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  1. W

    Anyone else have one of these?

    Hehe.. AtromicMoose. I have no idea why that's funny.
  2. W

    is it bad.....

    Same here... especially if I come home and it's mine that's been turned off... Very few things aggravate me more.
  3. W

    Could not connect to Work Server?

    No problem, it's what I'm here for :) I think a lot of people have been having issues. I had the same thing happen a few days ago. I just kept the client going and it eventually connected and uploaded my work and downloaded a new WU.
  4. W

    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    Just passed 125k.. moving along slowly but surely :)
  5. W

    Could not connect to Work Server?

    Stanford is having some network issues. Official post from the Stanford News page:
  6. W

    Go for Google

    Congratulations everyone, amazing job. Good to know someone can beat Google at something ;) Granted they weren't trying anymore but... what can you do :)
  7. W News

    The news is updated, go check it out, tell me if I missed anything ;) Duster, PM me if you want to work out some kind of schedule, or we can just post it up as we find it.
  8. W News

    Thanks again King :) And yeah, Smoke is right. If anyone has any DC related news to share you can PM me and I'll check it out. It will be amazingly helpful, especially right now when I'm playing catchup.
  9. W News

    Well if no one else wants to do it, I might be able to help. I don't have any official qualifications, but I can read and write.. and I do spend a disturbing amount of time in the DC forum, so I'm usually pretty up to date. Wouldn't take me much more effort to check out Stanford and the UD...
  10. W

    SMP Deadlines?

    Yanked from the beta thread a few pages back (Thanks Killer): Current projects are: P2610 - 1523 points, deadline 4 days P2651 - 1760 points, deadline 4 days P2652 - 1148 points, deadline 3 days Looks like your fine.
  11. W

    Windows SMP FAQ/Install Guide

    Basic Windows SMP Install Guide: Make sure you have the Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0. You can get it here. if you need it. Download Windows SMP client from here: Windows SMP Client Run the self extracting EXE. Go to the directory you installed it into and run "install.bat". You should...
  12. W

    Windows SMP frame them here.

    And my results from the horrendously slow 2610. [18:44:51] Project: 2610 (Run 1, Clone 323, Gen 0) [18:44:51] [18:44:55] Entering M.D. [18:45:01] Rejecting checkpoint [18:45:02] Protein: Protein [18:45:02] Writing local files [18:45:03] Extra SSE boost OK. [18:45:04] Writing local...
  13. W

    Windows SMP frame them here.

    Here are my numbers for another protein. 2652. [13:31:35] Project: 2652 (Run 0, Clone 193, Gen 0) [13:31:35] [13:31:36] Entering M.D. [13:31:42] Rejecting checkpoint [13:31:42] Protein: Protein [13:31:42] Writing local files [13:31:43] Extra SSE boost OK. [13:31:43] Writing local...
  14. W

    Windows SMP frame them here.

    Yeah I'd been noticing that there weren't many AMD results... I know we must have more Dual Core AMDs out there. And it looks like the extra cache on my Opty actually helps with the SMP client compared to your X2 Killer.. wasn't expecting that. Might be some other random factor though. I...
  15. W

    Windows SMP client is now open beta.

    Yeah, I'd say that's a bit better than my 395 PPD average right now. I'm making more points per Ghz than I was total before. SMP FTW!
  16. W

    Windows SMP client is now open beta.

    Ok, I've been running the client for a bit now, here's a better measure of my times. [01:16:10] Project: 2651 (Run 0, Clone 70, Gen 1) [01:16:10] [01:16:12] Entering M.D. [01:16:18] Rejecting checkpoint [01:16:19] Protein: Protein in POPC [01:16:19] Writing local files [01:16:20]...
  17. W

    Windows SMP client is now open beta.

    Here's my first numbers, P2651 like I said. Surfing and burned a Linux CD, so that hurt my time a bit. System in signature. [01:16:19] Protein: Protein in POPC [01:16:19] Writing local files [01:16:20] Extra SSE boost OK. [01:16:21] Writing local files [01:16:21] Completed 0 out of...
  18. W

    Windows SMP client is now open beta.

