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  1. J

    Vista vanishing network connections

    First off, I haven't been here in a few months. I wanted to change my email address to my new one, but I can't because it's gmail. The email address I have in my profile does not exist anymore. I use Alltel EVDO now and they don't give you any email slots to my knowledge so why can't i use my...
  2. J

    Why dose the 8800gts beat the 3870?? (texture fill rate)

    These cards aren't in the same category really... The 3870's are too new to compete against the proven performers. I have 2 Diamond 3870's. I never really pay attention to any type of comparison tests any site uses because they are ALL biased from the get go. None of them ever use an AMD CPU or...
  3. J

    Which beta driver to use for 3870 Crossfire in Crysis?

    I am using this one The top one is the one i'm using. Crysis runs very high @ 1440x1050(max supported by monitor)No AA very smoothly. I can't really MAKE the game faulter but then again I'm only up to the tank level since my fresh OS install. I...
  4. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    Lol yah it's not a phenom. The score on the left is mine(13380) not the 30k one. Thats just sick...
  5. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    I didn't have access to business 64 bit, which is what I wanted. I only got the upgrade to ultimate but all the disks are the same for 32 bit. I did a clean install, didnt put my cdkey in, then 'upgraded' officially with the product key a 2nd time and it activated to geniune just fine. It's...
  6. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    I went out and picked up a copy of vista ultimate yesterday. I installed the 64 bit version. I am pleased to say that everything is working as it should. The only issue I have is with the realtek audio manager keeps telling me my front headphone/microphone are getting plugged and unplugged all...
  7. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    YAY FOR VISTA! xfire is working! I haven't played games with it, but am planning to after this. I just wanted to post that Vista(oddly enough) is my savior! Here's some results. note that cpu-z is off. My cpu, having checked amd's site and not seeing any cpu drivers for vista, is auto...
  8. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    I got a hold of vista buisness today and installed it. So far i've only tried crysis and I can run that on very high 1280x1024 no AA very smoothly on just 1 card. I'm scared to try 3dmark or the 2nd card, but I'm installing games now to see how they run in vista with just 1 card. As a side...
  9. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    Ok well it worked UNTIL I installed 3dmark06. As soon as I installed and ran it, it was back to normal 20fps max. I tried the games again after I aborted the test and they performed like shit, just like the 3dmark test. The interesting thing I've learned from this is if I uninstall these...
  10. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    Yes I believe I've had a breakthrough! A friend of mine sent me a link on aim which was That. The top one. Installed it. crysis is runnign awesome, cod4 is running friggen awesome running from 80-240fps on the demo level(i have retail, just...
  11. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    quicktime isn't installed on fresh OS install.
  12. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    I did a lot of testing today after work. Tried a few more things to try and fix my issues with xfire without success. To Derangel: yes, both cards were tested in each slot. To Zinn: It's a 790x chipset. The one with only 2 pcie lanes. The 790Fx's are the tri and quad pcie boards. Now onto the...
  13. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    Ok I pulled a stick out, did a fresh driver install, installed 2nd card, same thing. xfire is just refusing to work right. I am currently awaiting my last 3dmark test to finish on 1 card for the reply I'm going to use over on the OC forums. I'll post a link to it here also. I got test result...
  14. J

    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    I have 2 Diamond viper HD3870's. My first attempt at running 3dmark06 in xfire was a catastrophic failure, but not in the sense that you guys are thinking. My first score was a 4319... yes thats total 3dmark06 score. Both cards were installed right. I tried many many things to get improved...
  15. J

    Is a 8800GT 512mb enough for 1920x1080 CS:Source on full settings?

    I may have the name Just2Stoned but that does not mean I am too stoned to realize this game is too old to hold any relevant ground in terms of graphical goodness. CS:S will run on a lot of PC's. My point to my comment is that you don't need to run CS:S @ 100fps or 120fps or even 200fps because...
  16. J

    Is a 8800GT 512mb enough for 1920x1080 CS:Source on full settings?

    Why are you still playing counter strike? Geez grow up and play a real game like BF2 or Unreal. Stop living in the past and live in the now. :) Seriously CS is like the Playstation 1 of computer games. We are playing PS3 and 360 games now. :) I expect to be flamed for the reply but really stop...
  17. J

    Overclocking, Xfire, and Crysis.

    I have not gotten the Hotfix yet because it didn't look like I needed it. I read somewhere else that the only thing the hotfix did was upgrade your driver to 7.11's (which I have). I will get it tonight and test it but I'm pretty sure it will not make a damn bit of difference. Heres what AMD...
  18. J

    Overclocking, Xfire, and Crysis.

    Forgot to mention that I'll be upgrading to the 3870's soon, but I still think I should have some sort of improvement with Crysis in Xfire. Forgot to mention that with Xfire enabled, the Loading screen actually loads twice as fast than with 1 card, but thats it....
  19. J

    Overclocking, Xfire, and Crysis.

    This may belong in the overcocking section but I'll ask here anyway. I have 2 HIS IceQ Turbo 3 512mb X1950pro Cards running in Xfire. I have been trying to tweak Crysis to run at a respectable framerate on High settings. Right now I am running All High settings @ 1280x1024 with no AA. I get...
  20. J

    Dual X1950PRO any seen a review?

    Ok I see that he is talking about a different card, but I do in fact have 2 X1950 PRO 512mb cards running in Xfire on a crossfire motherboard. Mine are NOT just regular 1950's. Mine also did not cost $400 each. I paid $200 each for a total of $400 US dollars. Upgrading from a 256mb X1800XT...
  21. J

    Dual X1950PRO any seen a review?

