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  1. H

    NZXT Announces The DOKO PC Streaming Device Framerate too choppy for video Response time too slow for many games Oh dear :(!
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    Memorable Overclocking-Friendly CPUs

    I remember having 2 x Celeron 300As in an ABIT BP6 (dual CPU board), ah now that was computing ;)
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    Linus got a new favorite, 4K is out !

    There is a lengthy thread about two posts down ;)
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    34" 21:9 UltraWide Displays (3440x1440) - LG UM95/UM65 & Dell U3415W

    That looks pretty amazing to me :)
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    34" 21:9 UltraWide Displays (3440x1440) - LG UM95/UM65 & Dell U3415W

    New page from LG Oh my!
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    The [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Thread - READ requirements in first post

    Here's my WHS Housed in an Antec1200 case, built around an AMD4400+ and an A8N-SLI.
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    Avivo video converter thread

    It's just a pile of carp, doesn't seem to work at all.
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    Do i need a board that supports CrossFire to use 4870x2?

    No you don't works fine on my IP35 Pro which is PCI-E 1.1
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    4780X2 : One core running HOT!

    Fired up two GPU-Z's and watched the temps/rpm/load rise, once I quitted my game both cores have dropped back to 507Mhz Core 500Mhz Memory. Obviously just a driver bug.
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    4780X2 : One core running HOT!

    Hi, One of the cores on my Sapphire 4870X2 is running at 82 degrees:- Looks like this Core is running at full whack Looks like this Core is running reduced Any way to get the other Core to stand down ;) Cheers HEADRAT
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    Vista X64 Hibernate : Wake Up

    Ah! I've manages to fix sleep state, I'm using MCE standby tool and the latest drivers for Hauppauge Nova T-500 and now the tuners work when I wake up from sleep :) Yay! Thanks HEADRAT
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    Vista X64 Hibernate : Wake Up

    I have s3 enabled + the ability for USB to wake up system in the BIOS (set to any key) I'm only using the power button to "wake up", I'm using the "hibernate button" off the start menu to hibernate. I want to use "hibernate" instead of "sleep" as my Hauppauge Nova T-500 has problems waking...
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    Vista X64 Hibernate : Wake Up

    Hi, My Vista X64 box will go into S3 hibernate (fans/psu off) but I can't seem to wake it up with keyboard/mouse the only way I can get it to "wake up" is to press the power button again but if I do it goes through the bios/raid bootup screens agan. How do I make it just wake straight...
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    Should I step up to X-Fi Prelude?

    Sorry I don't follow you, these are the speaker option I have an DD Live is enabled This is going out over the SPDIF, I don't have any coaxial cables connected and I'm getting sound from all 5.1 speakers. Thanks HEADRAT
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    Cracking sound with Auzentech Prelude

    Try this also see:- HEADRAT
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    Should I step up to X-Fi Prelude?

    I wouldn't the drivers aren't up to much, I'm outputting over SPDIF (Dolby Digital Live) and using X-Fi CMSS-3D (Stero Surround) to upmix to my speakers and I'm constantly getting problems with looping sounds e.g. the card will stop respoding and just play a loop of a tiny bit of sound...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Just take :- 1 x 8800 GTX (2x DVI) 1 x 8600 GT (2x DVI) plugged into 3 x 2407WFP 1 x Sanyo Z4 not great video quality but you'll get the idea!
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    Jumbo Frames and NIC's : Settings

    Hi, I'm just fiddling about with the MTU size but my NIC's (in seperate machines) show:- Realtek NIC Jumbo frames 2KB MTU 3KB MTU 4KB MTU 5KB MTU 6KB MTU 7KB MTU NVidia NIC Jumbo frames 1500 bytes 2500 bytes 4000 bytes 9000 bytes I'm not familiar with the notation on...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    The Xbox is plugged in via VGA, the PC can run the third sceen as well, 2 x 8800 GTX. Usually I use it something like:- Screen 1 = Full screen VMWARE box Screen 2 = Native Machine Screen 3= Media Center or WMP if I want to be really flash:- Screen 4 = Sanyo Z4 720p Projector ;)...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    3 x Dell2407 (AO4) Non HC
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    WMV HD : Windows Media Audio 9 Professional

