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  1. P

    980ti 4k gaming - is adding a second card worth the investment?

    I'm curious, off the top of your head, which games have the best scaling at 4k, and which have the worst?
  2. P

    980ti 4k gaming - is adding a second card worth the investment?

    I think the reason was AMD has the first run of memory modules secured over NVidia.
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    980ti 4k gaming - is adding a second card worth the investment?

    What is the time frame on the next generation? Isn't it in the distant future? Reports have indicated it's most likely Q3 or Q4 2016.
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    980ti 4k gaming - is adding a second card worth the investment?

    Let me first say, 4k is awesome. I love it. However, one 980ti leaves me right on the short side of what I consider acceptable frame rates. In most games I can set them to ultra, and then bump a few of the big performance hitting settings down, and I'm around 40-50fps, which I can live with...
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    So you're now saying the patch wrote itself? Can you program? I'd like to hire you.
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    Now you're irrationally assuming every single AMD user is going to boycott every developer that doesn't cater to their performance aspirations. That's absurd. If AMD is unable to pull out of their nosedive, they will eventually go out of business. Then what are you going to do? Quit gaming...
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    They didn't take shortcuts, your way down on the priority list. There will be no flood, lol. AMD users do not possess sufficient market share to affect any substantial change, and it's shrinking every day. You claim I'm hung up on nameplates, yet you feel compelled to force developers to...
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    Has anyone in here attempted to play a 4k x265 video file?

    Awesome, thanks! Now my WMP works. I figured it was trying to software decode.
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    It's also important to understand all of the complaining done by the AMD community hurts them in the long run. People (myself included) hear the constant complaints and problems by AMD users requesting special patches, fixes, waiting for patches before playing games etc. When it's time to...
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    The purpose of that statement was to explain the futility of that mindset.
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    That's been said for the last decade. Meanwhile AMD's market share shrinks further and further. It's because AMD users are not a priority, as evidenced by your own experiences. It's not about "learning to program." It's about having the time to optimize for a small minority of their...
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    For most developers the consoles are the priority, and the PC is secondary. Usually the visual improvements you see are disabled features on the console sacrificed to meet the frame rate target. If a few features have a decent visual impact, or it's highly requested, the project lead may...
  13. P

    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    While the Witcher uses some NVidia optimizations, it also SLI scales like total garbage (18% @ 4k). So it's pretty indiscriminate from a hardware manufacturer point of view. A minority utilizes SLI, it isn't priority.
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    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    I've worked as a modeler and artist for a few developers, and this is a pretty common sense approach I would think is self evident. It's not necessarily who has the best optimization and proprietary implementation, it's the consumer base that drives these kinds of things. It's not about "fair"...
  15. P

    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    That's what you see as an AMD customer, because that's how it directly affects you. What about from the perspective of a developer? Can they not prefer a particular manufacturer due to the ease of integration, or the visual impact of those 200 tessellation points?
  16. P

    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    I'm a little indecisive on the whole NVidia/AMD optimization debate. I am getting a little sick and tired of the AMD whining about how they feel neglected. I'm starting to have the opinion that if neither are going to set some sort of standard, someone needs to take the lead and move forward...
  17. P

    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    Yeah it got better with the more recent patches. It went from like 40% FPS impact to like 20%, didn't it? Seems absurd for a finesse effect.
  18. P

    Has anyone in here attempted to play a 4k x265 video file?

    I can tell you right now, an i7 6700k isn't enough CPU to software decode h.265 at 4k. My CPU was at 104% utilization (don't ask me, windows 10) and I was getting intermittent stutters and freezes. I had to download windows player classic, which uses GPU acceleration, and that lowered my cpu...
  19. P

    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    From what I've seen it's poorly implemented and murders performance (see Witcher3 Hairworks). The mark of a good engine is being well optimized. GTA5 is the perfect example of a perfectly optimized engine that scales beautifully. Crytek is the perfect example of a poorly optimized engine that...
  20. P

    Fallout 4 to feature Nvidia Gameworks.