    I have dual x1950pro's. I didn't write a review, but it's damn close to it, here is the thread
  22. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    Using ATItool .27b I managed to clock my cards in at 621/816. I've raised my FSB on CPU to 260mhz giving me 2.602ghz. Temps on CPU after the CPU test 1 and 2 are never higher than 54c. Temps on GFX cards never go past 47c. With that said I got a little more out of my rig. There was mention of...
  23. J

    A Good OC for a x1950GT?

    My CPU's max operating temperature is between 60-70c. I have 2 x1950pro's in xfire over clocked to 620/793 (max according to CCC). Using atitools .27b and setting both fans to 100% my cards right now at idle are at 34c. After running 3dmark06 they never go past 47c. Personally I think that is...
  24. J

    Eventvwr in WinXP for an ATI X1800XT

    That seems just a bit warm for my tastes for a card. Even if it isn't the cause, you may want to open up your case and clean any dust in it that may have accumulated. My PC has shown signs of chugging when my old x1800xt got a bit dusty. After a cleaning it went back up to normal. Did your fan...
  25. J

    Eventvwr in WinXP for an ATI X1800XT

    I thought someone may have helped by now. I still don't have a solution for ya but I thought I might ask if you had these errors with the 7.4's or 7.3's. I was always told by friends and msg boards that if I had errors related to new drivers to rollback. I guess this applies to any piece of...
  26. J

    Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Overclocking

    It's a manchester. Here's a screenie. The temps you see on cpu-z are at idle.
  27. J

    Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Overclocking

    I've managed to get mine overclocked to 2.5ghz from 2.0ghz stock with the Zalman cooler listed in my sig. 3dmark06 temps after the 2 CPU tests were 52c and 48c immediately after the tests. After the 4 other standard tests CPU temps were around 44-46c immediately after the tests. Temps at idle...
  28. J

    Eventvwr in WinXP for an ATI X1800XT

    I had a Saphire 256mb X1800XT before upgrading to twin HIS IceQ3 Turbo 512mb X1950pro's and never had that issue. I am only replying to let you know that someone will probably ask you what version catalyst drivers you are using. I have no clue what any of that means but it does show...
  29. J

    X1950Pro 512mb

    I posted a thread called: "dual HIS x1950pro's" with some 3dmark06 score pics in there. I run every game I have at maximum graphics and AA with the exception of Everquest 2 which Is still shaky on high quality(2 more settings higher are available too; very high quality and Ultra I do believe). I...
  30. J

    Xpertvision Radeon HD 2900XT ?

    I tried looking for the package contents for you but I couldn't find any sites that sold it listing the package content. I tried....
  31. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    I decided to go for broke and overclock the snot out of my CPU. I upped the FSB to 250mhz(2.502ghz) and overclocked the cards to their max: 620/793. I am very pleased with the outcome! CPU temps after each CPU test were at 52c for test 1 and 48c after test 2. I may be able to squeeze some more...
  32. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    I'll just post 3 so I don't get in trouble with all the pics... and in action..even though you can't see anyting... and all closed up...
  33. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    Ok I bumped the voltages down to 1.3 and temps haven't exceded 56c under load but if you say it'll run fine at 1.2v than I'll swap it back. At idle it's reading 36-38c. My friend Roadkill tells me to try the catalyst 7.5 drivers yesterday so I did. I also used CCC to overclock the GFX cards to...
  34. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    ok i've been playing around with the overclocking. Set the ram to 166 mark and have all other settings set to a guide I found with a user who has same mobo and cpu. stuff such as setting voltages to +100v, 1.4v etc. I can go into details a bit later as i'm still tweaking around with it. Right...
  35. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    I enherited the CPU from a friend who upgraded to an fx60. He has exact same mobo as I do and he had it running at 2.4ghz but I can't get it to do anything past 2.1. I can post what my settings are at but for the most part I use the auto ai overclocking option in the bios, the settings that let...
  36. J

    X1800XT clocks

    I used to run an X1800XT 256mb PCIe card. I have a screenshot here that may or may not help you. The card was bios flashed when I got it. Oh and it's made by Saphire
  37. J

    dual X1950pro 512's

    System Specs: Athlon X2 3800+ @ 2.10ghz Asus A8R32 MVP Deluxe Xfire mobo 2gb Dual Channel RAM (4x512mb with heatsinks) 600w SLi power supply 2 HIS X1950pro 512mb PCIe IceQ3 Turbo video cards 400gb HD space(2x 200gb@ 7200rpm) Antec 900 gaming case Ok so It's my birthday today and...
  38. J

    Official 3dmark06 scores here (please read first post before posting)

    3dmarks = 4517 SM3 score = 1879 SM2 score = 1879 CPU score = 1494 PC specs: Athlon 3800+ X2 (stock speeds) w/ Zalmann heatsink Sapphire 256mb X1800XT (688gpu/801mem) latest catalyst drivers as of 1-9-07 Asus A8R32 MVP deluxe socket 939 crossfire mobo 1.5gb PC3200 400mhz DDR (unknown brand) w/...
  39. J

    Sapphire X1800XT 256MB owners post here

    I installed it, and just ran it. Not sure what you mean by the 2D/3D mode however as this is my first ATI card. You may want to talk to Roadkill, who replied to this thread. He may know more about it as he was at my house helping me set the new card up. Here is a list of what I installed...