mobo isn't AOD friendly. :(
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    Ok thanks I will look through it in my spare time. :)
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    From what I have seen the phenom is about 10% to 15% percent faster at best then the X2 clock for clock.
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    Oh well ! I'll have to buy all the stuff myself to see it live ! :D You have posted pics ? Where ? :confused:
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    Very nice rig ! ;) I have a HD3870 on the way and I will buy buy an another one in january. :) I'm still deciding on what to do right now, a 9600 Black Edition with the Asus mobo is very tempting...
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    Oh boy ! Tracer memory with this mobo must be splendid looking ! Can you post some picks please ? :D And AM3 cpu will fit on this mobo too !
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    Does anyone actually have a Phenom?

    For people who mostly use their pc for hi-res gaming with filtering, like I do, there is no need to get a high-end cpu...the framerate is about the same from low-end to high-end cpu. I have my eyes set on this mobo since I first saw it. I still don't know if I will get it for january or if...
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    Upgrade advice

    I want to upgrade my rig for january and I want to know your advice between those two choices : 1) Keeping my current mobo : Abit AW9D-MAX Intel Q6600 Two HD3850 512mb in crossfire or 2) Asus Maximus Formula X38 Keeping my current E6400 (overcloking it to 3.0Ghz using CPU...
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    2900XT no 2D mode

    Yeah that's what I did but the card stays with the 2D clock in games when ATT is open. :confused: