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  1. B

    Abit IP35 Pro and 1.8v memory

    I purchased and installed this motherboard this past weekend. I have it paired with 2GB of G.Skill DDR2-800. The problem is that I kept getting the BSOD with Vista and XP, both on fresh installs. I checked the memory and it was working in another system. But then I thought, well, the memory...
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    Quick question about Abit IP35 Pro

    I have just installed the IP35 Pro this past weekend and a single 8800GTS. Yes, it looks like it would obstruct that first PCI slot. There are two other ones below it that should be open however.
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    Antec P182 - Will it house this?

    I have the P180B. Yes, you can fit a single 8800GTX in this case, provided that you remove the upper HDD cage completely. You'll need to especially if you are going to SLI. I used an 8800GTS (shorter than the GTX) and was able to have the upper HDD cage still there with a hard drive...
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    Antec p180 bottom cage cooling

    I've had 3 P180's and found them to be a pain to wire. But, there is light. I just got a P180B (with improvements found on the P182). The basic layout is still the same, but wiring is a lot easier. I want to use the bottom HDD cage because I have an 8800GTS that runs into the upper HDD cage...
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    post pics of ur p180/p182/190s

    Haven't posted any pics of my recent P180B build, but I can tell you that disassembly of the P180/182 is going to be tough. There are parts that are riveted on, so you'd have to tape it in some paces to paint. I was thinking about doing the black interior too though. I also wanted to work on...
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    Would you go from Lian Li pc 68 to Antec pc 182?

    I'm an original P180 (no improvements - before the black version was released) owner. Moved to a Lian-Li PC-V600B, then back to a P180B (with the improvements). The Lain-Li's build quality was top-notch. They are beautiful cases also. The optical drive bezel is solid and elegant looking, but...
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    Stuff concerning Tuniq 120 and Antec P180B (again)

    I have a P180B with a Antec Trio Power 650w and that stupid "fan only" connector seems to only supply a low voltage. I had it hooked up to the rear and top fans and the speed control on the back didn't seem to work. Between low and high, the fan speed didn't seem to change. I'm guessing they are...
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    P35 with PCI-E 2.0

    Maybe they couldn't? I mean, Intel knows that the P35 will out sell the X38 (mainstream vs. enthusiast), and there isn't really a need for PCI-E 2.0 right now. It's like DDR2 and DDR3, there isn't a need for the latter, because there is a huge investments of users into DDR2. I remember moving...
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    P35 has dual PCI-E 16x slots?

    So is 16x/4x better than 8x/8x? I've read in several places where there is a battle about 16x/16x vs. 8x/8x SLI performance. Not that I'm going SLI, but what if I went with 650i where I get 8x/8x (1x GPU & 1x PPU)? What's better for a single graphics card and a physics card?
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    Abit IP35 (Bearlake)

    Actually, I think it was $229 at Fry's (Manhattan Beach, CA store) when I was there on this past Saturday. The Deluxe was going for $299, if my memory is correct. Fry's is always more than online stores. Of course, I saw some retards looking at the board and getting all excited, so there are...
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    P35 has dual PCI-E 16x slots?

    First, I don't care about SLI or Crossfire. I ran a few SLI setups and wasn't impressed enough to continue the trend for my next build. Second, sorry if this was posted anywhere else on the forums, but I couldn't find a definitive answer. Now, I'm looking at Asus P5K Deluxe or maybe even...
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    Lian Li PC-V600B for Antec P180B

    I have an Lian Li V600B (with optional optical drive bezel) mini-tower case that I've used for about 2 months that I'd like to trade for an Antec P180B. Or, I'll sell it for reasonable price. Sorry, no pictures, and the only blemish is one of the screws stripped the card slot rivet, so...
  13. B

    Anyone order a P180B lately and get a P182?

    Of course, I meant that you might get older stock, thus, no improvements. I had one of the original P180's (before they had a black version). Now I have a P180B with the improvements, although I know that when first released, the black version was exactly the same as the original P180 without...
  14. B

    Anyone order a P180B lately and get a P182?

    The only difference between the P180, P180B and P182 right now seems to be the color (silver, black and gunmetal, respectively). The P180B that I got has all features that the "newer" P182 design has, and you save roughly $40. So you pay extra it seems for that gunmetal color. The P182SE has...
  15. B

    Anyone order a P180B lately and get a P182?

    I got my p180b last week and it seems to have all the updates that the p182 has. I'm happy because I didn't want the gunmetal finish for an extra $40-$50 over the black finish. Especially now that I get all the "new" features that the p182 has. Awesome case. I only wish that I could turn on...
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    WC the 650i SLI?

    I have the same board and I've been able to get some modest OC on it without NB cooling. I was purchasing some water cooling things from FrozenCPU and thought that I would get this heatsink for the NB. I figured 7 bucks to get it cool for now, what the hell? It works wonders. I've been able...
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    l1ght's WaterCooled V600

    This is sweet. I have a V600 that I was thinking of using the Apogee block on. I was concerned about the clearance, but if you could do with the Storm, then the Apogee should be OK. Thanks for giving us V600 owners hope.
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    Asus P5N-E broken NIC

    Wait. I'm good now. I re-flashed the BIOS and reset CMOS and it's working again. I have no idea what the problem was, but I'm glad I didn't have to deal with Asus tech support or RMA'ing the board.
  19. B

    Asus P5N-E broken NIC

    Yes. I've been in the BIOS a million times tweaking everything (not OC'ing) to get this to work. It did work, just seems that the BIOS flash (with EZ-Flash and a USB flash drive - went off without a hitch) killed the NIC. Any other ideas?
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    Asus P5N-E broken NIC

    I just built a new machine with this motherboard. Unfortunately, for the life of me I cannot get the built-in NIC to work. On the first build this past weekend, it was working fine. I flashed the BIOS to the latest, and then it magically stopped working. I figured that since it seems to have...
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    4 weeks Free Online Rentals

    I just entered the code 1647TA and I got a 4-week free trial, just ten minutes ago. Seems the code still works.
  22. B

    e6400 $209 @ Compusa

    Here is the link to the deal on their web site. You can ship it or pick it up.
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    SN26P + 8800GTX

    Yeah, I cracked it open and took a look last night. I wasn't too worried about the PS, since I could always get one of them that is dedicated for video cards as an extra. I saw that someone (can't remember who) stuffed a 7800GTX in the G%, they just cut that side of the case to allow the HSF to...
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    SN26P + 8800GTX

    Awesome. I saw on Shuttle's website that they are stuffing an 880GTS in the P2 chasis. I'm thinking of trying to fit one (or maybe the 8800GTX) in an SN27P. Once I get the card (once I decide on which one, GTS or GTX) I'll see if I can fit either into my wife's SN21G5. Good work. Glad you...