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  1. S

    Samsung 225BW HDCP?????

    So my room mate and I both bought some Samsung 225BW monitors a couple months back. We were ecstatic to have 22" widescreen monitor and overjoyed that it had a sticker on the front that said HDCP! However, we didn't give it a second thought as neither of us have HD DVD players as of right now...
  2. S

    Overclocking on P5B-VM

    ahhh I can't turn my PIC-E freq. higher than 120 or it won't see my SATA II drive :( I have gotten it up to 2.6 GHz! Any ideas how to make it faster? and also when I run 3dmark 05 or 06 it shutsdown my PC. Event ID in event viewer is 1001. The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck...
  3. S

    Overclocking on P5B-VM

    if you figure out how to change the multiplyer please let me know!
  4. S

    Overclocking on P5B-VM

    No change with a BFG 7600 GT. I thought that might be it as well. I have played with a lot of things to see if it will go higher. The highest I've gotten it to work at is 2.49, which is what its at right now and running well.
  5. S

    Overclocking on P5B-VM

    Well you can be certain that as soon as I get a vid card I'm switching MOBOs
  6. S

    Overclocking on P5B-VM

    I just got this set up E6400 P5B-VM 1 GB Geil PC 6400 (800 Mhz) I have the same issue, I got it to go up to 305 FSB with the PCI-E @ 110. What is the deal with this mobo? adjust speed as you wish. It should say adjust speed as you wish and then I won't boot! another question...