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  1. F

    Gainward 7800GS+ and 7900GS (AGP)

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but for future reference here are specs for Gainward's 7800/7900 AGP cards. The G71 is a slightly optimized, 90nm die-shrink of the G70. 7800GS -- G70/7800GT 20 pipes/7 shaders 7800GS+ -- G71/7900GT 24 pipes/8 shaders 7900GS -- G71/7900GT 20 pipes/7 shaders
  2. F

    Circuit city advanatage is a scam

    My biggest complaint with CC is with their incredibly bad stock selection. I once went in to buy a basic UDMA hard drive cable -- should be $5 tops -- and was told by a sales clerk, "I'm sorry, we don't carry them. But here's one with lights, oh and here's another that glows in the dark, and...
  3. F

    Circuit city advanatage is a scam

    Huh? I wasn't talking about "warranty secrets" either. Whatever those are.
  4. F

    New HardOCP Thread

    Yeah, that IS pretty dumb. I liked Kyle's comment a few pages back, where he said he's running the "Ban People Who Ban My Ads" software. Too funny.
  5. F

    New 6800GS

    Try this: fire up one of the games where you have this problem. Play it for a while, then leave it running while you hit Ctrl-Alt-Del. Check your memory usage. If it's over 1GB you might be running into hitching, and upgrading to 2GB would help. But to be honest I don't think that's your...
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    New 6800GS

    How much RAM is on your system?
  7. F


    Just to add to the chorus.. If you're getting this error and are heavily overclocking your system, set everything to stock speed and see if the error goes away. 3D gaming is one of the best ways to uncover system instabilities, far better than any individual stress test.
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    Best Thermal Paste for Bare Core

    Just out of curiosity, would/how would 23K gold leaf compare to indium? Isn't gold pretty much the best metallic heat conductor there is? $25 for a book.
  9. F

    Best Thermal Paste for Bare Core

    Found a source for Indium foil. Crazy expensive, but if someone wants to try it I'd love to hear about the results.
  10. F

    Circuit city advanatage is a scam

    That sums it up nicely. Extra retailer warranties are a scam 90% of the time. I've got my "yeah, right" look down to a science, to the point where checkout clerks at these places don't even ask.
  11. F

    AGP card in the 200 dollar range!

    They sure as hell are. E.g. Newegg is already out of stock on three of their 7800GS cards, even though they began to ship just over two weeks ago. Obviously they're selling extremely well.
  12. F

    AGP card in the 200 dollar range!

    Can you guys even read? The latest Forceware beta has two device entries for 7900GS. Yes, 7900GS.
  13. F

    Any way to add rubber drive grommets when there's no room?

    The two drives are 15K.4's, and are the loudest component in the system. Can you explain what you mean by "drill the holes in the drive clearance" and "bolt from the inside with rubber inside the drive"? I'm trying to picture it but can't.
  14. F

    Any way to add rubber drive grommets when there's no room?

    I have an OEM Antec case and am very happy with it, except I'd like to add some rubber grommets to the hard drive cage. Unfortunately this is the older style Antec cage with zero clearance between it and the sides of the hard drives. Is there a way around this? If not, does anyone sell just...
  15. F

    AGP card in the 200 dollar range!

    If the 7800GS continues to fly off store shelves like Wonka bars you better believe a 7900GS AGP is a real probability. In fact if you look at the INF in ForceWare's latest beta there are two device entries for a 7900GS.
  16. F

    What is your favorite brand of memory and why?

    I voted for Corsair. Just have had excellent luck with their memory, and their tech support unlike just about every other U.S. company is still LOCAL.
  17. F

    Hmm....Panaflo + SI-120 = rattling?

    I can hear them click even when they're not undervolted. Very faint, but it's there. It could be that Panaflos are otherwise so quiet, bearing noise is a little more noticeable over wind noise compared to most other fans. Check out this recording of an FBA08A12L from SPCR's site...
  18. F

    AGP card in the 200 dollar range!

    I'm bucking the trend here by recommending you wait until March, when Nvidia releases their new crop. The 7800GS is already under $300, and after the 7900 begins to ship you should see prices on the 7800GS drop pretty close to or even below $200. The 7-series offers image quality features and...
  19. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    Yes, nice to see manufacturer participation in this group. Especially Corsair. If OCZ and other manufacturers published IC Inquiry lists, like what's available for Corsair dimms at houseofhelp, it would eliminate my primary (and only major) gripe with heat spreaders.
  20. F

    Overclocking 7800 GS

    From email exchanges with Nvidia I don't think your claims are accurate. According to Brian Burke and others, the reason Nvidia went with 16 pipes instead of 20 on the 7800GS was because of "power budgets". Apparently designing 20 pipes (or more) on an AGP card is a challenge because of the...
  21. F

    ATI's advertised HDCP claims = false

    ATI had "HDCP Ready" listed in their official 9700 Pro specs for over three years. ATI removed the reference last week. Their action speaks for itself, doesn't it? What else was "HDCP Ready" supposed to mean to the average consumer?
  22. F

    Undervolting a Northwood

    Chris, that 3.45GHz/288MHz FSB is phenomenal at stock voltage. Will most 2.4's do that, or did you just get lucky? My 3.0C will handle only ~240MHz before I have to start cranking the voltage. 1.6V is enough to get it completely stable at 3.825GHz, and I don't want to run any higher with the...
  23. F

    Undervolting a Northwood

    It's possible, but the decrease will be nominal before you start running into problems. You'll have better luck reducing noise with a high-end passive cooler on the chip (e.g. fanless Ninja w/ 120mm Nexus rear exhaust fan) rather than trying to undervolt it and using a lesser cooler.
  24. F

    who's still stuck in AGP?

    If you plan to do video recording on a long-term basis, being locked in with a capture device on a video card is pretty stupid. Get yourself a separate (and superior BTW) $60 card and you'll never have to worry about VI again.
  25. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    I think we'd need to sit around and yell, so we could hear each other over all the fan noise. :p But I bow to your 285MHz FSB. If I ever need to do particle physics experiments or predict global climate changes I'll give it a whirl.
  26. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    Has anyone ever demonstrated an o/c benefit of running TCCDs over 2.8V? I assumed too much in my last response, and will take your word that TCCD gets hot at 3.0V. My point was, TCCD runs cooler at its top end than BH-5 does at its top end, so any potential benefit from heat spreaders is even...
  27. F

    Possible to Convert DVI to VGA?

    My understanding of HDCP (which is very limited, so bear with me) is that it follows the signal.. It will not output a HD signal to any device that's not HDCP-enabled. There are provisions within the HDCP spec to output a reduced resolution signal to non-HDCP-enabled devices. So while he might...
  28. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    If your TCCD's get burning hot at 2.8V you don't have adequate airflow in your case. Mine are running 255MHz 2.5-3-3-7 1T without spreaders and the chips at full load only get moderately warm to the touch.
  29. F

    Possible to Convert DVI to VGA?

    STB's with DVI output have been HDCP enabled for a few years now. Unless you're using a HDCP enabled video card + monitor + recent MS Vista beta you'll get nothing but a black screen.
  30. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    If TCCD's ran as hot at 3V as BH-5's do at 3.4V I could see your point. What I said is that TCCD's cannot be run at voltages where spreaders might make a difference (e.g. 3.4V) without the risk (in fact probability) of frying them. I explained it in a previous response.
  31. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    Let's review. First you claimed: >> If heatspreaders do nothing, then explain why processors use them (of course, they >> call then heatsinks. same thing.) Which is a crock, even technically, for reasons explained here. Then you claimed: >> the last time I looked for (and found) an...
  32. F

    Is this 2.6c northwood idle temp right?

    A basic explanation of C1 can be found here: C1 reduces power consumption by intermittently stopping a CPU's clock and by freezing the CPU's registers during these "off" periods. Temperature reductions caused by C1 vary widely depending on CPU and...
  33. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    For your viewing pleasure, here's a recent review from Corsair. The difference between having spreaders and not was, at most, 4MHz of overclockability, and that was seen only with higher voltages (3.4V). These results are well within the margin of fudgability...
  34. F

    HDCP Downrez Is For Analog Plugs Only!

    How many times have we heard that protection schemes would be unbreakable? Microsoft claimed exactly that with WPA, and a half dozen hacks and cracks were available within a month of its release. Or Macrovision? Or Sony's audio CD protection scheme, which they spent $200,000,000 developing...
  35. F

    Corsair attacks OCZ heat spreader claims !

    No need to, because you're exactly correct. If you look hard enough you can find in-depth dimm reviews, with temps compared using heat spreaders and not using them, and in every case the spreaders either made no difference at all or just a degree or two. I've never seen a single case where...
  36. F

    Help Building ULTRA320 SCSI RAID...

    The answer to your first question is yes, and the second is no. I looked at exact specs for your drives, and they can push a max of ~90MB/s each on their outermost cylinders. Two of them in RAID0 will add another 40-50% to that. So the Ultra2 cage at 80MB/s will definitely be a bottleneck, but...
  37. F

    What about my old 9700 PRO?

    I play SS2 at 1280x1024 and Q4 at 1024x768 on my 9700 Pro. Runs great. You might want to peek at the required system specs for these games. E.g. Q4's minimum recommended video card is an ATI X300, which has 200 MHz slower memory and 1/3 the peak bandwidth of a 9700 Pro.
  38. F

    What about my old 9700 PRO?

    That's sort of backwards. First figure out what games you're interested in, and try it on your 9700 Pro. I'm also using one and except for F.E.A.R., I haven't run into any game that hasn't played perfectly at 1024x768 with most or all eye candy turned on. Most of them run equally well at...
  39. F

    Help Building ULTRA320 SCSI RAID...

    Two possible problems with this cage: 1. It's got an Ultra2 backplane (you'll be limited to 80MB/s total) 2. Most cages are attached to motherboards with proprietary cabling, and attached to systems with proprietary mounts. Also note the mention of "no trays or cables included". At a...