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  1. K

    The Lian Li Gallery

    Odin75 - Yeah thats true, i didnt want the port sealed up against the desk. Also the case has an outlet blower on the left side so I couldnt have that up against the desk either. The sub looks and sounds just fine this way so I think its the ideal position, epsecially in terms of wire...
  2. K

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Yeah for sure i considered putting it on the right too, but it was going to be more painful wiring it there so i decided to flip it. Otherwise the desk vibrated bit, as that sub's packing quite a punch.
  3. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Cute teddy bear :cool: Or is it a koala?
  4. K

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Yeah for sure definitely looking forward to NFS:PS. Afterall, Its got the Evo X :) Cant wait to try out Crysis on the new system either.
  5. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    The main desk? I looked around at several places but finally settled on this one from Office Depot. Size-wise it seemed to fit my space best, it was about $600CDN.
  6. K

    The Lian Li Gallery

    Quest TM100 :)
  7. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    The speakers were the biggest pain to wire, as I probably have a couple miles of extra wire behind that desk :p The tower itself wasnt too bad (relatively speaking), managed to get most of the wires neatly stowed away.
  8. K

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Z-5500's here. Working flawlessly after a good 6 months now.
  9. K

    The Lian Li Gallery

    PC-6070 Plus II here.
  10. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Samsung 215TW here.
  11. K

    Just finished a Socket 478 to Socket 775 build

    I actually managed to get a decent rebate on the PSU until the 31st so decided to take the plunge. It seemed to be a compact version of the Galaxy and they have some pretty good features so figured why not. As for the X-Fi yeah I've heard of the problems with Vista. Is this something thats...
  12. K

    Just finished a Socket 478 to Socket 775 build

    Just finished a new build on a system that was long overdue to retire the current setup I have running here. a P4 3.2GHz Prescott, Abit IG7-C using the 875p, 2x512MB DDR, X850XT AGP and a 120GB hard drive to... Prices are in Canadian dollars, and ofcourse the item's listed as $0 weren't...
  13. K

    PSU to power 8800 Ultra SLI?

    Great choice :) Was going to recommend that myself. The power output should be quite sufficient for your system, not to mention the reliability and quality you're getting.
  14. K

    Best possible 700-1000w psu

    Enermax Infiniti 720W should be adequate or the Enermax Galaxy 1KW if you really need that kinda power.
  15. K

    Favorite Lian Li case?

    I'll go with the PC-6070B Plus II the V1100 Plus II. Just cant find that kind of build quality and construction in any other case manufacturer. Simply put Lian Li > *
  16. K

    Anyone else now waiting for Kentsfield?

    same boat here defiant007. am on a socket 478 (prescott) and an agp system at the moment and the temptation to build a monster pc once kentsfield rolls around, is too big considering its only a few more months away. heck ive lasted a few years on this system so whats another 6 months eh :) plus...
  17. K

    DFI Releases 2 New Motherboards for Conroe

    agreed, thats going to be a hot combo indeed. wonder if its worth waiting for the asus versions of the rd600 though? curious to know when those are expected.
  18. K

    nvidia 7950 work on Asus P5W DH Delux

    why not wait till the 590 sli intel edition mobo's are out? might get more out of your investment here :)
  19. K

    Conroe did not win!

    have you considered visiting a homeoutfitting store to update the furnishings in your hole?
  20. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    thats just a Ferrari sticker I put on there. Its actually a Logitech Momo wheel.
  21. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    its a 215TW :)
  22. K

    My 244T arrived!

    sexy looking monitor indeed :) great specs too it has. how much is it worth?
  23. K

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    thanks towert7 :) yes it is possible to keep it on the floor ( about 3 feet below monitor) or behind the monitor itself. finally i went with above (only 1 foot above my head) seems to work fine from there. the monitor is a recently purchased 215TW, quite happy with it too :)
  24. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    i used to get mine refilled at first but i found a better deal of late where it worked out better to just buy new cartridges. with refilling, just make sure you do the nozzle cleanup regularly to make sure the pattern is alright. thats the only problem i had.
  25. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

  26. K

    The Conroe Motherboards Thread

    would be nice to have this stickied :)
  27. K

    ASUS 975X "Core 2" Motherboard Available On Newegg

    any one know if it offers crossfire in dual x16 mode?
  28. K

    Conroe: We're !!

    umm yeah but unlike the gpu industry, you dont have a new generation coming out every 6 months. so whoever holds the crown infact will hold it for a while most likely. currently its amd ofcourse and has so for a while and its looking quite likely that intel is getting set to hold onto it for a...
  29. K

    Info request on Logitech's Z-5500

    thanks man. set it all up yesterday after bit of rearranging. subwoofer is now atleast 75inches from my tower and monitor. but got another question now. at the moment im using the 6 channel direct connections and was wondering how to make use of the digital coax connection on the back of the...
  30. K

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Hey deusfaux just noticed you had a z-5500 setup as well. i was wondering what speaker stands you used, and what arrangement you used to attach the rear speakers to the stands? Or are they just sitting on there. Kinda hard to see from your pics. And yeah I hope that sub wont mess up the hard...
  31. K

    Info request on Logitech's Z-5500

    Just bought these 2 days ago, havent set them up yet though. will do that once I find stands for the speakers. My question though is how far is the distance from the nearest edge of the sub to the nearest edge of your tower? Given the shape of my desk that distance for me is coming out to be...
  32. K

    Gateway 21 or Samsung 21" (215TW)

    i have the samsung 215tw and physically i would say theyre more or less comparable in looks. as for backlight X bleeding its barely noticable, nothing compared to what the vx2025wm suffers from , which I tried for bout a week before the sammy
  33. K

    Samsung 215TW

    thanks senakun :) well i have an x850xt but it struggles a little with these new sims at 1680x1050 so i think an upgrade might be needed pretty soon to keep up. i think i need a new desk soon...there was just enough place with my previous 19" LCD with with this widescreen one its bit of a tight...
  34. K

    Samsung 215TW

    Well yeah I dunno why the heck they would put it on the left. Was blocking the entire left row of icons on my desktop :p
  35. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    thanks :) but no thats just a regular landline cordless phone :p
  36. K

    Samsung 215TW

    just picked it up yesterday and very pleased with it so far. no dead pixels either woo hoo! got it for $599.99 + GST from Futureshop. Quite happy with the way it handles 4:3 games too automatically (dont need to go into the OSD as it switches to 4:3 automatically when launching a game in a 4:3...
  37. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Just picked the 215TW yesterday, quite happy with it :)
  38. K

    17inch compared to 20inch widescreen.

    awesome link, thanks snowdog!
  39. K

    QUAD CORE AMD coming in a month! Motherboard showing off today

    wow targetting gamers with a system which takes 2 dualcore FX cpu's at ~$1000 each sounds like a good deal...not :rolleyes: