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    Rare Find! AMD K5 PR200

    .... Wait what? Those are 'rare'? How rare? I have about six of 'em (ranging from 300MHz to 550MHz) sitting in my closet.
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    Ultra Aluminus: My thoughts (and yours too!)

    Well (honestly) I got this case when I couldn't find one of the full-atx Raidmax 668 cases (or w/e the numbering system was) on newegg anymore. I'm happier with the Aluminus than I would have been with the 668, though.
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    Ultra Aluminus: My thoughts (and yours too!)

    I've had the case for a while now, but I haven't really read any reviews or personal opinions on it from anyone else. So, here's a mini-review of my own. *sorry for the bad picture quality :( The case is VERY light, easily lighter than my LCD. It (as the name alludes to) is...
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    Corsair 650 TX enough for the GTX 260?

    Why do people seem to think they need huge PSU's to run newer graphics cards? I really don't understand this trend in a 'bigger is better' mentality.
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    Merry X-mas!

    Maybe I'm in denial, but I think my G92 is still plenty powerful... *sniffle* Merry Xmas btw :)
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    Do you remember your first graphics card?

    First 'real' graphics card was a MONSTROUS Voodoo 2... at the time, I had no idea what it was. My first graphics card that I purchased for gaming purposes (don't laugh damnit) was an MX4000 (PCI) with an incredible 64mb's of video memory. I was running a Pentium III based Celeron at 1GHz with...
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    Friends Computer build

    i am NOT partial to this motherboard - MSI P7N SLI - and honestly i run a P6N (650i) in my rig. i'm not sure what's going on, but it seems like there have been a very bad batch of 750i chipset motherboards lately... i've had three that simply wouldn't post. also, maybe i'm a dual-core...
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    Hidden Desk Computer

    Wow, nice worklog! I'd like to see a finished product in the near future :) Also, did you ever figure out a way to protect your paint job? If not, I'd suggest just using weather stripping to pad the case from the metal.
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    Quake Live beta

    I think I'll just leave this here, just in case... [email protected] ^___ I'd love you forever and a day, and probably name my first born son after you. I know that doesn't mean much these days, but hell I thought I'd give it a shot. :p
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    2008, a terrible year for PC gaming.

    You just broke my heart. :( I loved Left 4 Dead. I currently attend and lead the PC Gaming club of Florida Tech, and it's all we've been playing at our LAN's. It's sincerely a fun game.
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    Quake Live beta

    Gah! Holy hell that would be fantastic! To anyone that does get invites; PLEASE post screens asap! :)
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    New Duke Media

    By the time they release this game (should it ever be done) they'll have gone through four or five game engines. Haven't they already had to scrap two?
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    Xbox 360 this possible?

    wait... i think i'm going to bust out an mspaint masterpiece. here's a 25ft VGA extension for less than 10$ at newegg.
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    Delta Force: Angel Falls

    The Delta Force franchise is a black sheep to PC gaming.. you know it's awful, but for some reason you love it anyway. The original and DF2 got me into FPS gaming(along with SOF I &II).
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    I can't see how people deal with splitscreen.

    I agree wholeheartedly with Azureth; LAN gaming on a console pales in comparison to a true PC gaming LAN party. Just thought I'd throw this out there, you can also play splitscreen on the PC version of L4D, I don't know the command offhand though.