    Just installed, working fine it looks like. Crunching 2651 here, hasn't completed a frame yet but I'll post the times when I get them.
  19. W

    Ramp to Win [H]|DC Raffle (Sign-up Thread)

    Count me in, been a bit since I've done a contest.. or posted at all. Stupid work.
  20. W

    Interested in Joining - Some Questions

    Make sure when you run the config, choose advanced options and make sure to set your machine IDs to 0 and 1 for cores 1 and 2. If you did that, somebody else will have to chime in :)
  21. W

    New cancer treatment patented

    Excellent! I hope this pans out... even if it will be a while before they get to and through human trials... Sounds like they might be on to something though.
  22. W

    Arctic Silver on Video Cards - Bad Idea?

    I think it's only really an issue if you use it on the memory chips. I think it's easy to short out stuff with AS5 if it gets on the circuitry. I think Ceramique can be used though. Someone else can probably be less vague... I've been smelling Vinegar fumes all morning... cleaning out my...
  23. W

    The Linux SMP client is owning me.

    Thanks for the help guys.. I am using 6.10, I thought it was the newest stable release? That PC is currently disassembled right now though, installing water cooling (lower temps = higher clocks = more folding power FTW). I'll try that command when I get it up and running again. If...
  24. W

    The Linux SMP client is owning me.

    Ok, first, it's important to note I'm a complete Linux noob. I just installed Ubuntu and have been playing with it, but I want to get the SMP client running. I'm following all the directions on Stanford's site.. got the files into the directory, but when I try to run the client (using...
  25. W

    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    Ha! Christmas was good to me this year, but not good enough to just throw together a C2D machine... Not like my 2.6Ghz Dual Core Opty is slow... I am upgrading my cooling to water though, so I should be able to add a few more megahertz. I am thinking about adding a Linux partition and...
  26. W

    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    80K sometime yesterday I think... 293 WUs and 858th in the [H]orde. Not too bad for one PC.
  27. W

    DC Rewards Program: Phase 1 Rewards Tracking

    Ouch, I need to work on my production.. looking at 6/27/2010 for the 500,000 mark and 11/20/2017 for the 1.5mil mark. That hurts.
  28. W

    The UFO Gallery

    Here are the close-up pictures I promised... sorry about the dust, my camera picks up things I can't even see. :cool: As you can see, plenty of space inside. I plan on watercooling it at some point, maybe around tax return time.
  29. W

    The UFO Gallery

    Yeah I love mine... so easy to work on. I've got all sorts of respect for people who can build a rig in a small case... but I've gotta have my space. I'll try to throw a few close-up pictures on here tomorrow. Not too much to see though, unless you like fans.
  30. W

    The UFO Gallery

    Here's a few of mine, I'll get some closer pictures when I have the chance.
  31. W

    Signs of progress?

    Yeah it can take a while on some of these proteins... There are several that take me 2+ days to complete.
  32. W

    Poll: Do you use AMD Cool’n’Quiet™ feature ?

    Opty 170 I don't use it... Computer folds 24/7 anyway.
  33. W


    Overclocking isn't really for people who are in a hurry.. easy way to blow up your stuff... Take your time and don't forget to stability test... (and you thought changing the bios settings took a while ;) )
  34. W

    Anyone own a Rheobus?

    I'm sure someone will come in and answer for sure, just wanted to agree about the LEDs... I have 2 Sunbeams that stay on full most of the time (I fold so I need to keep the air going). They give off enough light for me to navigate around my room with all the other lights off.
  35. W

    Question for Ninja owners

    I'm only using one fan (the one that came with the ninja plus). Pushing air through the heatsink and towards the back.
  36. W

    2006 Post Your Workstation

    I like big cases :) My UFO is the easiest case I've ever worked with.. and I plan on upgrading to watercooling in the near future so the extra space is nice.
  37. W

    2006 Post Your Workstation

    Before I post my workstation I feel obligated to let all of you know that for some reason my camera has a tendency to make my large Widescreen LCD look strangely like a Samsung CRT. :confused: ;) I just cleaned up the wiring around my desk today, still needs a bit of work. Let...
  38. W

    Tired of the outdated UD agent - moving to FAH

    Welcome to the [H]orde!
  39. W

    Why do you fold?

    I fold because it's the right thing to do. I have literally no reason not to. I can afford the extra power usage, so why not put my pretty decent (and rather expensive) rig to a good use. So it folds 24/7. Doesn't matter if I'm watching a movie, surfing the web, or playing a game. The...
  40. W

    How much do you pay for power?

    I think we pay $0.073.. it's not actually listed on the bill, so I divided it out... Memphis Light, Gas, and Water.