    What about if I only want to use digital out?
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    WMV HD : Windows Media Audio 9 Professional

    Hi, Now I'm sure many of you have downloaded the clips off of:- so I downloaded Robotica and it show that it's audio is:- Windows Media Audio 9 Professional 384 kbps, 48 kHz, 5.1 channel 24 bit...
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    Vista Gigabit Networking

    Nobody able to help?
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    Vista Gigabit Networking

    Hi, I've got a Vista Ultimate box and 2 x MCE2005 linked up via a Gigabit network, now the transfer rates between the 2 x MCE2005 boxes are fine and if I push a file from the MCE2005 boxes to the Vista box again the transfer rate is what I expect (approx 20/30%) Now if I try and push a...
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    2 x 7800GTX and A8N-SLI-PREMIUM

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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I work hard, I play hard ;) To be honset I don't, I've just put the normal stands back on (which are much nice than the 2405 stands), the neoflex arms just struggle with the weight and aren't really that great for dual. Cheers HEADRAT
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    Can someone please explain to me the Dell warranty for their monitors please

    As long as you can confince them that there is a fault that they'd RMA then yes, obviously Dell don't continue to manufacture old TFT for RMA so you may get a refurb or if you're lucky you may got the new model of the screen you purchased so you may get a 2007FP HEADRAT
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    SATA to IDE

    Hi, I want to connect two external SATA hard drives to an IDE RAID controller ATA133, I'm sure there most be an adapter but I'm finding it really hard to find one, there are plenty for connecting IDE drives to SATA controllers but I want it the other way around HEADRAT
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    Can someone please explain to me the Dell warranty for their monitors please

    In my experience Dell send a courier with your new montior once they have agreed to RMA, this courier also picks up the monitor you are sending back. I RMA'd a 2405FPW for a thunderbug behind the screen on Thursday last week, they dropped off a new monitor on Friday and took the fault 2405...
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    Official Dell 2407WFP Thread - Reviews, Revisions, Screenies

    My two 2407WFP's (A02) supported by Neo Flex Vesa arms. HEADRAT PS Buying some cable tidy's for under the desk tomorrow ;)
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Dual Dell 2407WFP on Neo Flex Vesa Arms. HEADRAT
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    A8n-sli-premium : Siren!!

    OK sorry siren/tone whatever, the crappy music is UT2K4! Thanks for your incredibly helpful post! Yep both cards have power. HEADRAT
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    A8n-sli-premium : Siren!!

    Have you listened to the wav file, this is not a whine its a siren ;) Also when playing say UT2K4 the siren doesn't go off all of the time, sometimes it does go off but as soon as you move it goes off again. HEADRAT
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    A8n-sli-premium : Siren!!

    Yes but I don't think its actaully necessary if you are using a 24 pin PSU but I did anyway just incase, I've tried it with it plugged in and without still get that horrible siren. HEADRAT
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    2 x 7800GTX and A8N-SLI-PREMIUM

    Hi, OK what the hell is this siren its driving me mad I've just installed a second 7800GTX into my rig for some SLI fun (which works fine) but I get this horrid loud siren, I think it's coming from the MOBO but its so loud I really can't tell...
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    A8n-sli-premium : Siren!!

    Hi, OK what the hell is this siren its driving me mad I've just installed a second 7800GTX into my rig for some SLI fun (which works fine) but I get this horrid loud siren, I think it's coming from the MOBO but its so loud I really can't tell...
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    XP Bridging

    Hi, So as per the diagram I'm trying to move from a setup where I use ICS to bridging the two networks together. At the moment the Xbox360 lives on a seperate logical network using ICS and this is causing some problems with using the 360 as an extender. The problem is when I bridge the...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Dual 2405FPW's on Neo Flex stands. HEADRAT