    I'm wondering how my single 980ti will do at 4k. Debating whether or not I should add another one for SLI.
  21. P

    Has anyone in here attempted to play a 4k x265 video file?

    I've recorded and played back several 4k videos without any issues. However, for some reason, I cant play x265 videos in WMP, VLC, or 5K video player. It almost seems like some sort of driver or hardware issue. Has anyone had any similar experiences or ideas? Fixed it, bad codec installation...
  22. P

    Any word on when the Samsung SM951 NVMe availability?

    Yeah, I assumed that would be the case, but I haven't seen any product annoucements, have you? That's probably 6 months+ away if it isn't even on the horizon yet I would assume.
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    Any word on when the Samsung SM951 NVMe availability? First time I've seen one for sale domestically. 512GB available mid october.
  24. P

    SLI question... mATX board... touching video cards?

    I honestly don't see how the top card gets any air flow being literally a few millimeters away from the other card. Just how much hotter do they run? Doesn't that cause them to throttle?
  25. P

    SLI question... mATX board... touching video cards?

    That's a really cool build. I can't make out what case that is, but it looks like a Corsair Air 240. I bought that case (actually still have it in the corner) and my 980Ti Classifieds don't even come close to fitting, they were hilariously too large. So I must assume those 980Ti SC's are much...
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    SLI question... mATX board... touching video cards?

    I have it installed in a Thermaltake V21, which actually has a pretty decent amount of room for a cube case. I've never actually seen an extender up close, it would only have room for a few millimeters of depth (assuming there is no IC's in the way). I did the custom loop game for the better...
  27. P

    SLI question... mATX board... touching video cards?

    I'm sure this is probably a commonly discussed thing, but I'm curious how exactly this is going to work. I have an evga 980ti classified (the biggest video card ever). I'm looking to add a second in SLI, however I'm staring at the PCI-E slots on my Maximus VIII Gene, and the top cooler's fans...
  28. P

    latest and greatest mouse pad?

    cant find anyone that sells it. amazon has no listing, newegg doesn't have it, ESEA doesn't have the gtfx (just about all of their vendors on their website).
  29. P

    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    lol yeah I can tell you right now, that wont work. I cannot even get the card seated in the case, period. The problem is the shelf past the IO shield mount, it simply cannot fit. I tried installing the card and then sliding the mobo into place, but it hits the rim of the case. All of the...
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    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    Does anyone have a Fractal Node 804? What are your opinions of the case?
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    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    That's a good point. It's hard finding good solid GPU fitment information.
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    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    Depth as in the width of the card (how far it stands off the motherboard), not the length. From what I was reading it has 160mm of depth for the GPU. My 980Ti Classified is 158mm deep, meaning I wouldn't be able to attach any power cables to it (I presume I would need 20mm additional...
  33. P

    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    Unfortunately I'm doing SLI on a mATX board, and I believe the M1 is a Mini-ITX, isn't it?
  34. P

    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    I'm primarily (and I should have mentioned this earlier) looking for a cube form factor case. Here is the hardware I'm installing: Intel i7-6700k H100i GTX cooler Asus Maximus VIII Gene mATX (2) 8gb Corsair Vengeance DDR4 (2) eVGA 980Ti Classified (2) 2.5" SSD's Samsung SM951 NVMe...
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    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    I'm considering this case, I like the way it looks. I'm a little turned off by the gigantic hole between the two sides and the random white (?) components, though.
  36. P

    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    I don't believe it will fit a 980Ti Classified, it's not deep enough, which is the problem I ran into with the Air240.
  37. P

    Welp, my 980ti doesnt fit in my case, what mATX cases will?

    Apparently a 980ti classified doesn't fit in a corsair Air 240. Not even close. What mATX cases can fit an evga 980ti classified in them? Anyone care to chime in?
  38. P

    Bad Memory on Z170/Skylake build?

    Nothing some black plasti dip can't fix.
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    Bad Memory on Z170/Skylake build?

    I couldn't agree more. I got a chrome IO Panel with my Gene.