Search results

  1. M

    Budget 13 or 14 in laptop help?

    hmm.. the dell looks reasonable but they only offer Windows 7 32bit for some reason? other than that either the out of stock toshiba or the asus look good (even if the asus is really expensive. Is the i3/Nvidia M210 that much better than the Turion II/HD 4225 that the price bump is worth...
  2. M

    Budget 13 or 14 in laptop help?

    My 3 year old laptop has finally bit the dust and I need help finding a new one for college. I need a laptop to lug around campus and take notes in class, so a 13 or 14 inch laptop is the biggest that I can get. I'm going to use it to take notes, write papers, watch/listen to music and some...
  3. M

    New keyboard

    cool, is it possible to turn off the led back lights though? Sometimes I leave my computer on during the night and I think I would find all that light distracting.
  4. M

    New keyboard

    My $10 keyboard from fry's had a unfortunate incident with my dog who thought it was a chew toy :(. Since it is after finals I decided to get a new keyboard, your input would be appreciated. I don't play WoW so macro keys are unnecessary. I actually spend most of my time typing up papers, with...
  5. M

    In need of new low end video card

    Meh, the pny is a good deal so im gonna bite even with the iffy CS that they have. Thanks for the help guys!
  6. M

    In need of new low end video card

    hmm.. neither fry's or pny's own website list the memory type. Do any of you know how good pny's customer support is? I want to avoid the problems I had dealing with Asus CS.
  7. M

    Extra Item in Shipment

    Legally speaking, you can treat the free motherboard as a gift and keep it even if newegg wants it back. Link - Should be under the "Unordered Merchandise" heading. Morally though, its up to you. Masashi
  8. M

    In need of new low end video card

    Corsair HX620<---- I got a deal for buying two at once:D I think I remember something about the HD3xxx series running a little hot on idle? the GSO seems kind of tempting but I'm out of cash so it would unfortunately go on my almost maxed credit card (cars are way too expensive to repair...
  9. M

    In need of new low end video card

    My x800 has been causing my computer to crash for a while and now that the fan on it is dying on my secondary 939 comp ; I need a pcie based replacement. I'm willing to go up to $40 but lower is better, I was thinking of the x1650pro on newegg? I've been out of the hardware loop for awhile and...
  10. M

    New build, been away from comp news for awhile

    AS5 is better? Thanks!
  11. M

    New build, been away from comp news for awhile

    Finals are too time consuming:mad: Intel Core 2 E8400 Asus P5Q Pro EVGA Geforce GTX 260 (216) WD 6400AAKS G. Skills 4gig DDR2 800 xigmatic hdt-s1283 120mm rifle cpu cooler + kit. and AS ceramique. Thanks to all you guys (and girls) for the help on my build!:p M.
  12. M

    New build, been away from comp news for awhile

    Im thinking of going with: Intel Core 2 E8400 Asus P5Q Pro WD 6400AAKS G. Skills 4gig DDR2 800 EVGA Geforce GTX 260 (216) xigmatic hdt-s1283 120mm rifle cpu cooler Few questions though: Is the bolt-thru-kit necessary for the xigmatic? I've heard good things about arctic silver ceramique...
  13. M

    New build, been away from comp news for awhile

    Whats a better mobo than the p5q? haha, I use photoshop once in awhile but its only to touch up photos for me and my friends/family so I don't think that a quad would really be necessary. Later on , I will probably experiment with a light OC just for kicks, do you guys know of a good CPU...
  14. M

    New build, been away from comp news for awhile

    This build is geared toward gaming and listening to music. Budget is $1000us (but lower is better?) Have from old build: Antec p180 Corsair 620HX 620 psu (willing to change if not enough) 1080p tv as my main monitor with a smaller monitor in addition kb&m samsung 20x dvd burner (IDE) I was...
  15. M

    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    Count me in :P
  16. M

    MGS4 - Missed Joke :)

    Or just use the grenade launcher, with it it doesnt matter if she's exposed or inside her armor or not.
  17. M

    Desk you use for your 30" monitor?

    my officedepot onyx desk fits a 30'' nicely. Usually they have it for ~100 instore. Link Masashi
  18. M

    FS: PS3/PS2 games + Controllers

  19. M

    FS: PS3/PS2 games + Controllers

    bump. pics added.
  20. M

    FS: PS3/PS2 games + Controllers

    bumpity. Things changed.
  21. M

    FS: PS3/PS2 games + Controllers

    bump. prices lowered.
  22. M

    FS: PS3/PS2 games + Controllers

    Bump. Pics added, prices reduced.
  23. M

    Sony Discontinuing 80GB PS3?

    Thanks for the info! Bestbuy allows that late of an exchange?
  24. M

    FS: PS3/PS2 games + Controllers

    Had to cut back on gaming,so I don't really need to hold on to these anymore. Oh, prices aren't clad in iron. send me some offers. no low-ballers though. PS2 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Mint) - $10
  25. M

    GT5 delayed until 2009 in uk

    Link Kind of annoying but not surprising considering game release history. Although importing shouldn't be a problem
  26. M

    Anybody notice the newegg ad mispelling at the top.

    Meh, A small spelling mistake happens to everyone eventually.
  27. M

    what do you do w/ games you don't like?

    Rofl. You owe me a new keyboard and I have to stop eating cereal while surfing the web.:D
  28. M

    More Broadband Could Have Huge Economic Impact

    Thats not inherently bad. And eventually basic broadband will cover rural areas, but this would probably be around the same time frame that fiber becomes the standard for cities because thats how technology adaptation tends to be. Because the radio spectrum is limited and there are more...
  29. M

    Sony Discontinuing 80GB PS3?

    Did he have to send the box and accessories or just the ps3 unit itself(I don't know where my box went)?