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  1. H

    Windows 8 - media center pack - FREE

    Just got an email from MS, reminding to activate the Win8 Media Center key by 1/31/2013. Does that mean it will expire after that day?
  2. H

    Acer Aspire 5313 no post

    Grandson"s Acer laptop will not Post past the Acer splash screen. Black screen with blinking cursor only. Still able to enter BIOS with F2 key and make changes. Cooling fan runs for second or two then stop. HD tested good, re-sitted memory sticks. Any idea? Thanks
  3. H

    LCD for photo and Cad work

    thanks for all the info, I'll look into Dell, still have a 150.00 credit with them. jt
  4. H

    LCD for photo and Cad work

    Sorry for the lack of details. I am in the US. Looking for something in 22 to 24 in. at around $350 to $400. Mostly for my wife's Embroidery Digitizing and old photo touch up work. Just need for it to display sharper image and more to "true color" that her Dell 1907fp can. Our old eyes are not...
  5. H

    LCD for photo and Cad work

    Need a new LCD for photo and cad work only. Recommendations please. Thanks jt
  6. H

    SATA DVD drive and Gigabite GA-MA69GM-S2H

    Problem solved. Set IDE 0 to none, so the bios will look elsewhere for the DVD drive. Thanks jt
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    SATA DVD drive and Gigabite GA-MA69GM-S2H

    "CD/DVD might refer only to IDE devices" It seems that is the case. CD/DVD is not on the HD boot order. No settings for sata dvd drives in the bios either.
  8. H

    SATA DVD drive and Gigabite GA-MA69GM-S2H

    Installed a Pioneer sata dvd drive on a GA-MA69GM-S2H MB. Everything works fine until I try to boot from the dvd drive. It will boot off the dvd drive if the hard drive is blank, no OS installed. But will not boot off the dvd drive if there is an OS is installed on the hard drive. It is...
  9. H

    Plextor 712A will not read ISO image burnt to DVD

    Did not notice the problem before, Burnt a 600mb ISO image to DVD with a Plextor 712A, the DVD will not work in the same drive, neither read nor boot from it. But the DVD works fine in other drives. The same ISO burnt to a CD by the same drive works fine in it. Data or movie DVD burnt in...
  10. H

    Need help repairing Vista Home OS on a laptop

    Worked on this puter some more this morning. Can't get to the eRecorvery menu anymore. Instead, I am getting: File:\Boot\BCD Status:0xc000000f Info: Error while attempting to read the boot configuration. Did the boot sector has gone bad? Removed the drive from the laptop and hooked it...
  11. H

    Need help repairing Vista Home OS on a laptop

    The "Recovery" option is still on the boot menu. When booted with that option, there is about 10 min of drive activity with a blank screen, then the mouse pointer appears, follow by another 5 min of drive activity. After that, nothing but the blank screw and thew mouse pointer. The mouse...
  12. H

    Need help repairing Vista Home OS on a laptop

    Grandson screwed up Windows OS on his Acer Aspire laptop. Windows goes in a reboots loop during startup. Startup Repair does the same thing. He has no recovery disk for the puter. Can I use my Vista Utimate disk to do an OS repair on it? Thanks
  13. H

    Painfully Slow!!!!!

    Tried it on 2 different computers, same result. The thing must be bad, returning it in a few days. Thanks JT
  14. H

    Painfully Slow!!!!!

    Pickup a 4GB USB Micro Center house brand flash drive a while back. Trying it out yesterday, took over 10 hrs to copy 2.4 GB of files form one puter, then another 10 hrs to copy it back to another puter. Is it suppose to be this slow ? jt
  15. H

    Vista Ultimate vs Server 2008 Workstation

    There is/was a Howto for this in PDF format on the net, but all the links I can find for it are dead, Anyone has a working link for it? thanks
  16. H

    K8NGM2-NBP problems

    Before I RMA this MB for the third time, maybe someone here knows what the problem is. The original board was a MSI K8NGM2-FDI, ran well for 11 months, then died. Fans spind, but no post, no beep, no vid.. RMAed the board, got the board back after 3 weeks. It was DOA, still no post, no...
  17. H

    Black Edition 5000+ Fun

    What would be a "comfortable" temp. to run this chip @ 3.0 G ? I am running one 27C idle, 39C max.. thanks JT
  18. H

    Need help with IR Blaster

    Disc, thanks for the reply. I had tried some other PVRs, such as Beyoundtv and GB. They all work well with the card, but not the IR Blaster. I am having hardware problem also, the IR emiter came with the card no longer functions. The red thing sits infront of my stb does not light up when...
  19. H

    Need help with IR Blaster

    Need help with IR Blaster Newbie needs some help getting IR Blaster to work !!! Installed a hvr 1600 and the bundled softwares including IR Blaster. Dish STB connected to hvr1600 via Svideo cable. Everything seems to function correctly. I can use Wintv2000 to watch and record live tv...
  20. H

    Vista 'test' release build 5728 - now public

    Do I need a CD key to install this ? JT
  21. H

    BFG 7600gt PCIE for 114.50 AR @ Newegg

    Got mine on Friday. While a X800gto will not work with the A8N-e, this thing works right out of the box with no problem. 3DMark scored 3075. Fan noise is lower than the X800. 48c idle, 65c loaded. I am happy with it. JT
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    Ultra X-Finity 500W Power Supply $9 AR Shipped Free

    Just recieved it from UPS, it is the mirror finished one. jt
  23. H

    SAPPHIRE X800GTO problem

    Old dog needs help with new toy !!!! Just put together a new puter with the following spec.: Cpu AMD Opteron 148 HSF Scythe Ninja Plus Thermalright HR-05 chipset cooler MB Asus A8N e, 1010 bios, 6.67 chipset driver Ram...
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    Samsung 940 LCDs

    I believe the 940T is 8 bit panel. Can anyone confirm that. There is not much info on the 940T anywhere . JT
  25. H

    Samsung 940 LCDs

    Now that I have brough everyone in the family a new lcd monintor, it is time to replace my old Samsung crt. I use the puter mostly for AutoCad, PhotoShop and some movies. Other than testing out games for the grand kits, I am a non-gamer. Which lcd is better for my use, 940B or 940T ...
  26. H

    OEM Opteron 144 at Monarch for 136.69 Shipped

    Anyone knows if this price is good for in-store pickup ? I go up to their area about twice a week. Hate to pay shipping and sales tax too. Thanks JT
  27. H

    MSI geforce 6150 instock @ the egg

    Thanks for the instructions. However, only 3.0 and 3.10 is on MSI . 3.13 is the one I would like to try, since it supports C&Q. I am not having any problem with 3.0 ATM, I will wait for the next official release. Btw, is flashing in "True DOS" no longer the prefered method anymore ...
  28. H

    MSI geforce 6150 instock @ the egg

    Which is the correct Flash Utility to update the BIOS on this MB , AFDOS404 or ADSF1719 ? AFDOS404.exe comes with BIOS 313. ADSF1719 .exe comes with BIOS 310. I tried to use AFDOS404, but the number of switches this file uses is intimidating. Can someone help with some guidlines and...